

I met Sneyd on the steamer, without any introduction. He sort of warmed into the game in the smoking-room, and he won straight along the trip. He called on me in London and took me to meet the Countess at her hotel. We three went to the theatre and lunch and so forth a few times; and when I left for Paris she turned up on the way: that's when you met her. Couple of days later, Sneyd came over, and he and the Countess introduced me to dear ole friend Pedlow. So you see, I don't rightly even know who any of 'em really ~are~: just took 'em for granted, as it were. We had lots of fun, I admit that, honkin' about in my car. We only played cards once, and that was in her apartment the last night before I left Paris, but that one time Pedlow won fifteen thousand francs from me. When I told them my plans, how I was goin' to motor down to Rome, she said ~she~ would be in Rome--and, I tell you, I was happy as a poodle-pup about it. Sneyd said he might be in Rome along about then, and open-hearted ole Pedlow said not to be surprised if ~he~turned up, too. Well, he did, almost to the minute, and in the meantime she'd got ~you~ hooked on, fine and tight.""I don't understand you," Mellin lifted himself painfully on an elbow. "I don't know what you're getting at, but it seems to me that you're speaking disrespectfully of an angel that I've insulted, and I--""Now see here, Mellin, I'll tell you something." The boy's white face showed sudden color and there was a catch in his voice. "Iwas--I've been mighty near in ~love~ with that woman! But I've had a kind of a shock; I've got my common-sense back, and I'm ~not~, any more. I don't know exactly how much money I had, but it was between thirty-five and thirty-eight thousand francs, and Sneyd won it all after we took off the limit--over seven thousand dollars--at her table last night. Putting two and two together, honestly it looks bad. It looks ~mighty~ bad! Now, I'm pretty well fixed, and yesterday I didn't care whether school kept or not, but seven thousand dollars is real money to anybody! My old man worked pretty hard for his first seven thousand, I guess, and"--he gulped--"he'd think a lot of me for lettin' go of it the way I did last night, ~wouldn't~ he? You never ~see~ things like this till the next morning! And you remember that other woman sat where she could see every hand ~you~ drew, and the Countess--""Stop!" Mellin flung one arm up violently, striking the headboard with his knuckles. "I won't hear a syllable against Madame de Vaurigard!" Young Cooley regarded him steadily for a moment.

"Have you remembered yet," he said slowly, "how much ~you~ lost last night?""I only remember that I behaved like an unspeakable boor in the presence of the divinest creature that ever--"Cooley disregarded the outburst, and said:

"When we settled, you had a pad of express company checks worth six hundred dollars. You signed all of 'em and turned 'em over to Sneyd with three one-hundred-lire bills, which was all the cash you had with you. Then you gave him your note for twelve thousand francs to be paid within three days. You made a great deal of fuss about its being a 'debt of honor.'" He paused. "You hadn't remembered that, had you?"Mellin had closed his eyes. He lay quite still and made no answer.

"No, I'll bet you hadn't," said Cooley, correctly deducing the fact.

"You're well off, or you wouldn't be at this hotel, and, for all Iknow, you may be fixed so you won't mind your loss as much as I do mine; but it ought to make you kind of charitable toward my suspicions of Madame de Vaurigard's friends."The six hundred dollars in express company checks and the three hundred-lire bills were all the money the unhappy Mellin had in the world, and until he could return to Cranston and go back to work in the real-estate office again, he had no prospect of any more. He had not even his steamer ticket. In the shock of horror and despair he whispered brokenly:

"I don't care if they 're the worst people in the world, they're better than I am!"The other's gloom cleared a little at this. "Well, you ~have~ got it!" he exclaimed briskly. "You don't know how different you'll feel after a long walk in the open air." He looked at his watch.

"I've got to go and see what that newspaper-man, Cornish, wants;it's ten o'clock. I'll be back after a while; I want to reason this out with you. I don't deny but it's possible I'm wrong;anyway, you think it over while I'm gone. You take a good hard think, will you?"As he closed the door, Mellin slowly drew the coverlet over his head. It was as if he covered the face of some one who had just died.

  • 史上第一魔头


  • 凤昭天下之卿霜传


  • 十年起


  • 飞刀至尊


  • 萧萧战马鸣


  • 上古世纪:新纪元


  • 两生园


  • 圣域魔使


  • 瓦岁雨落传奇相府四小姐


  • 我的僵尸同学

