

I never heard of her losing any time over anyone else. It's because she loves you. And why does Mr. McLean turn all of his valuable business over to hired men and watch you personally? And why is he hunting excuses every day to spend money on you? My father says McLean is full Scotch-close with a dollar. He is a hard-headed business man, Freckles, and he is doing it because he finds you worthy of it. Worthy of all we all can do and more than we know how to do, dear heart! Freckles, are you listening to me? Oh! won't you see it? Won't you believe it?""Oh, Angel!" chattered the bewildered Freckles, "are you truly maning it? Could it be?""Of course it could," flashed the Angel, "because it just is!""But you can't prove it," wailed Freckles. "It ain't giving me a name, or me honor!""Freckles," said the Angel sternly, "you are unreasonable! Why, Idid prove every word I said! Everything proves it! You look here!

If you knew for sure that I could give you a name and your honor, and prove to you that your mother did love you, why, then, would you just go to breathing like perpetual motion and hang on for dear life and get well?"A bright light shone in Freckles' eyes.

"If I knew that, Angel," he said solemnly, "you couldn't be killing me if you felled the biggest tree in the Limberlost smash on me!""Then you go right to work," said the Angel, "and before night I'll prove one thing to you: I can show you easily enough how much your mother loved you. That will be the first step, and then the remainder will all come. If my father and Mr. McLean are so anxious to spend some money, I'll give them a chance. I don't see why we haven't comprehended how you felt and so have been at work weeks ago.

We've been awfully selfish. We've all been so comfortable, we never stopped to think what other people were suffering before our eyes.

None of us has understood. I'll hire the finest detective in Chicago, and we'll go to work together. This is nothing compared with things people do find out. We'll go at it, beak and claw, and we'll show you a thing or two."Freckles caught her sleeve.

"Me mother, Angel! Me mother!" he marveled hoarsely. "Did you say you could be finding out today if me mother loved me? How? Oh, Angel!

Nothing matters, IF ONLY ME MOTHER DIDN'T DO IT!""Then you rest easy," said the Angel, with large confidence.

"Your mother didn't do it! Mothers of sons such as you don't do things like that. I'll go to work at once and prove it to you. The first thing to do is to go to that Home where you were and get the clothes you wore the night you were left there. I know that they are required to save those things carefully. We can find out almost all there is to know about your mother from them. Did you ever see them?""Yis," he replied.

"Freckles! Were they white?" she cried.

"Maybe they were once. They're all yellow with laying, and brown with blood-stains now" said Freckles, the old note of bitterness creeping in. "You can't be telling anything at all by them, Angel!""Well, but I just can!" said the Angel positively. "I can see from the quality what kind of goods your mother could afford to buy.

I can see from the cut whether she had good taste. I can see from the care she took in making them how much she loved and wanted you.""But how? Angel, tell me how!" implored Freckles with trembling eagerness.

"Why, easily enough," said the Angel. "I thought you'd understand.

People that can afford anything at all, always buy white for little new babies--linen and lace, and the very finest things to be had.

There's a young woman living near us who cut up her wedding clothes to have fine things for her baby. Mothers who love and want their babies don't buy little rough, ready-made things, and they don't run up what they make on an old sewing machine. They make fine seams, and tucks, and put on lace and trimming by hand. They sit and stitch, and stitch--little, even stitches, every one just as careful.

Their eyes shine and their faces glow. When they have to quit to do something else, they look sorry, and fold up their work so particularly. There isn't much worth knowing about your mother that those little clothes won't tell. I can see her putting the little stitches into them and smiling with shining eyes over your coming. Freckles, I'll wager you a dollar those little clothes of yours are just alive with the dearest, tiny handmade stitches."A new light dawned in Freckles' eyes. A tinge of warm color swept into his face. Renewed strength was noticeable in his grip of her hands.

"Oh Angel! Will you go now? Will you be hurrying?" he cried.

"Right away," said the Angel. "I won't stop for a thing, and I'll hurry with all my might."She smoothed his pillow, straightened the cover, gave him one steady look in the eyes, and went quietly from the room.

Outside the door, McLean and the surgeon anxiously awaited her.

McLean caught her shoulders.

"Angel, what have you done?" he demanded.

The Angel smiled defiance into his eyes.

"`What have I done?'" she repeated. "I've tried to save Freckles.""What will your father say?" groaned McLean.

"It strikes me," said the Angel, "that what Freckles said would be to the point.""Freckles!" exclaimed McLean. "What could he say?""He seemed to be able to say several things," answered the Angel sweetly. "I fancy the one that concerns you most at present was, that if my father should offer me to him he would not have me.""And no one knows why better than I do," cried McLean. "Every day he must astonish me with some new fineness."He turned to the surgeon. "Save him!" he commanded. "Save him!"he implored. "He is too fine to be sacrificed.""His salvation lies here," said the surgeon, stroking the Angel's sunshiny hair, "and I can read in the face of her that she knows how she is going to work it out. Don't trouble for the boy.

She will save him!"

The Angel laughingly sped down the hall, and into the street, just as she was.

  • 六道裂戒


  • 神月纪元


  • 就是喜欢你


  • 花月正方春


  • 世子宠妻:女医很倾城


  • 长相思兮,长相忆


  • 穿越世家:天命女之桑田笑


  • 诡事萌探


  • 法华玄义释签


  • 钥匙:吾心安处

