

"Be still," said Polly, trying not to laugh; "that's because he baked so funny; it made his feet stick out.""Children," said Mrs. Pepper, "how'll Jasper know where the cakes come from?""Why, he'll know it's us," said Polly, "of course; 'cause it'll make him think of the baking we're going to have when he gets well.""Well, but you don't say so," said Mrs. Pepper, smiling; "tisn't polite to send it this way.""Whatever'll we do, mammy!" said all four children in dismay, while Phronsie simply stared. "Can't we send 'em at all?""Why yes," said their mother; "I hope so, I'm sure, after you've got 'em baked; but you might answer Jasper's letter I should think, and tell him about 'em, and the 'gingerbread boy'.""Oh dear," said Polly, ready to fly, "I couldn't mamsie; I never wrote a letter.""Well, you never had one before, did your said her mother, composedly biting her thread. "Never say you can't, Polly, 'cause you don't know what you can do till you've tried.""You write, Ben," said Polly, imploringly.

"No," said Ben, "I think the nicest way is for all to say somethin', then 'twon't be hard for any of us.""Where's the paper," queried Polly, "coming from, I wonder!""Joel," said Mrs. Pepper, "run to the bureau in the bedroom, and open the top drawer, and get a green box there."So Joel, quite important at the errand, departed, and presently put the designated box into his mother's hand.

"There, now I'm going to give you this," and she took out a small sheet of paper slightly yellowed by age; but being gilt-edged, it looked very magnificent to the five pairs of eyes directed to it.

"Now Ben, you get the ink bottle and the pen, and then go to work."So Ben reached down from the upper shelf in the cupboard the ink bottle, and a pen in a black wooden penholder.

"Oh, mamsie," cried Polly, "that's where Phronsie bit it off when she was a baby, isn't it?" holding up the stubby end where the little ball had disappeared.

"Yes," said Mrs. Pepper, "and now you're going to write about her 'gingerbread boy' with it--well, time goes, to be sure." And she bent over her work again, harder than ever. Poor woman! if she could only scrape together enough money to get her children into school--that was the earnest wish of her heart. She must do it soon, for Ben was twelve years old; but with all her strivings and scrimpings she could only manage to put bread into their mouths, and live from day to day. "I know I ought to be thankful for that,"she said to herself, not taking time even to cry over her troubles.

"But oh, the learning! they must have that!"

"Now," said Polly, "how'll we do it Ben?" as they ranged themselves around the table, on which reposed the cakes; "you begin.""How do folks begin a letter?" asked Ben in despair, of his mother.

"How did Jasper begin his?" asked Mrs. Pepper back again. "Oh,"cried Polly, running into the bedroom to get the precious missive.

"Dear Miss Polly'--that's what it says."

"Well," said Mrs. Pepper, "then you'd better say, 'Dear Mister Jasper'--or you might say, 'Dear Mr. King.'""Oh, dear!" cried Polly, "that would be the father then-- s'pose he should think we wrote to him!" and Polly looked horror-stricken to the last degree.

"There, there 'tis," said Ben: 'Dear Mister Jasper'--now what'll we say?""Why, say about the cakes," replied Polly.

"And the 'gingerbread boy," cried Phronsie. "Oh, tell about him, Polly, do.""Yes, yes, Phronsie," said Polly, "we will--why, tell him how we wish he could have come, and that we baked him some cakes, and that we do so want him to come just as soon as he can.""All right!" said Ben; so he went to work laboriously; only his hard breathing showing what a hard task it was, as the stiff old pen scratched up and down the paper.

"There, that's done," he cried at length in great satisfaction, holding it up for inspection.

"Oh, I do wish," cried Polly in intense admiration, "I could write so nice and so fast as you can, Ben.""Read it, Polly," said Mrs. Pepper, in pride.

So Polly began: "Dear Mister Jasper we were all dreadfully sorry that you didn't come and so we baked you some cakes.'--You didn't say anything about his being sick, Ben.""I forgot it," said Ben, "but I put it in farther down--you'll see if you read on.""Baked you some cakes--that is, Polly did, for this is Ben that's writing.""You needn't said that, Ben," said Polly, dissatisfied; "we all baked 'em, I'm sure. 'And just as soon as you get well we do want you to come over and have the baking. We're real sorry you're sick--boneset's good for colds.""Oh, Ben!" said Mrs. Pepper, "I guess his father knows what to give him.""And oh! the bitter stuff!" cried Polly, with a wry face. "Well, it's hard work to write," said Ben, yawning. "I'd rather chop wood.""I wish I knew how," exclaimed Joel, longingly.

"Just you try every day; Ben'll teach you, Joe," said his mother, eagerly, "and then I'll let you write.""I will!" cried Joe; "then, Dave, you'll see how I'll write-- I tell you!""And I'm goin' to--ma, can't I?" said Davie, unwilling to be outdone.

"Yes, you may, be sure," said Mrs. Pepper, delighted; "that'll make a man of you fast.""Oh, boys," said Polly, lifting a very red face, "you joggle the table so I can't do anything.""I wasn't jogglin'," said Joel; "the old thing tipped. Look!" he whispered to Davie, "see Pofly, she's writing crooked."So while the others hung around her and looked over her shoulder while they made their various comments, Polly finished her part, and also held it up for inspection.

"Let us see," said Ben, taking it up.

"It's after, 'boneset's good for colds,'" said Polly, puckering up her face again at the thought.

"We most of us knew you were sick--I'm Polly now--because you didn't come; and we liked your letter telling us so, -- "Oh, Polly! we weren't glad to hear he was sick!" cried Ben, in horror.

"I didn't say so!" cried Polly, starting up. "Why, Ben Pepper, Inever said so!" and she looked ready to cry.

"It sounds something like it, don't it, mainmy?" said Ben, unwilling to give her pain, but appealing to Mrs. Pepper.

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