

"Oh, as for that," said the Brazilian, "that is my business!"

"What, killing?" said old Nourrisson. "No, my son, we don't do that here nowadays."

"Oh!" said Montes, "I am not a native of this country. I live in a parish where I can laugh at your laws; and if you give me proof--"

"Well, that note. Is that nothing?"

"No," said the Brazilian. "I do not believe in the writing. I must see for myself."

"See!" cried Carabine, taking the hint at once from a gesture of her supposed aunt. "You shall see, my dear Tiger, all you wish to see--on one condition."

"And that is?"

"Look at Cydalise."

At a wink from Madame Nourrisson, Cydalise cast a tender look at the Baron.

"Will you be good to her? Will you make her a home?" asked Carabine.

"A girl of such beauty is well worth a house and a carriage! It would be a monstrous shame to leave her to walk the streets. And besides--she is in debt.--How much do you owe?" asked Carabine, nipping Cydalise's arm.

"She is worth all she can get," said the old woman. "The point is that she can find a buyer."

"Listen!" cried Montes, fully aware at last of this masterpiece of womankind "you will show me Valerie--"

"And Count Steinbock.--Certainly!" said Madame Nourrisson.

For the past ten minutes the old woman had been watching the Brazilian; she saw that he was an instrument tuned up to the murderous pitch she needed; and, above all, so effectually blinded, that he would never heed who had led him on to it, and she spoke:--"Cydalise, my Brazilian jewel, is my niece, so her concerns are partly mine. All this catastrophe will be the work of a few minutes, for a friend of mine lets the furnished room to Count Steinbock where Valerie is at this moment taking coffee--a queer sort of coffee, but she calls it her coffee. So let us understand each other, Brazil!--I like Brazil, it is a hot country.--What is to become of my niece?"

"You old ostrich," said Montes, the plumes in the woman's bonnet catching his eye, "you interrupted me.--If you show me--if I see Valerie and that artist together--"

"As you would wish to be--" said Carabine; "that is understood."

"Then I will take this girl and carry her away--"

"Where?" asked Carabine.

"To Brazil," replied the Baron. "I will make her my wife. My uncle left me ten leagues square of entailed estate; that is how I still have that house and home. I have a hundred negroes--nothing but negroes and negresses and negro brats, all bought by my uncle--"

"Nephew to a nigger-driver," said Carabine, with a grimace. "That needs some consideration.--Cydalise, child, are you fond of the blacks?"

"Pooh! Carabine, no nonsense," said the old woman. "The deuce is in it! Monsieur and I are doing business."

"If I take up another Frenchwoman, I mean to have her to myself," the Brazilian went on. "I warn you, mademoiselle, I am king there, and not a constitutional king. I am Czar; my subjects are mine by purchase, and no one can escape from my kingdom, which is a hundred leagues from any human settlement, hemmed in by savages on the interior, and divided from the sea by a wilderness as wide as France."

"I should prefer a garret here."

"So thought I," said Montes, "since I sold all my land and possessions at Rio to come back to Madame Marneffe."

"A man does not make such a voyage for nothing," remarked Madame Nourrisson. "You have a right to look for love for your own sake, particularly being so good-looking.--Oh, he is very handsome!" said she to Carabine.

"Very handsome, handsomer than the /Postillon de Longjumeau/," replied the courtesan.

Cydalise took the Brazilian's hand, but he released it as politely as he could.

"I came back for Madame Marneffe," the man went on where he had left off, "but you do not know why I was three years thinking about it."

"No, savage!" said Carabine.

"Well, she had so repeatedly told me that she longed to live with me alone in a desert--"

"Oh, ho! he is not a savage after all," cried Carabine, with a shout of laughter. "He is of the highly-civilized tribe of Flats!"

"She had told me this so often," Montes went on, regardless of the courtesan's mockery, "that I had a lovely house fitted up in the heart of that vast estate. I came back to France to fetch Valerie, and the first evening I saw her--"

"Saw her is very proper!" said Carabine. "I will remember it."

"She told me to wait till that wretched Marneffe was dead; and I agreed, and forgave her for having admitted the attentions of Hulot.

Whether the devil had her in hand I don't know, but from that instant that woman has humored my every whim, complied with all my demands--never for one moment has she given me cause to suspect her!--"

"That is supremely clever!" said Carabine to Madame Nourrisson, who nodded in sign of assent.

"My faith in that woman," said Montes, and he shed a tear, "was a match for my love. Just now, I was ready to fight everybody at table--"

"So I saw," said Carabine.

"And if I am cheated, if she is going to be married, if she is at this moment in Steinbock's arms, she deserves a thousand deaths! I will kill her as I would smash a fly--"

"And how about the gendarmes, my son?" said Madame Nourrisson, with a smile that made your flesh creep.

"And the police agents, and the judges, and the assizes, and all the set-out?" added Carabine.

"You are bragging, my dear fellow," said the old woman, who wanted to know all the Brazilian's schemes of vengeance.

"I will kill her," he calmly repeated. "You called me a savage.--Do you imagine that I am fool enough to go, like a Frenchman, and buy poison at the chemist's shop?--During the time while we were driving her, I thought out my means of revenge, if you should prove to be right as concerns Valerie. One of my negroes has the most deadly of animal poisons, and incurable anywhere but in Brazil. I will administer it to Cydalise, who will give it to me; then by the time when death is a certainty to Crevel and his wife, I shall be beyond the Azores with your cousin, who will be cured, and I will marry her.

  • 参同直指


  • My Lady Ludlow

    My Lady Ludlow

  • 涉异志


  • 种芝草法


  • 定庵诗话


  • 三国演义之一统天下


  • 隐婚萌妻:暗恋55次


  • 辩中边论述记


  • 战旗!战旗


  • 神马非浮云


  • 轮回葬神


  • 三世:第二世界


  • 明天我们即将毕业


  • 凯之訷爱


  • 剑破万魂

