

"Captain Warren," she began, "I--I came to ask a favor. I am obliged to ask it, because you are our--" she almost choked over the hated word--"our guardian, and I can no longer act on my own responsibility. I wish to ask you for some money.

Captain Elisha nodded gravely.

"I see" he said. "Well, Caroline, I don't believe you'll find me very close-fisted. I think I told you and Steve that you was to do just as you'd been in the habit of doin'. Of course I AM your guardian now, and I shall be held responsible for whatever expense comes to the estate. It is quite a responsibility, and I so understand it. As I said to you when I told you I'd decided to take the job on trial, WHILE I have it it'll be my pride to see that you or your brother don't lose anything. I intend, if the Almighty spares me so long and I keep on with the trust, to turn over, when my term's out, at least as much to you and Steve as your father left. That's all. Excuse me for mentioning it again. Now, how much do you want? Is your reg'lar allowance too small?

Remember, I don't know much about such things here in New York, and you must be frank and aboveboard and tell me if you have any complaints.""I have no complaints. My allowance is sufficient. It is the same that father used to give me, and it is all I need. But this is a matter outside my personal needs.""Um-hm. Somethin' to do with the household expenses, hey?""No. It is--is a matter of--well, of charity. It may amount to several hundred dollars.""Yes, yes. I see. Charity, hey? Church?"

"No. One of the maids, Annie, has trouble at home, and I wanted to help her."The captain nodded once more.

"Annie," he repeated, "that's the rosy-faced one? The Irish one?""Yes. Her father was seriously injured the other day and cannot work. His hip is broken, and the doctor's bill will be large.

They are very poor, and I thought perhaps--" She hesitated, faltered, and then said haughtily: "Father was very sympathetic and liked to have me do such things.""Sho! sho! Sartin! Course he did. I like it, too. I'm glad you came to me just as you did, Caroline. How much do you want to start with?""I don't know, exactly. I thought I might ask our own doctor to attend to the case, and might send them some delicacies and food.""Good idea! Go right ahead, Caroline."

"Thank you. I have been over to see them, and they need help--they really do.""I presume likely. How'd the accident happen? Anybody's fault, was it?"Caroline's eyes snapped. "Indeed it was!" she said, indignantly.

"It was a wet morning, after a rain, and the pavement was slippery.

Mr. Moriarty, Annie's father, was not working that day--they were making some repairs at the factory where he is employed, I believe--and he had gone out to do the family marketing. He was crossing the street when an automobile, recklessly driven, so everyone says, drove directly down on him. He tried to jump out of the way and succeeded--otherwise he might have been killed; but he fell and broke his hip. He is an old man, and the case is serious.""Dear! dear! you don't tell me! Poor old chap! The auto feller--did he help? Seems to me he ought to be the one to be spendin' the money. 'Twas his fault.""Help! Indeed he didn't! He and the man with him merely laughed, as if it was a good joke, put on speed, and disappeared as quickly as possible.""Why, the mean swab! Did this Mr. Moriarty or the folks around get the license number of the auto?""No. All they know is that it was a big yellow car with two men in it.""Hey? A yellow car?"

"Yes. Somewhat similar to the one Malcolm--Mr. Dunn drives.""So, so! Hum! Where did it happen?"

"On Saint Nicholas Avenue, near One Hundred and Twenty-Eighth Street.""Eh? Saint Nicholas Avenue, you say?"

"Yes." Caroline rose and turned to go. "Thank you, Captain Warren," she said. "I will tell Doctor Henry to take the case at once."The captain did not answer immediately. With his chin in his hand he was gazing at the floor.

"Good afternoon," said Caroline.

Her uncle looked up.

"Er--Wait just a minute, Caroline," he said. "I guess maybe, if you don't mind, I'd like to think this over a little afore you go too far. You have your doctor go right ahead and see to the old man, and you order the things to eat and whatever's necessary. But afore you give Annie or her father any money, I'd kind of like to figger a little mite."His niece stopped short, turned and stared at him.

"Oh!" she said, slowly and icily, "I see. Please don't trouble yourself. I should have known. However, my allowance is my own, and I presume I am permitted to do what I please with that.""Caroline, don't be hasty. I ain't sayin' no about the money. Far from it. I only--""I understand--thoroughly. Don't trouble to 'figure,' as you call it. Oh! WHY did I humiliate myself? I should have known!""Caroline, please--"

But the girl had gone, closing the door after her. Captain Elisha shook his head, heaved a deep sigh, and then, sinking back into his chair, relapsed into meditation. Soon afterward he put on his hat and coat and went out.

Half an hour later he entered the office of a firm of commission brokers on lower Broad Street, and inquired if a gentleman by the name of Mr. Malcolm Dunn was connected with that establishment. On being answered in the affirmative, he asked if Mr. Dunn were in.

Yes, he was.

"Well," said Captain Elisha, "I'd like to speak to him a minute or so. Just tell him my name's Warren, if you don't mind, young feller."The clerk objected to being addressed as "young feller," and showed his disapproval by the haughty and indifferent manner in which he departed on the errand. However, he did so depart, and returned followed by Malcolm himself. The latter, who had been misled by the name into supposing his caller to be Stephen Warren, was much astonished when he saw the captain seated outside the railing.

"Good afternoon," said Captain Elisha, rising and extending his hand: "How are you to-day, sir? Pretty smart?"The young man answered briefly that he was all right. He added he was glad to see his visitor, a statement more polite than truthful.

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