

LAND-DAMNperhaps to extirpate; Hanmer thinks it means to kill by stopping the urine LAPSEDtaken, apprehended LARGElicentious, free LARGESSa present LASS-LORNdeserted by a mistress LATCHto smear To catch LATEDbelated LATTENmade of brass LAUNDlawn LAVOLTAa dance LAYwager LEAGUEbesieging army LEASINGlying LEATHER-COATSa kind of apple LEECHa physician LEERcountenance, complexion LEETa manor court LEGEto allege LEGERITYlightness LEIGERan ambassador resident abroad LEMANa lover or mistress LENTENmeagre That which may be eaten in Lent L'ENVOYthe farewell or moral at the end of a tale or poem LETto hinder to binder LEThindrance LETHEdeath LEVELto aim LEVELthat which is aimed at LEWDignorant, foolish LEWDLYwickedly LEWDSTERa lewd person LIBBARDa leopard LIBERALlicentious LIBERTYlibertinism LICENCElicentiousness LIEFdear LIFTERa thief LIGHT O' LOVEa tune so called LIGHTLYeasily, generally LIKEto please LIKEto liken, compare LIKElikely LIKELIHOODpromise, appearance LIKINGcondition LIMBECKan alembick, a still LIMBOor Limbo patrum, the place where good men under the Old Testament were believed to be imprisoned till released by Christ after his crucifixion LIMEbird-lime LIMEto entangle as with bird-lime To smear with bird-lime To mix lime with beer or other liquor LIMNto draw LINEto cover on the inside To strengthen by inner works LINSTOCKa staff with a match at the end of it used by gunners in firing cannon LISTa margin, hence a bound or enclosure LITHERlazy LITTLEminiature LIVELIHOODappearance of life LIVERYa law phrase, signifying the act of delivering a freehold into the possession of the heir or purchaser LIVINGlively, convincing LOACHa fish so called LOBa looby LOCKRAMa sort of coarse linen LODE-STARthe leading-star, pole-star LOFFEto laugh LOGGATSthe game called nine-pins LONGLYlongingly LOOFto lull, bring a vessel up to the wind LOONa low contemptible fellow LOTa prize in a lottery LOTTERYthat which falls to a man by lot LOWTa clown LOWTto treat one as a lowt, with contempt LOZELa spendthrift LUBBERa leopard LUCEn. the pike or jack, a fresh-water fish LUMPISHduff, dejected LUNESfits of lunacy LURCHto defeat, to win LURCHto shift, to play tricks LUREa thing stuffed to resemble a bird with which the falconer allures a hawk LUSHjuicy, luxuriant LUSTIGlusty, cheerful LUXURIOUSlascivious LUXURYlust LYMa limer or slow hound MADEhaving his fortune made MAGNIFICOthe chief magistrate at Venice MAGOT-PIEa magpie, a pie which feeds on magots MAILcovered as with a coat of mail MAIN-COURSEa sea-term MAKEto do up, bar To do MALKINa familiar name for Mary; hence a servant wench MALLECHOmischief MAMMERINGhesitating MAMMETSa woman's breasts A doll MAMMOCKto break, tear MANto tame a hawk MANAGEmanagement MANDRAGORAor Mandrake a plant of soporiferous quality, supposed to resemble a man MANKINDhaving a masculine nature MARCHESfrontiers, borders MARCHPANEa kind of sweet biscuit MARGENTmargin MARRY TRAPan oath MARTLEMASthe Feast of St. Martin, which occurs on the 11th of Nov. when the fine weather generally ends;hence applied to an old man MATCHan appointment MATEto confound, dismay MEACOCKtame, cowardly MEALEDmingled MEANinstrument used to promote an end MEANthe tenor part in a harmony MEANopportunity, power MEASUREreach A stately dance MEAZELa leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person MEDALa portrait in a locket MEDICINEa physician MEEDreward, hire Merit MEHERCLEby Hercules MEINYretinue MELLto mix, to meddle MEMORISEto cause to be remembered MEPHISTOPHILUSthe name of a familiar spirit MERCATANTEa foreign trader MERELYsimply, absolutely MESSa company of four METAPHYSICALsupernatural METE-YARDmeasuring-wand MEW UPto confine MICHERa truant MICKLEmuch MILL-SIXPENCEa milled sixpence MINCEto do any thing affectedly MINCINGaffected MISCREATEillegitimate MISDOUBTto suspect MISERYavarice MISPRISEto despise To mistake MISPRISIONmistake MISSIVEmessenger MISTEMPEREDangry MISTHINKto think ill of MISTRESSthe jack in bowling MOBLEDmuffled MODERNcommonplace MODULEa model, image MOEand more. Of frequent occurrence MOIETYa portion MOMEa stupid person MOMENTANYmomentary MONTHS-MINDa monthly commemoration of the dead, but used ludicrously to mean a great mind or strong desire MOODanger MOON-CALFa nick-name applied to Caliban MOONISHinconstant MOPnod MORISCOa Moor MORRIS-PIKEMoorish-pike MORTdeath, applied to animals of the chase MORT-DU-VINAIGREa ridiculous oath MORTALfatal, deadly Murderous MORTIFIEDascetic MOSEa doubtful word, applied to some disease in a horse MOTIONsolicitation Emotion MOTIONa puppet MOTIVEone who moves That which moves MOTLEYor the many-coloured coat of a fool, or a fool MOTLEY-MINDEDfoolish MOUSE-HUNTa weasel MOWto make grimaces MOYa coin, probably a moidore MUCHint. significant of contempt MUCHused ironically MUREa wall MUSTa scramble MUTINEto mutiny MUTINEa mutineer NAPKINa handkerchief NATURALan idiot NAYWARDtowards denial NAYWORDa catch-word, by-word NEBthe beak NEELDa needle NEIFhand NEPHEWa grandson NETHER-STOCKSstockings NEXTnearest NICEfoolish NICKscore or reckoning NICKto brand with folly NIGHTEDblack as night NIGHT-RULEnightly solemnity NINE MEN'S MORRISa place set apart for a Moorish dance by nine men NINNYa fool, jester NOBILITYnobleness NOBLEa coin, worth 6s. 8d NODDYa dolt NONCEfor the nonce, corrupted from 'for then once,'

for the occasion NOOK-SHOTTENindented with bays and creeks NOURISHa nurse NOVUMa game at dice NOWLhead NUTHOOKa hook for pulling down nuts, hence a thief Oa circle OARto row as with oars OBSEQUIOUSbehaving as becomes one who attends funeral obsequies OBSEQUIOUSLYfunereally OBSTACLEridiculously used for 'obstinate.'

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  • 若无天命


  • 海陬冶游录


  • 七号女神殿之俘获阿波罗


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  • 福妻驾到


  • 孕40周同步指导(图解版)


  • 生生年华

