

Before long we shall be forced to besiege Orleans, which is nothing but a bog of Huguenots.""I have been watching that Italian woman," said the cardinal, "as she sits there with absolute insensibility. She is watching and waiting, God forgive her! for the death of her son; and I ask myself whether we should not do a wise thing to arrest her at once, and also the king of Navarre.""It is already more than we want upon our hands to have the Prince de Conde in prison," replied the duke.

The sound of a horseman riding in haste to the gate of the Bailliage echoed through the hall. The duke and cardinal went to the window, and by the light of the torches which were in the portico the duke recognized on the rider's hat the famous Lorraine cross, which the cardinal had lately ordered his partisans to wear. He sent an officer of the guard, who was stationed in the antechamber, to give entrance to the new-comer; and went himself, followed by his brother, to meet him on the landing.

"What is it, my dear Simeuse?" asked the duke, with that charm of manner which he always displayed to military men, as soon as he recognized the governor of Gien.

"The Connetable has reached Pithiviers; he left Ecouen with two thousand cavalry and one hundred nobles.""With their suites?"

"Yes, monseigneur," replied Simeuse; "in all, two thousand six hundred men. Some say that Thore is behind them with a body of infantry. If the Connetable delays awhile, expecting his son, you still have time to repulse him.""Is that all you know? Are the reasons of this sudden call to arms made known?""Montmorency talks as little as he writes; go you and meet him, brother, while I prepare to welcome him with the head of his nephew,"said the cardinal, giving orders that Robertet be sent to him at once.

"Vieilleville!" cried the duke to the marechal, who came immediately.

"The Connetable has the audacity to come here under arms; if I go to meet him will you be responsible to hold the town?""As soon as you leave it the burghers will fly to arms; and who can answer for the result of an affair between cavalry and citizens in these narrow streets?" replied the marechal.

"Monseigneur," said Robertet, rushing hastily up the stairs, "the Chancelier de l'Hopital is at the gate and asks to enter; are we to let him in?""Yes, open the gate," answered the cardinal. "Connetable and chancelier together would be dangerous; we must separate them. We have been boldly tricked by the queen-mother into choosing l'Hopital as chancellor."Robertet nodded to a captain of the guard, who awaited an answer at the foot of the staircase; then he turned round quickly to receive the orders of the cardinal.

"Monseigneur, I take the liberty," he said, making one last effort, "to point out that the sentence should be approved by /the king in council/. If you violate the law on a prince of the blood, it will not be respected for either a cardinal or a Duc de Guise.""Pinard has upset your mind, Robertet," said the cardinal, sternly.

  • 嗜血狂后:废材嫡公主


  • 天女阁


  • 福妻驾到


  • 寻道之道


  • 爱跨千年生生醉


  • 侠云幽梦


  • 梦情殇


  • 神魔舞九天


  • 妖退散


  • 千秋落

