

Hyde is gone to his account; and it only remains for us to find the body of your master.'

The far greater proportion of the building was occupied by the theatre, which filled almost the whole ground storey, and was lighted from above, and by the cabinet, which formed an upper storey at one end and looked upon the court. A corridor joined the theatre to the door on the by sheet;and with this, the cabinet communicated separately by a second flight of stairs. There were besides a few dark closets and a spacious cellar. All these they now thoroughly examined. Each closet needed but a glance, for all they were empty and all, by the dust that fell from their doors, had stood long unopened. The cellar, indeed, was filled with crazy lumber, mostly dating from the times of the surgeon who was Jekyll's predecessor;but even as they opened the door, they were advertised of the uselessness of further search by the fall of a perfect mat of cobweb which had for years sealed up the enhance. Nowhere was there any trace of Henry Jekyll, dead or alive.

Poole stamped on the flags of the corridor. `He must be buried here,' he said, hearkening to the sound.

`Or he may have fled,' said Utterson, and he turned to examine the door in the by street. It was locked; and lying near by on the flags, they found the key, already stained with rust.

`This does not look like use,' observed the lawyer.

`Use!' echoed Poole. `Do you not see, sir, it is broken? much as if a man had stamped on it.'

`Ah,' continued Utterson, `and the fractures, too, are rusty.' The two men looked at each other with a scare. `This is beyond me, Poole,' said the lawyer. `Let us go back to the cabinet.'

They mounted the stair in silence, and still, with an occasional awe struck glance at the dead body, proceeded more thoroughly to examine the contents of the cabinet.

At one table, there were traces of chemical work, various measured heaps of some white salt being laid on glass saucers, as though for an experiment in which the unhappy man had been prevented.

`That is the same drug that I was always bringing him,' said Poole;and even as he spoke, the kettle with a startling noise boiled over.

This brought them to the fireside, where the easy chair was drawn cosily up, and the tea things stood ready to the sitter's elbow, the very sugar in the cup. There were several books on a shelf; one lay beside the tea things open, and Utterson was amazed to find it a copy of a pious work for which Jekyll had several times expressed a great esteem, annotated, in his own hand, with startling blasphemies.

Next, in the course of their review of the chamber, the searchers came to the cheval-glass, into whose depth they looked with an involuntary horror.

But it was so turned as to show them nothing but the rosy glow playing on the roof, the fire sparkling in a hundred repetitions along the glazed front of the presses, and their own pale and fearful countenances stooping to look in.

`This glass has seen some strange things, sir,' whispered Poole.

`And surely none stranger than itself,' echoed the lawyer, in the same tone. `For what did Jekyll' - he caught himself up at the word with a start, and then conquering the weakness: `what could Jekyll want with it?' he said.

`You may say that!' said Poole.

Next they turned to the business table. On the desk, among the neat array of papers, a large envelope was uppermost, and bore, in the doctor's hand, the name of Mr Utterson. The lawyer unsealed it, and several enclosures fell to the floor. The first was a will, drawn in the same eccentric terms as the one which he had returned six months before, to serve as a testament in case of death and as a deed of gift in case of disappearance; but in place of the name of Edward Hyde, the lawyer, with indescribable amazement, read the name of Gabriel John Utterson. He looked at Poole, and then back at the papers, and last of all at the dead malefactor stretched upon the carpet.

`My head goes round,' he said. `He has been all these days in possession;he had no cause to like me; he must have raged to see himself displaced;and he has not destroyed this document.'

He caught the next paper; it was a brief note in the doctor's hand and dated at the top. `O Poole!' the lawyer cried, `he was alive and here this day. He cannot have been disposed of in so short a space; he must be still alive, he must have fled! And then, why fled? and how? and in that case can we venture to declare this suicide? O, we must be careful. I foresee that we may yet involve your master in some dire catastrophe.'

`Why don't you read it, sir?' asked Poole.

`Because I fear,' replied the lawyer, solemnly. `God grant I have no cause for it!' And with that he brought the paper to his eyes, and read as follows: My Dear Utterson, -When this shall fall into your hands, I shall have disappeared, under what circumstances I have not the penetration to foresee, but my instinct and all the circumstances of my nameless situation tell me that the end is sure and must be early. Go then, and first read the narrative which Lanyon warned me he was to place in your hands; and if you care to hear more, turn to the confession of Your unworthy and unhappy friend, Henry Jekyll `There was a third enclosure,' asked Utterson.

`Here, sir,' said Poole, and gave into his hands a considerable packet sealed in several places.

The lawyer put it in his pocket. `I would say nothing of this paper.

If your master has fled or is dead, we may at least save his credit. It is now ten; I must go home and read these documents in quiet; but I shall be back before midnight, when we shall send for the police.'

They went out, locking the door of the theatre behind them; and Utterson, once more leaving the servants gathered about the fire in the hall, trudged back to his office to read the two narratives in which this mystery was now to be explained.

  • TFBOYS之寂寞花开


  • 校园一觉记


  • 毒妃逆袭:妖王缠上身


  • 黑箭


  • 当时空倒转后


  • 艾泽拉斯畅想记


  • 魔道侠途


  • 外科心法要诀


  • 婚意绵绵:总裁的过期情人


  • 修罗神战

