

"Yes, 'tis," said Polly; "you've got lots to-day, it's in the corner of the cupboard, covered up with the plate--so tell on, Joe.""That's elegant!" said Joel, coming back with the well-filled plate, Ben's and his own share.

"Do tell us, Joey," implored Polly; "mother's waiting.""Well," said Joel, his mouth half full, "I waited--and he said the coat was all right;--and---and--Mrs. Peters said 'twas all right;--and Mirandy Peters said 'twas all right; but they didn't any of 'em say anythin' about payin', so I didn't think 'twas all right--and--and--can't I have some more butter, Polly?"

"No," said Polly, sorry to refuse him, he'd been so good about the money; "the butter's got to be saved for Ben and Phronsie.""Oh," said Joe, "I wish Miss Henderson would send us some more, I do! I think she might!""For shame, Joe," said Mrs. Pepper; "she was very good to send this, I think; now what else did you say?" she asked.

"Well," said Joel, taking another mouthful of bread, "so I waited;you told me to, mother, you know--and they all went to work; and they didn't mind me at all, and--there wasn't anything to look at, so I sat--and sat--Polly, can't I have some gingerbread?""No," said Polly, "it's all gone; I gave the last piece to Phronsie the day she was taken sick.""Oh, dear," said Joel, "everything's gone."

"Well, do go on, Joe, do."

"And--then they had dinner; and Mr. Peters said, 'Hasn't that boy gone home yet?' and Mrs. Peters said, 'no'--and he called me in, and asked me why I didn't run along home; and I said, Phronsie was sick, and Ben had the squeezles----""The what?" said Polly.

"The squeezles," repeated Joel, irritably; "that's what you said.""It's measles, Joey," corrected Mrs. Pepper; "never mind, Iwouldn't feel bad."

"Well, they all laughed, and laughed, and then I said you told me to wait till I diii get the money.""Oh, Joe," began Mrs. Pepper, "you shouldn't have told 'em so--what did he say?""Well, he laughed, and said I was a smart boy, and he'd see; and Mirandy said, 'do pay him, pa, he must be tired to death'--and don't you think, he went to a big desk in the corner, and took out a box, and 'twas full most of money-- lots! oh! and he gave me mine--and--that's all; and I'm tired to death." And Joel flung himself down on the floor, expanded his legs as only Joel could, and took a comfortable roll.

"So you must be," said Polly, pityingly, "waiting at those Peterses.""Don't ever want to see any more Feterses," said Joel; never, never, never!

"Oh, dear," thought Polly, as she sewed on into the afternoon, "Iwonder what does all my eyes! feels just like sand in 'em;" and she rubbed and rubbed to thread her needle. But she was afraid her mother would see, so she kept at her sewing. Once in awhile the bad feeling would go away, and then she would forget all about it.

"There now, who says I can't do it! that's most done," she cried, jumping up, and spinning across the room, to stretch herself a bit, "and to-morrow I'll finish it.""Well," said Mrs. Pepper, "if you can do that, Polly, you'll be the greatest help I've had yet."So Polly tucked herself into the old shake-down with a thankful heart that night, hoping for morning.

Alas! when morning did come, Polly could hardly move. The measles! what should she do! A faint hope of driving them off made her tumble out of bed, and stagger across the room to look in the old cracked looking-glass. All hope was gone as the red reflection met her gaze. Polly was on the sick list now!

"I won't be sick," she said; "at any rate, I'll keep around." An awful feeling made her clutch the back of a chair, but she managed somehow to get into her clothes, and go groping blindly into the kitchen. Somehow, Polly couldn't see very well. She tried to set the table, but 'twas no use. "Oh, dear," she thought, "whatever'll mammy do?""Hulloa!" said Joel, coming in, "what's the matter, Polly?" Polly started at his sudden entrance, and, wavering a minute, fell over in a heap.

"Oh ma! ma!" screamed Joel, running to the foot of the stairs leading to the loft, where Mrs. Pepper was with Ben; "something's taken Polly! and she fell; and I guess she's in the wood-box!"

  • 忘了夏的蝉


  • 一念痴,回首不堪成恨


  • 暮凉九歌


  • 修荒证道录


  • 破冰


  • 深陷之梦


  • 恶魔校草,你是我的!


  • 我的姐姐艾斯德斯


  • 神隐秋之忆


  • 奇印之鬼道称神

