

"I won't be able to do so next winter, for I shall be on wages. You're going to be a farmer, aren't you?""I expect to. We've got a good farm as farms go around here. But it seems about all we can do to pay our fertilizer bills and get a living off it." "Then why don't you go about fitting yourself for your job?" "askedHiram. Be a good farmer--an up-to-date farmer.

"No fellow expects to be a machinist, or an electrician, or the like, without spending some time under good instructors. Most that I know about soils, and fertilizers, and plant development, and the like, I learned from my father, who kept abreast of the times by reading and experiment.

"You can stumble along, working at your trade of farming, and only half knowing it all your life; that's what most farmers do, in fact. They are too lazy to take up the scientific side of it and learn why.

"That's the point--learn why you do things that your father did, and his father did, and his father before him. There's usually good reason why they did it--a scientific reason which somebody dug out by experiment agesago; but you ought to be able to tell why.""I suppose that's so," admitted Henry, as they worked on, side by side. "But I don't know what father would say if I sprung a college course on him!""I'd find out," returned Hiram, laughing. "You'd better spend your money that way than for a horse and buggy. That's the highest ambition of most boys in the country."The labor of bushing and grubbing these acres of lowland was no light one. Hiram insisted that every stub and root be removed that a heavy plow could not tear out. They had made some progress by noon, however, when Sister came down with their dinner.

Hiram built a campfire over which the coffee was re-heated, and the three ate together, Sister enjoying the picnic to the full. She insisted on helping in the work by piling the brush and roots into heaps for burning, and she remained until midafternoon.

"I like that Henry boy," she confided to Hiram. He don't pull my braids, or poke fun at me."But Sister was developing and growing fast these days. She was putting on flesh and color showed in her cheeks. They were no longer hollow and sallow, and she ran like a colt-and was almost as wild.

The work of clearing the bottom land could not be continued daily; but the boys got in three full days that week, and Saturday morning. Henry, did not wish to work on Saturday afternoon, for in this locality almost all the farmers knocked off work at noon Saturday and went to town.

But when Henry shouldered his tools to go home at noon, Sister appeared as usual with the lunch, and she and Hiram cut fishing rods and planned to have a real picnic.

Trout and mullet were jumping in the pools under the bank; and they caught several before stopping to eat their own meal. The freshly caught fish were a fine addition to the repast.

They went back to fishing after a while and caught enough for supper at the farmhouse. Just as they were reeling up their lines the silence of the place was disturbed by a strange sound.

"There's a motorcycle coming!" cried Sister, jumping up and lookingall around.

There was a bend in the river below this bottom, and another above; so they could not see far in either direction unless they climbed to the high ground. For a minute Hiram could not tell in which direction the sound was coming; but he knew the steady put-put-put must be the exhaust of a motor-boat.

It soon poked its nose around the lower turn. It was a good-sized boat and instantly Hiram recognized at least one person aboard.

Miss Lettie Bronson, in a very pretty boating costume, was in the bow. There were half a dozen other girls with her--well dressed girls, who were evidently her friends from the St. Beris school at Scoville.

"Oh, oh! what a pretty spot!" cried Lettie, on the instant. "We'll go ashore here and have our luncheon, girls."She did not see Hiram and Sister for a moment; but the latter tugged at Hiram's sleeve.

"I've seen that girl before," she whispered. She came in the carriage with the man who spoke to you--you remember? She asked me if I had always lived in the country, and how I tore my frock.""Isn't she pretty?" returned Hiram.

"Awfully. But I'm not sure that I like her yet."Suddenly Lettie saw Hiram and the girl beside him. She started, flushed a little, and then gave Hiram a cool little nod and turned her gaze from him. Her manner showed that he was not "down in her good books," and the young fellow flushed in turn.

"I don't know as we'd better try to make the bank here, Miss," said the man who was directing the motor-boat. "The current's mighty sharp.""I want to land here," said Lettie, decidedly. It's the prettiest spot we've seen--isn't it, girls?"Her friends agreed. Hiram, casting a quick eye over the ruffled surface of the river, saw that the man was right. How well the stream below was fitted for motor-boating he did not know; but he was pretty sure that there were too many ledges just under the surface here to make it safe for the boat to go farther.

"I intend to land here-right by that big tree!" commanded LettieBronson, stamping her foot.

"Well, I dunno," drawled the man; and just then the bow of the boat swung around, was forced heavily down stream by the current, and slam it went against a reef!

The man shot off the engine instantly. The bow of the boat was lodged on the rock, and tip-tilted considerably. The girls screamed, and Lettie herself was almost thrown into the water, for she was standing.

  • 杀手们的探险之旅


  • 天帝霸主


  • 王牌校草:干物妹追爱99天


  • 初夏流觞


  • 我们一起走过来的青春


  • 福妻驾到


  • 龙寂蛮荒


  • 快穿之夜笙歌


  • 王俊凯,听说我们不可能


  • 织梦师的故事

