

Belding was frankly curious. He did not think any argument or inducement offerd by Chase could change his mind on past dealings or his purpose of the present. But he believed by listening he might get some light on what had long puzzled him. The masterly effort Chase put forth to conquer his aroused passions gave Belding another idea of the character of this promoter.

"I want to make a last effort to propitiate you," began Chase, in his quick, smooth voice. That was a singular change to Belding--the dropping instantly into an easy flow of speech.

"You've had losses here, and naturally you're sore. I don't blame you. But you can't see this thing from my side of the fence.

Business is business. In business the best man wins. The law upheld those transactions of mine the honesty of which you questioned.

As to mining and water claims, you lost on this technical point--that you had nothing to prove you had held them for five years. Five years is the time necessary in law. A dozen men might claim the source of Forlorn River, but if they had no house or papers to prove their squatters' rights any man could to in and fight them for the water. ....Now I want to run that main ditch along the river, through your farm. Can't we make a deal? I'm ready to be liberal--to meet you more than halfway. I'll give you an interest in the company. I think I've influence enough up at the Capitol to have you reinstated as inspector. A little reasonableness on your part will put you right again in Forlorn River, with a chance of growing rich. There's a big future here....My interest, Belding, has become personal. Radford is in love with your step-daughter.

He wants to marry her. I'll admit now if I had foreseen this situation I wouldn't have pushed you so hard. But we can square the thing. Now let's get together not only in business, but in a family way. If my son's happiness depends upon having this girl, you may rest assured I'll do all I can to get her for him. I'll absolutely make good all your losses. Now what do you say?"

"No," replied Belding. "Your money can't buy a right of way across my ranch. And Nell doesn't want your son. That settles that."

"But you could persuade her."

"I won't, that's all."

"May I ask why?" Chases's voice was losing its suave quality, but it was even swifter than before.

"Sure. I don't mind your asking," replied Belding in slow deliberation. "I wouldn't do such a low-down trick. Besides, if I would, I'd want it to be a man I was persuading for. I know Greasers--I know a Yaqui I'd rather give Nell to than your son."

Radford Chase began to roar in inarticulate rage. Belding paid no attention to him; indeed, he never glanced at the young man. The elder Chase checked a violent start. He plucked at the collar of his gray flannel shirt, opened it at the neck.

"My son's offer of marriage is an honor--more an honor, sir, than you perhaps are aware of."

Belding made no reply. His steady gaze did not turn from the long lane that led down to the river. He waited coldly, sure of himself.

"Mrs. Belding's daughter has no right to the name of Burton," snapped Chase. "Did you know that?"

"I did not," replied Belding, quietly.

"Well, you know it now," added Chase, bitingly.

"Sure you can prove what you say?" queried Belding, in the same cool, unemotional tone. It struck him strangely at the moment what little knowledge this man had of the West and of Western character.

"Prove it? Why, yes, I think so, enough to make the truth plain to any reasonable man. I come from Peoria--was born and raised there. I went to school with Nell Warren. That was your wife's maiden name. She was a beautiful, gay girl. All the fellows were in love with her. I knew Bob Burton well. He was a splendid fellow, but wild. Nobody ever knew for sure, but we all supposed he was engaged to marry Nell. He left Peoria, however, and soon after that the truth about Nell came out. She ran away. It was at least a couple of months before Burton showed up in Peoria.

He did not stay long. Then for years nothing was heard of either of them. When word did come Nell was in Oklahoma, Burton was in Denver.

There's chance, of course, that Burton followed Nell and married her.

That would account for Nell Warren taking the name of Burton. But it isn't likely. None of us ever heard of such a thing and wouldn't have believed it if we had. The affair seemed destined to end unfortunately.

  • 岁华纪丽


  • 正一法文经护国醮海品


  • 暴风雨


  • 轩岐救正论


  • 霞外杂俎


  • 突如其来的奇妙冒险


  • 宫女卷


  • 百年清华讲授给青少年的人生智慧


    书中讲述了清华大师们近百年流传下来的逸事,虽然一件一件看来,或许微不足道,但是整本书读过,你会感到自己仿佛置身于清华的校园之内,无形之中身心已经得到了不可思议的陶冶。这也正像一句名言所说:“如春园之草,不见其长,日有所增。” 大师们早已驾鹤西去,而他们的智慧却永留人间。现在,让我们追随智者的足迹,聆听智慧流淌的声音:让我们搭乘智慧的飞船,去邀游梦想的蓝天,创造人生的辉煌!
  • 王俊凯勿忘樱花之约


  • 陪我看星辰


  • 岚月穿越之绝情


  • 二胎萌纪


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  • 天空侵犯


  • 囧穿命犯桃花:新娘不上轿

