

PITCH, height of a bird of prey's flight PLAGUE, punishment, torment PLAIN, lament PLAIN SONG, simple melody PLAISE, plaice PLANET, "struck with a --," planets were supposed to have powers of blasting or exercising secret influences PLAUSIBLE, pleasing PLAUSIBLY, approvingly PLOT, plan PLY, apply oneself to POESIE, posy, motto inside a ring POINT IN HIS DEVICE, exact in every particular POINTE, tabbed laces or cords for fastening the breeches to the doublet POINT-TRUSSER, one who trussed (tied) his master's points (q.v.)POISE, weigh, balance POKING-STICK, stick used for setting the plaits of ruffs POLITIC, politician POLITIC, judicious, prudent, political POLITICIAN, plotter, intriguer POLL, strip, plunder, gain by extortion POMMANDER, ball of perfume, worn or hung about the person to prevent infection, or for foppery POMMADO, vaulting on a horse without the aid of stirrups PONTIC, sour POPULAR, vulgar, of the populace POPULOUS, numerous PORT, gate; print of a deer's foot PORT, transport PORTAGUE, Portuguese gold coin, worth over ? or f4PORTCULLIS, "-- of coin," some old coins have a portcullis stamped on their reverse (Whalley)PORTENT, marvel, prodigy; sinister omen PORTENTOUS, prophesying evil, threatening PORTER, references appear "to allude to Parsons, the king's porter, who was... near seven feet high" (Whalley)POSSESS, inform, acquaint POST AND PAIR, a game at cards POSY, motto. (See Poesie)POTCH, poach POULT-FOOT, club-foot POUNCE, claw, talon PRACTICE, intrigue, concerted plot PRACTISE, plot, conspire PRAGMATIC, an expert, agent PRAGMATIC, officious, conceited, meddling PRECEDENT, record of proceedings PRECEPT, warrant, summons PRECISIAN(ISM), Puritan(ism), preciseness PREFER, recomment PRESENCE, presence chamber PRESENT(LY), immediate(ly), without delay; at the present time; actually PRESS, force into service PREST, ready PRETEND, assert, allege PREVENT, anticipate PRICE, worth, excellence PRICK, point, dot used in the writing of Hebrew and other languages PRICK, prick out, mark off, select; trace, track; "-- away," make off with speed PRIMERO, game of cards PRINCOX, pert boy PRINT, "in --," to the letter, exactly PRISTINATE, former PRIVATE, private interests PRIVATE, privy, intimate PROCLIVE, prone to PRODIGIOUS, monstrous, unnatural PRODIGY, monster PRODUCED, prolonged PROFESS, pretend PROJECTION, the throwing of the "powder of projection" into the crucible to turn the melted metal into gold or silver PROLATE, pronounce drawlingly PROPER, of good appearance, handsome; own, particular PROPERTIES, state necessaries PROPERTY, duty; tool PRORUMPED, burst out PROTEST, vow, proclaim (an affected word of that time); formally declare non-payment, etc., of bill of exchange; fig. failure of personal credit, etc.

PROVANT, soldier's allowance -- hence, of common make PROVIDE, foresee PROVIDENCE, foresight, prudence PUBLICATION, making a thing public of common property (N.E.D.)PUCKFIST, puff-ball; insipid, insignificant, boasting fellow PUFF-WING, shoulder puff PUISNE, judge of inferior rank, a junior PULCHRITUDE, beauty PUMP, shoe PUNGENT, piercing PUNTO, point, hit PURCEPT, precept, warrant PURE, fine, capital, excellent PURELY, perfectly, utterly PURL, pleat or fold of a ruff PURSE-NET, net of which the mouth is drawn together with a string PURSUIVANT, state messenger who summoned the persecuted seminaries; warrant officer PURSY, PURSINESS, shortwinded(ness)PUT, make a push, exert yourself (N.E.D.)

PUT OFF, excuse, shift PUT ON, incite, encourage; proceed with, take in hand, try QUACKSALVER, quack QUAINT, elegant, elaborated, ingenious, clever QUAR, quarry QUARRIED, seized, or fed upon, as prey QUEAN, hussy, jade QUEASY, hazardous, delicate QUELL, kill, destroy QUEST, request; inquiry QUESTION, decision by force of arms QUESTMAN, one appointed to make official inquiry QUIB, QUIBLIN, quibble, quip QUICK, the living QUIDDIT, quiddity, legal subtlety QUIRK, clever turn or trick QUIT, requite, repay; acquit, absolve; rid; forsake, leave QUITTER-BONE, disease of horses QUODLING, codling QUOIT, throw like a quoit, chuck QUOTE, take note, observe, write down RACK, neck of mutton or pork (Halliwell)RAKE UP, cover over RAMP, rear, as a lion, etc.

  • 血恨泪


  • 多空:笑傲股市江湖的独门秘籍


  • 伯明翰学派的受众理论研究


  • 魔山


  • 刀影不念


  • 修真墓碑甲


  • 冷血杀手之任性小神医


  • 守护甜心之回忆忘却之匣


  • 让你一生受益的名人智慧与幽默


  • 加油少年:初见你的笑容

