

Ke, prep. Unto. Likewise a postposition--e.g. lenke, to them.

Keir / Ker, s. A house. Sans. Griha.

Ker / Kerey / Ken, ad. Home, homeward: java keri, I will go home.

Keir-poggring. House-breaking.

Keir-rakli, s. A housemaid.

Kek, ad. a. No, none, not: kek tatcho, it is not true.

Kekkeno, a. None, not any: kekkeni pawni, no water.

Kekkeno mushe's poov, s. No man's land; a common.

Kekkauvi, s.f. Kettle. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

Kekkauviskey saster, s. Kettle-iron; the hook by which the kettle is suspended over the fire.

Kekko, ad. No, it is not, not it, not he.

Kekkomi. No more. See Komi, Ever-komi.

Kek-cushti. Of no use; no good. See Koshto.

Kem, s. The sun. See Cam.

Ken. A particle affixed in English Gypsy to the name of a place terminating in a vowel, in order to form a genitive; e.g. Eliken bori congri, the great church of Ely. See En.

Ken, s. A house, properly a nest. Heb. [Hebrew: ] Kin.

Kenyor, s. pl. Ears. See Kaun.

Ker / Kerava v. a. To do; make: kair yag, make a fire. Sans. Kri.

Pers. [Perisan: ] Gaelic, Ceaird (a trade), ceard (a tinker). Lat.

Cerdo (a smith). English, Char, chare (to work by the day).

Kerdo. He did.

Kedast, 2nd pers. pret. Thou didst.

Kedo, part. pass. Done.

Kerri-mengro, s. Workman.

Kerrimus, s. Doing, deed: mi-Doovel's kerrimus, the Lord's doing.

Sans. Karman (work).

Kerrit, p. pass. Cooked, boiled. Anglo-Indian word, Curried. Fr.

Cuire. Gaelic, Greidh (to cook victuals).

Kettaney, ad. Together. Wal. Ketziba (many). See Kisi.

Kidda, v. a. To pluck.

Kil, v. a. To dance, play. Hin. Kelna. Sans. Kshvel.

Killi-mengro, s. A dancer, player.

Kil, s. Butter.

Kin, v. a. To buy: kinning and bikkning, buying and selling. Heb.

Kana (he bought).

Kin aley. To ransom, redeem, buy off.

Kinnipen, s. A purchase.

Kinnipen-divvus, s. Purchasing-day, Saturday.

Kindo, a. Wet.

Kipsi, s. Basket. Span. Gyp. Quicia.

Kinyo. Tired. Span. Gyp. Quinao.

Kisaiya. A female Gypsy name.

Kisi, ad. How much, to what degree: kisi puro shan tu, how old are you? Wal. Kitze. Span. Gyp. Quichi. Sans. Kati (how many?)Kisseh / Kissi, s. A purse. Sans. Kosa. Pers. [Persian: ]

Kistur, v. a. To ride. Wal. Keleri.

Kistri-mengro / Kistro-mengro, s. Rider, horseman.

Kitchema, s. Public-house, inn. Hun. Korcsma. Wal. Keirtchumie.

Kitchema-mengro, s. Innkeeper.

Klism / Klisn, s. A key. Rus. Cliotche. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

(shutting up).

Klism-engri, s. A lock. Lit. key-thing.

Klism-hev, s. A keyhole.

Klop, s. A gate, seemingly a cant word; perhaps a bell. Wal.


Kokkodus. Uncle: kokkodus Artaros, Uncle Arthur.

Komi, adv. More: ever-komi, evermore.

Koosho, a. Good: kooshi gillie, a good song. Sans. Kusala.

Kora / Kore, v. a. To riot. Wal. Kiorei (to cry out, bawl, make a tumult). Heb. Kara (he convoked, cried out).

Koring, part. pres. Rioting. Heb. Kirivah (proclamation).

Kora-mengro, s. A rioter.

Kore, v. a. To hawk goods about, to cry out, to proclaim.

Koring lil, s. Hawking-licence.

Koring chiriclo, s. The cuckoo.

