

FELLthe hide FENCEart or skill in defence FEODARYone who holds an estate by suit or service to a superior lord; hence one who acts under the direction of another FESTERto rankle, grow virulent FESTINATELYquickly FETfetched FICOa fig FIELDEDin the field of battle FIGto insult FIGHTSclothes hung round a ship to conceal the men from the enemy FILEa list or catalogue FILEto defile To smooth or polish To make even FILL-HORSEshaft-horse FILLSthe shafts FILTHa whore FINEend FINEto make fine or specious FINELESSendless FIRAGOridiculously used for 'Virago.'

FIRE-DRAKEWill o' the Wisp FIRE-NEWwith the glitter of novelty on, like newly-forged metal FIRKto chastise FITa canto or division of a song A trick or habit FITCHEWa polecat FIVESa disease incident to horses FLAP-DRAGONraisins in burning brandy FLAP-JACKa pan-cake FLATcertain FLATNESSlowness, depth FLAWa gust of wind sudden emotion, or the cause of it FLAWto make a flaw in, to break FLECKEDspotted, streaked FLEETto float To pass away to pass the time FLEETINGinconstant FLESHMENTthe act of fleshing the sword, hence the first feat of arms FLEWEDfurnished with hanging lips, as hounds are FLIGHTa particular mode of practising archery FLIRT-GILLa light woman FLOTEwave, sea FLOURISHan ornament FLOURISHto ornament, disguise with ornament FLUSHfresh, full of vigour FOILdefeat, disadvantage FOINto fence, fight FOISONplenty FONDfoolish, foolishly affectionate FOOT-CLOTHa saddle-cloth hanging down to the ground FORfor that, because FORBIDaccursed, outlawed FORBODEforbidden FORCEto stuff, for 'farce.'

FORCEDfalsely attributed FORDOto kill, destroy To weary FOREIGNobliged to live abroad FOREPASTformer FORESLOWto delay FORFENDto forbid FORGETIVEinventive FORKEDhorned FORMALregular, retaining its proper and essential characteristic FORSPEAKto speak against FORSPENTexhausted, weary FORTHRIGHTa straight path; forthrights and meanders, straight paths and crooked ones FORWEARYto weary, exhaust FOSSET-SELLERone who sells the pipes inserted into a vessel to give vent to the liquor, and stopped by a spigot FOXa sword; a cant word FOX-SHIPthe cunning of the fox FRAMPOLDpeevish, unquiet FRANKthe feeding place of swine FRANKEDconfined FRANKLINa freeholder, a small squire FRAUGHTfreighted FRAUGHTAGEfreight FRAUGHTINGto fraught. loading or constituting the cargo of a ship FRESHa spring of fresh water FRETthe stop of a guitar FRETto wear away To variegate FRIENDto befriend FRIPPERYan old-clothes shop FROMprep. contrary to FRONTto affront, oppose FRONTIERopposition FRONTLETthat which is worn on the forehead FRUSHto break or bruise FRUSTRATEfrustrated FUB OFFto put off FULFILLto fill full FULLcomplete FULLAMa loaded die FULSOMElustful FURNISHEDequipped FURNITORfurnitory, an herb GABERDINEa loose outer coat, or smock frock GADa pointed instrument, a goad Upon the gad, with impetuous haste, upon the spur of the moment GAIN-GIVINGmisgiving GAITgoing, steps GALLIARDa kind of dance GALLIASSEa kind of ship GALLIMAUFRYa ridiculous medley GALLOWto scare GALLOWGLASSthe irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland GAMESTERa frolicsome person A loose woman GARBOILdisorder, uproar GARISHgaudy, staring GARNERto lay by, as corn in a barn GASTfrightened GAUDYfestive GAZEan object of wonder GEARmatter of business of any kind GECKa fool GENERALthe generality, common people GENERATIONSchildren GENEROSITYnoble birth GENEROUSnoble GENTILITYgood manners GENTLEgentlefolk GENTLEnoble GENTLEto ennoble GENTRYcomplaisance, conduct becoming gentlefolk GERMANakin Appropriate GERMENseed, embryo GESTperiod GIBa he-cat GIFTStalents, endowment GIGLOTa wanton girl GILDERa coin of the value of 1s. 6d. or 2s GILTmoney State of wealth GIMMALdouble GIMMORcontrivance GINGgang GIRDto gibe GIRDa sarcasm or gibe GLEEKto scoff GLEEKa scoff GLOSEto comment; hence, to be garrulous GLUTto swallow GNARLto snarl GOOD-DEEDindeed GOOD-DENgood-evening, contracted from 'Good-even.'


or GOOD-JERa corruption of the French goujere; the venereal disease GORBELLIEDcorpulent GOURDa species of game of chance GOUTa drop GOVERNMENTdiscretion GRACIOUSabounding in grace Divine GRAINEDengrained GRAMERCYint. grand mercy, much thanks GRANGEthe farmstead attached to a monastery, a solitary farm-house GRATILLITYused ridiculously for 'gratuity.'

GRATULATEto congratulate GRAVEto bury GREASILYgrossly GREEKa bawd GREENimmature, fresh, unused GREENLYfoolishly GREETto weep GRIZEa step GROSSLYpalpably GROUNDLINGone who sits in the pit of a theatre GROWINGaccruing GUARDdecoration GUARDto decorate GUARDAGEguardianship GUINEA-HENthe pintado, a cant term GULESred, a term in heraldry GULFthe throat GUN-STONEa cannon ball GUSTtaste, relish GYVEto fetter HACKto become common HAGGARDa wild or unreclaimed hawk HAG-SEEDseed or offspring of a hag HAIRcourse, order, grain HALIDOMholiness, sanctification, Christian fellowship;used as an oath, and analogous to 'By my faith.'

HALLan open space to dance in HALLOWMASAll Hallows' Day HAPchance, fortune HAPPILYaccidentally HANDSAWperhaps a corruption of Heronshaw; a hern HARDIMENTdefiance, brave deeds HARLOCKcharlock, wild mustard HARRYto annoy, harass HAUGHThaughty HAUNTcompany HAVINGproperty, fortune HAVIOURbehavior HAYa term in fencing HEADYviolent, headlong HEATof 'to heat,' heated HEBENONhenbane HEFTa heaving HEFTfurnished with a handle: hence, metaphorically, finished off, delicately formed HELMto steer, manage HENCEhenceforward HENCHMANa page or attendant HENTto seize, take HERMITa beadsman, one bound to pray for another HESTcommand HIGHused in composition with adjectives to heighten or emphasize their signification, as, high-fantastical HIGHTcalled HILDheld HILDINGa paltry fellow HINTsuggestion HIRENa prostitute. with a pun on the word 'iron.'

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