
第31章 The Moods of Mr. George Moore(2)

If we compare this solemn folly with the happy folly with which Stevenson belauds his own books and berates his own critics, we shall not find it difficult to guess why it is that Stevenson at least found a final philosophy of some sort to live by, while Mr. Moore is always walking the world looking for a new one.

Stevenson had found that the secret of life lies in laughter and humility.

Self is the gorgon. Vanity sees it in the mirror of other men and lives.

Pride studies it for itself and is turned to stone.

It is necessary to dwell on this defect in Mr. Moore, because it is really the weakness of work which is not without its strength.

Mr. Moore's egoism is not merely a moral weakness, it is a very constant and influential aesthetic weakness as well.

We should really be much more interested in Mr. Moore if he were not quite so interested in himself. We feel as if we were being shown through a gallery of really fine pictures, into each of which, by some useless and discordant convention, the artist had represented the same figure in the same attitude. "The Grand Canal with a distant view of Mr. Moore," "Effect of Mr. Moore through a Scotch Mist,""Mr. Moore by Firelight," "Ruins of Mr. Moore by Moonlight,"and so on, seems to be the endless series. He would no doubt reply that in such a book as this he intended to reveal himself.

But the answer is that in such a book as this he does not succeed.

One of the thousand objections to the sin of pride lies precisely in this, that self-consciousness of necessity destroys self-revelation. A man who thinks a great deal about himself will try to be many-sided, attempt a theatrical excellence at all points, will try to be an encyclopaedia of culture, and his own real personality will be lost in that false universalism.

Thinking about himself will lead to trying to be the universe;trying to be the universe will lead to ceasing to be anything.

If, on the other hand, a man is sensible enough to think only about the universe; he will think about it in his own individual way.

He will keep virgin the secret of God; he will see the grass as no other man can see it, and look at a sun that no man has ever known.

This fact is very practically brought out in Mr. Moore's "Confessions."In reading them we do not feel the presence of a clean-cut personality like that of Thackeray and Matthew Arnold.

We only read a number of quite clever and largely conflicting opinions which might be uttered by any clever person, but which we are called upon to admire specifically, because they are uttered by Mr. Moore.

He is the only thread that connects Catholicism and Protestantism, realism and mysticism--he or rather his name. He is profoundly absorbed even in views he no longer holds, and he expects us to be.

And he intrudes the capital "I" even where it need not be intruded--even where it weakens the force of a plain statement.

Where another man would say, "It is a fine day," Mr. Moore says, "Seen through my temperament, the day appeared fine."Where another man would say "Milton has obviously a fine style,"Mr. Moore would say, "As a stylist Milton had always impressed me."The Nemesis of this self-centred spirit is that of being totally ineffectual. Mr. Moore has started many interesting crusades, but he has abandoned them before his disciples could begin.

Even when he is on the side of the truth he is as fickle as the children of falsehood. Even when he has found reality he cannot find rest.

One Irish quality he has which no Irishman was ever without--pugnacity;and that is certainly a great virtue, especially in the present age.

But he has not the tenacity of conviction which goes with the fighting spirit in a man like Bernard Shaw. His weakness of introspection and selfishness in all their glory cannot prevent him fighting;but they will always prevent him winning.

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