Koshto, a. Good. Pers. [Persian: ]

Koshtipen, s. Goodness, advantage, profit: kek koshtipen in dukkering knau, it is of no use to tell fortunes now.

Kosko, a. Good.

Koskipen, s. Goodness.

Krallis, s. King. Rus. Korol. Hun. Kiraly. Wal. Kraiu.

Kushto, a. Good: kushto si for mangui, I am content.

LLA, pro. pers. Her; accusative of 'i' or ' yoi,' she.

Laki, pro. poss. Her: laki die, her mother.

Lasa / Lasar, With her; instrumental case of 'i.'

Later. From her; ablative of 'i.'

Lati. Genitive of 'i'; frequently used as the accusative--e.g. cams tu lati, do you love her?

Lang / Lango, a. Lame. Sans. Lang. Pers. [Persian: ] Lenk.

Lashi / Lasho, Louis. Hungarian, Lajos, Lazlo. Scotch, Lesley.

Latch, v. a. To find. Wal. Aphla.

Lav, s. Word. Sans. Lapa (to speak). Eng. Lip.

Lavior, pl. Words.

Lav-chingaripen, s. Dispute, word-war.

Lav-engro, s. Word-master, linguist.

Len, pro. pers. pl. To them: se len, there is to them, the have.

Lendar, ablative. From them.

Lende / Lunde, gen. and acc. Of them, them.

Lensar. With them.

Lengue, pro. poss. Their: lengue tan, their tent.

Les, pro. pers. To him; dative of 'yo,' he: pawno stadj se les, he has a white hat.

Lescro, pro. poss. His, belonging to him: lescro prala, his brother.

Leste. Of him, likewise him; genitive and accusative of 'yo.'

Lester. From him.

Leste's. His: leste's wast, his hand; properly, lescro wast.

Lesti. Her or it: pukker zi te lesti, tell her your mind; he can't rokkra lesti, he can't speak it.

Leav / Ley, v. a. To take. Wal. Loua.

Lel. He takes.

Lel cappi. Get booty, profit, capital.

Lennor, s. Summer, spring.

Levinor, s. Ale; drinks in which there is wormwood. Heb. Laenah (wormwood). Irish, Lion (ale).

Levinor-ker, s. Alehouse.

Levinor-engri. Hop. Lit. ale-thing.

Levinor-engriken tem. Kent. Lit. hop-country.

Li, pron. It: dovo se li, that's it.

Lidan, v. a. You took; 2nd pers. pret. of Ley.

Lil, s. Book; a letter or pass. Hun. Level. Sans. Likh (to write).

Hindustani, Likhan (to write).

Lillai, s. Summer. Hun. Gyp. Nilei.

Linnow, part. pass. Taken, apprehended.

Lis, pro. dat. To it: adrey lis, in it.

Lollo / Lullo, a. Red. Pers. [Persian: ] Lal.

Lolle bengres, s. pl. Red waistcoats, Bow Street runners.

Lollo matcho, s. Red herring. Lit. red fish.

Lolli plaishta, s. A red cloak.

Lolli, s. A farthing.

Lon / Lun, s. Salt. Sans. Lavana. Hin. Lon.

Lou, pro. It: oprey-lou, upon it. Wal. Lou.

Loure, v. a. To steal. See Luripen.

Lubbeny, s. Harlot. Rus. Liabodieitza (adultress), liobodeinoe (adulterous). Sans. Lubha (to inflame with lust, to desire). The English word Love is derived from this Sanscrit root.

Lubbenipen, s. Harlotry.

Lubbenified. Become a harlot.

Lundra. London. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Luripen, s. Robbery, a booty. Lit. a seizure. Wal. Luare (seizure, capture), Louarea Parizouloui (the capture of Paris).

Lutherum, s. Sleep, repose, slumber.

Luvvo, s. Money, currency. Rus. Lovok (convenient, handy, quick, agile). In Spanish Gypsy, a real (small coin) is called Quelati, a thing which dances, from Quelar, to dance.

Luvvo-mengro, s. Money-changer, banker.

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