

Shakespeare's beautiful play of 'Hamlet' the play could not have gone on after the first scene if Horatio had not spoken to the ghost of Hamlet's father and taken the chances of being snubbed. Here there are no chances of that kind; the chances are that you'll wish the ghost had not been entreated: I think that is the phrase."

In the laugh that followed a girl on Miss Macroyd's other hand audibly asked her, "Oh, isn't he too funny?"

"Delicious!" Miss Macroyd agreed. Verrian felt she said it to vex him,.

"Now, there's just one other point," Bushwick resumed, "and then I have done. Only one question can be allowed to each person, but if the questioner is a lady she can ask a question and a half, provided she is not satisfied with the answer. In this case, however, she will only get half an answer. Now I have done, and if my arguments have convinced any one within the sound of my voice that our ghost really means business, I shall feel fully repaid for the pains and expense of getting up these few impromptu remarks, to which I have endeavored to give a humorous character, in order that you may all laugh your laugh out, and no unseemly mirth may interrupt the subsequent proceedings. We will now have a little music, and those who can recall my words will be allowed to sing them."

In the giggling and chatter which ensued the chords softly played passed into ears that might as well have been deaf; but at last there was a general quiescence of expectation, in which every one's eyes were strained to pierce through the gauze curtain to the sombre drapery beyond. The wait was so long that the tension relaxed and a whispering began, and Verrian felt a sickness of pity for the girl who was probably going to make a failure of it. He asked himself what could have happened to her. Had she lost courage? Or had her physical strength, not yet fully renewed, given way under the stress? Or had she, in sheer disgust for the turn the affair had been given by that brute Bushwick, thrown up the whole business? He looked round for Mrs. Westangle; she was not there; he conjectured--he could only conjecture--that she was absent conferring with Miss Shirley and trying to save the day.

A long, deeply sighed "Oh-h-h-h!" shuddering from many lips made him turn abruptly, and he saw, glimmering against the pall at the bottom of the darkened library, a figure vaguely white, in which he recognized a pose, a gesture familiar to him. For the others the figure was It, but for him it was preciously She. It was she, and she was going to carry it through; she was going to triumph, and not fail. A lump came into his 96 throat, and a mist blurred his eyes, which, when it cleared again, left him staring at nothing.

A girl's young voice uttered the common feeling, "Why, is that all?"

"It is, till some one asks the ghost a question; then it will reappear,"

Bushwick rose to say. "Will Miss Andrews kindly step forward and ask the question nearest her heart?"

"Oh no!" the girl answered, with a sincerity that left no one quite free to laugh.

"Some other lady, then?" Bushwick suggested. No one moved, and he added, "This is a difficulty which had been foreseen. Some gentleman will step forward and put the question next his heart." Again no one offered to go forward, and there was some muted laughter, which Bushwick checked.

"This difficulty had been foreseen, too. I see that I shall have to make the first move, and all that I shall require of the audience is that I shall not be supposed to be in collusion with the illusion. I hope that after my experience, whatever it is, some young woman of courage will follow."

He passed into the foyer, and from that came into the library, where he showed against the dark background in an attitude of entreaty slightly burlesqued. The ghost reappeared.

"Shall I marry the woman I am thinking of?" he asked.

The phantom seemed to hesitate; it wavered like a pale reflection cast against the pall. Then, in the tones which Verrian knew, the answer came:

"Ask her. She will tell you."

The phantom had scored a hit, and the applause was silenced with difficulty; but Verrian felt that Miss Shirley had lost ground. It could not have been for the easy cleverness of such a retort that she had planned the affair. Yet, why not? He was taking it too seriously. It was merely business with her.

"And I haven't even the right to half a question more!" Bushwick lamented, in a dramatized dejection, and crossed slowly back from the library to his place.

"Why, haven't you got enough?" one of the men asked, amidst the gay clamor of the women.

The ghost was gone again, and its evanescence was discussed with ready wonder. Another of the men went round to tempt his fate, and the phantom suddenly reappeared so near him that he got a laugh by his start of dismay. "I forgot what I was going to ask, he faltered.

"I know what it was," the apparition answered. "You had better sell."

"But they say it will go to a hundred!" the man protested.

"No back--talk, Rogers!" Bushwick interposed. "That was the understanding.

"But we didn't understand," one of the girls said, coming to the rescue, "that the ghost was going to answer questions that were not asked. That would give us all away."

"Then the only thing is for you to go and ask before it gets a chance to answer," Bushwick said.

  • 戒

  • 黄帝阴符经解义


  • 净土疑辩


  • 春秋公羊传注疏


  • 大般涅槃经四十卷


  • 归鸟不知春晓


    这个故事,写得是一群处在青春中的男孩女孩,无论是漂亮的、普通的、富足的、拮据的;还是校园里单纯开朗的少女,早早承担命运之重的男人……他们在最好的年纪里用力去爱,用力去恨,用力感受青春,用力真实地生活。故事里四个同寝女孩的大学生涯,也许和你我的并没有太大不同,有时温静明媚,有时风起云涌。然而青春流逝,或许我们终究会输给现实,如故事里的告别与放弃,如故事里一个只打了一次酱油的女N 号所说,我们都不是少年了,理应习惯人生的懈怠,将憧憬都埋在心底。很难去定义这个故事是悲伤的还是幸运的结局,只因青春本来就是一个求仁得仁的过程,惟愿多年后回首,你我都不曾悔恨。
  • 滞下门


  • 偷偷爱着你


  • 古墓疑云


  • 福妻驾到


  • 微晴慕夏


  • 末日桃源


  • H307


  • 千里有缘来秦素


  • 百牧园

