

"It's a dreadful hard name to write--Phronsie is," said Polly, as she guided Phronsie's fat little hand that clung faithfully to the stubby old pen. "There, it's over now," she cried; "and I'm thankful! Iwouldn't write another for anything!"

"Read it all over now, Ben," cried Mrs. Pepper, "and don't speak, children, till he gets through.""Don't it sound elegant!" said Polly, clasping her hands, when he had finished. "I didn't think we ever could do it so nice, did you, Ben?""No, indeed, I didn't," replied Ben, in a highly ecstatic frame of mind. "Now--oh! what'll we do for an envelope?" he asked in dismay.

"You'll have to do without that," said Mrs. Pepper, "for there isn't any in the house--but see here, children," she added, as she saw the sorry faces before her--"you just fold up the letter, and put it inside the parcel; that'll be just as good.""Oh dear," said Polly; "but it would have been splendid the other way, mammy--just like other folks!""You must make believe this is like other folks," said Mrs. Pepper, cheerily, "when you can't do any other way.""Yes," said Ben, "that's so, Polly; tie 'em up quick's you can, and I'll take 'em over to Deacon Blodgett's, for he's goin' to start early in the morning."So after another last look all around, Polly put the cakes in the paper, and tied it with four or five strong knots, to avoid all danger of its undoing.

"He never'll untie it, Polly," said Ben; "that's just like a girl's knots!""Why didn't you tie it then?" said Polly; "I'm sure it's as good as a boy's knots, and they always muss up a parcel so." And she gave a loving, approving little pat to the top of the package, which, despite its multitude of knots, was certainly very neat indeed.

Ben, grasping the pen again, "here goes for the direction.

"Deary, yes!" said Polly. "I forgot all about that; I thought 'twas done.""How'd you s'pose he'd get it?" asked Ben, coolly beginning the "M.""I don't know," replied Polly, looking over his shoulder; "s'pose anybody else had eaten 'em up, Ben!" And she turned pale at the very thought.

"There," said Ben, at last, after a good many flourishes, "now 'ti.s done! you can't think of another thing to do to it, Polly!""Mamsie, see!" cried Polly, running with it to Mrs. Pepper, "isn't that fine! 'Mr. Jasper E. King, at the Hotel Hingham.""Yes," said Mrs. Pepper, admiringly, to the content of all the children, "I should think it was!""Let me take it in my hand," screamed Joel, reaching eagerly up for the tempting brown parcel.

"Be careful then, Joe," said Polly, with an important air. So Joel took a comfortable feel, and then Davie must have the same privilege. At last it was off, and with intense satisfaction the children watched Ben disappear with it down the long hill to Deacon Blodgett's.

The next day Ben came running in from his work at the deacon's.

"Oh, Polly, you had 'em!" he screamed, all out of breath. "You had 'em!""Had what?" asked Polly in astonishment. "Oh, Bensie, what do you mean?""Your flowers," he panted. "You sent some flowers to Jasper.""Flowers to Jasper!" repeated Polly, afraid Ben had gone out of his wits.

"Yes," said Ben; "I'll begin at the beginning. You see, Polly, when Iwent down this morning, Betsey was to set me to work. Deacon Blodgett and Mrs. Blodgett had started early, you know; and while I was a-cleanin' up the woodshed, as she told me, all of a sudden she said, as she stood in the door looking on, 'Oh, Ben, Mis'

Blodgett took some posies along with your parcel.' 'What?' said I; Ididn't know as I'd heard straight. 'Posies, I said,' says Betsey;'beautiful ones they were, too, the best in the garding. I heard her tell Mr. Blodgett it would be a pity if that sick boy couldn't have some flowers, and she knew the Pepper children were crazy about 'em, so she twisted 'em in the string around the parcel, and there they stood up and looked fine, I tell you, as they drove away.' So, Polly!""Bensie Pepper!" cried Polly, taking hold of his jacket, and spinning him round, "I told you so! I told you so!""I know you did," said Ben, as she gave him a parting whirl, "an' Iwish you'd say so about other things, Polly, if you can get 'em so easy."

  • 轻狂红颜:大小姐威武


  • 王者战尊


  • 问弦


  • 莫在花拾


  • 英雄荡寇


  • 巾帼神匠


  • 吾辈非英雄


  • 形象决定命运


  • 魔门之首


  • 末世吸血使

