

"I do something," blurted out Joel, sturdily, "lots and lots!""You shouldn't say 'lots," reproved Miss Jerusha, with a sharp look over her spectacles, "tisn't proper for boys to talk so; what do you do all day long?" she asked, turning back to Polly, after a withering glance at Joel, who still stared.

"I can't do anything, ma'am," replied Polly, sadly, "I can't see to do anything.""Well, you might knit, I should think," said her visitor, "it's dreadful for a girl as big as you are to sit all day idle; I had sore eyes once when I was a little girl--how old are you?" she asked, abruptly.

"Eleven last month," said Polly.

"Well, I wasn't only nine when I knit a stocking; and I had sore eyes, too; you see I was a very little girl, and--""Was you ever little?" interrupted Joel, in extreme incredulity, drawing near, and looking over the big square figure.

"Hey?" said Miss Jerusha; so Joel repeated his question before Polly could stop him.

"Of course," answered Miss Jerusha; and then she added, tartly, "little boys shouldn't speak unless they're spoken to. Now," and she turned back to Polly again, "didn't you ever knit a stocking?""No, ma'am," said Polly, "not a whole one."

"Dear me!" exclaimed Miss Jerusha; "did I ever!" And she raised her black mitts in intense disdain. "A big girl like you never to knit a stocking! to think your mother should bring you up so! and--""She didn't bring us up," screamed Joel, in indignation, facing her with blazing eyes.

"Joel," said Polly, "be still."

"And you're very impertinent, too," said Miss Jerusha; "a good child never is impertinent."Polly sat quite still; and Miss Jerusha continued:

"Now, I hope you will learn to be industrious; and when I come again, I will see what you have done.""You aren't ever coming again," said Joel, defiantly; "no, never!""Joel!" implored Polly, and in her distress she pulled up her bandage as she looked at him; "you know mammy'll be so sorry at you! Oh, ma'am, and" she turned to Miss Jerusha, who was now thoroughly aroused to the duty she saw before her of doing these children good, "I don't know what is the reason, ma'am; Joel never talks so; he's real good; and--""It only shows," said the lady, seeing her way quite clear for a little exhortation, "that you've all had your own way from infancy; and that you don't do what you might to make your mother's life a happy one.""Oh, ma'am," cried Polly, and she burst into a flood of tears, "please, please don't say that!""And I say," screamed Joel, stamping his small foot, "if you make Polly cry you'll kill her! Don't Polly, don't!" and the boy put both arms around her neck, and soothed and comforted her in every way he could think of. And Miss Jerusha, seeing no way to make herself heard, disappeared feeling pity for children who would turn away from good advice.

But still Polly cried On; all the pent-up feelings that had been so long controlled had free vent now. She really couldn't stop! Joel, frightened to death, at last said, "I'm going to wake up Ben."That brought Polly to; and she sobbed out, "Oh, no, Jo--ey--I'll stop.""I will," said Joel, seeing his advantage; "I'm going, Polly," and he started to the foot of the stairs.

"No, I'm done now, Joe," said Polly, wiping her eyes, and choking back her thoughts--"oh, Joe! I must scream! my eyes aches so!"and poor Polly fairly writhed all over the chair.

"What'll I do?" said Joel, at his wits' end, running back, "do you want some water?""Oh, no," gasped Polly; "doctor wouldn't let me; oh! I wish mammy'd come!""I'll go and look for her," suggested Joel, feeling as if he must do something; and he'd rather be out at the gate, than to see Polly suffer.

"That won't bring her," said Polly; trying to keep still; "I'll try to wait.""Here she is now!" cried Joel, peeping out of the window; "oh! goody!"

  • 小学生幽默笑话天天读


    幽默和笑话不仅能引人发笑,还蕴含着一定的道理和教育意义。引导小学生读一些幽默故事和笑话,对增长知识、启迪智慧、提高幽默感、培养综合素质是十分有益的。  本书上篇讲述幽默故事,下篇汇集经典笑话,适合小学生阅读。另外,书中穿插拓展小栏目,新鲜有趣,寓教于乐。
  • 域界之无极武神


  • 蔷薇一梦


  • 民国俏佳人


  • 喜欢你的N种可能


  • 游戏圈那点事


  • 绝色狂妃倾世天下之唯我独尊


  • 灵魂归途


  • 嘿,来抓我啊


  • exo一切变了

