

"Those Englishmen s-sometimes t-t-talk sense," said Grandet. "So, ac-c-cording to Ben-Bentham, if my b-b-brother's n-notes are worth n-n-nothing; if Je-Je--I'm c-c-correct, am I not? That seems c-c-clear to my m-m-mind--the c-c-creditors would be--No, would not be; Iunderstand."

"Let me explain it all," said the president. "Legally, if you acquire a title to all the debts of the Maison Grandet, your brother or his heirs will owe nothing to any one. Very good.""Very g-good," repeated Grandet.

"In equity, if your brother's notes are negotiated--negotiated, do you clearly understand the term?--negotiated in the market at a reduction of so much per cent in value, and if one of your friends happening to be present should buy them in, the creditors having sold them of their own free-will without constraint, the estate of the late Grandet is honorably released.""That's t-true; b-b-business is b-business," said the cooper.

"B-b-but, st-still, you know, it is d-d-difficult. I h-have n-no m-m-money and n-no t-t-time.""Yes, but you need not undertake it. I am quite ready to go to Paris (you may pay my expenses, they will only be a trifle). I will see the creditors and talk with them and get an extension of time, and everything can be arranged if you will add something to the assets so as to buy up all title to the debts.""We-we'll see about th-that. I c-c-can't and I w-w-won't bind myself without--He who c-c-can't, can't; don't you see?""That's very true."

"I'm all p-p-put ab-b-bout by what you've t-t-told me. This is the f-first t-t-time in my life I have b-been obliged to th-th-think--""Yes, you are not a lawyer."

"I'm only a p-p-poor wine-g-grower, and know n-nothing about wh-what you have just t-told me; I m-m-must th-think about it.""Very good," said the president, preparing to resume his argument.

"Nephew!" said the notary, interrupting him in a warning tone.

"Well, what, uncle?" answered the president.

"Let Monsieur Grandet explain his own intentions. The matter in question is of the first importance. Our good friend ought to define his meaning clearly, and--"A loud knock, which announced the arrival of the des Grassins family, succeeded by their entrance and salutations, hindered Cruchot from concluding his sentence. The notary was glad of the interruption, for Grandet was beginning to look suspiciously at him, and the wen gave signs of a brewing storm. In the first place, the notary did not think it becoming in a president of the Civil courts to go to Paris and manipulate creditors and lend himself to an underhand job which clashed with the laws of strict integrity; moreover, never having known old Grandet to express the slightest desire to pay anything, no matter what, he instinctively feared to see his nephew taking part in the affair. He therefore profited by the entrance of the des Grassins to take the nephew by the arm and lead him into the embrasure of the window,--"You have said enough, nephew; you've shown enough devotion. Your desire to win the girl blinds you. The devil! you mustn't go at it tooth and nail. Let me sail the ship now; you can haul on the braces.

Do you think it right to compromise your dignity as a magistrate in such a--"He stopped, for he heard Monsieur des Grassins saying to the old cooper as they shook hands,--"Grandet, we have heard of the frightful misfortunes which have just befallen your family,--the failure of the house of Guillaume Grandet and the death of your brother. We have come to express our grief at these sad events.""There is but one sad event," said the notary, interrupting the banker,--"the death of Monsieur Grandet, junior; and he would never have killed himself had he thought in time of applying to his brother for help. Our old friend, who is honorable to his finger-nails, intends to liquidate the debts of the Maison Grandet of Paris. To save him the worry of legal proceedings, my nephew, the president, has just offered to go to Paris and negotiate with the creditors for a satisfactory settlement."These words, corroborated by Grandet's attitude as he stood silently nursing his chin, astonished the three des Grassins, who had been leisurely discussing the old man's avarice as they came along, very nearly accusing him of fratricide.

"Ah! I was sure of it," cried the banker, looking at his wife. "What did I tell you just now, Madame des Grassins? Grandet is honorable to the backbone, and would never allow his name to remain under the slightest cloud! Money without honor is a disease. There is honor in the provinces! Right, very right, Grandet. I'm an old soldier, and Ican't disguise my thoughts; I speak roughly. Thunder! it is sublime!""Th-then s-s-sublime th-things c-c-cost d-dear," answered the goodman, as the banker warmly wrung his hand.

"But this, my dear Grandet,--if the president will excuse me,--is a purely commercial matter, and needs a consummate business man. Your agent must be some one fully acquainted with the markets,--with disbursements, rebates, interest calculations, and so forth. I am going to Paris on business of my own, and I can take charge of--""We'll see about t-t-trying to m-m-manage it b-b-between us, under the p-p-peculiar c-c-circumstances, b-b-but without b-b-binding m-m-myself to anything th-that I c-c-could not do," said Grandet, stuttering;"because, you see, monsieur le president naturally expects me to pay the expenses of his journey."The goodman did not stammer over the last words.

"Eh!" cried Madame des Grassins, "why it is a pleasure to go to Paris.

I would willingly pay to go myself."

She made a sign to her husband, as if to encourage him in cutting the enemy out of the commission, /coute que coute/; then she glanced ironically at the two Cruchots, who looked chap-fallen. Grandet seized the banker by a button and drew him into a corner of the room.

"I have a great deal more confidence in you than in the president," he said; "besides, I've other fish to fry," he added, wriggling his wen.

  • 你们霸道,但依旧输给了我们


  • 易经(中华国学经典)


  • 双生公主


  • 孤月寒


  • 药香公主之离别苦


  • 若格爱


  • 将见枭雄


  • 仙叛仙


  • 通关文


  • 我这一生

