"Why, that's unreasonable and unreasoning. But if ye insist, why, another messenger will do as well, and another hostage aboard - as I had originally intended - will make my hand the stronger."Lord Julian stared at him, realizing exactly what he had refused.
"You'll think better of it now that ye understand?" quoth Blood.
"Aye, in God's name, go, my lord," spluttered Bishop, "and make yourself obeyed. This damned pirate has me by the throat."His lordship surveyed him with an eye that was not by any means admiring. "Why, if that is your wish ..." he began. Then he shrugged, and turned again to Blood.
"I suppose I can trust you that no harm will come to Colonel Bishop if you are allowed to sail?""You have my word for it," said Blood. "And also that I shall put him safely ashore again without delay."Lord Julian bowed stiffly to the cowering Deputy-Governor. "You understand, sir, that I do as you desire," he said coldly.
"Aye, man, aye!" Bishop assented hastily.
"Very well." Lord Julian bowed again and took his departure.
Blood escorted him to the entrance ladder at the foot of which still swung the Arabella's own cock-boat.
"It's good-bye, my lord," said Blood. "And there's another thing."He proffered a parchment that he had drawn from his pocket." It's the commission. Bishop was right when he said it was a mistake."Lord Julian considered him, and considering him his expression softened.
"I am sorry," he said sincerely.
"In other circumstances ..." began Blood. "Oh, but there! Ye'l1understand. The boat's waiting."
Yet with his foot on the first rung of the ladder, Lord Julian hesitated.
"I still do not perceive - blister me if I do! - why you should not have found some one else to carry your message to the Commandant, and kept me aboard as an added hostage for his obedience to your wishes."Blood's vivid eyes looked into the other's that were clear and honest, and he smiled, a little wistfully. A moment he seemed to hesitate. Then he explained himself quite fully.
"Why shouldn't I tell you? It's the same reason that's been urging me to pick a quarrel with you so that I might have the satisfaction of slipping a couple of feet of steel into your vitals. When Iaccepted your commission, I was moved to think it might redeem me in the eyes of Miss Bishop - for whose sake, as you may have guessed, I took it. But I have discovered that such a thing is beyond accomplishment. I should have known it for a sick man's dream. Ihave discovered also that if she's choosing you, as I believe she is, she's choosing wisely between us, and that's why I'll not have your life risked by keeping you aboard whilst the message goes by another who might bungle it. And now perhaps ye'll understand."Lord Julian stared at him bewildered. His long, aristocratic face was very pale.
"My God!" he said. "And you tell me this?"
"I tell you because... Oh, plague on it! - so that ye may tell her;so that she may be made to realize that there's something of the unfortunate gentleman left under the thief and pirate she accounts me, and that her own good is my supreme desire. Knowing that, she may ... faith, she may remember me more kindly - if It's only in her prayers. That's all, my lord."Lord Julian continued to look at the buccaneer in silence. In silence, at last, he held out his hand; and in silence Blood took it.
"I wonder whether you are right," said his lordship, "and whether you are not the better man.""Where she is concerned see that you make sure that I am right.
Good-bye to you."
Lord Julian wrung his hand in silence, went down the ladder, and was pulled ashore. From the distance he waved to Blood, who stood leaning on the bulwarks watching the receding cock-boat.
The Arabella sailed within the hour, moving lazily before a sluggish breeze. The fort remained silent and there was no movement from the fleet to hinder her departure. Lord Julian had carried the message effectively, and had added to it his own personal commands.