

"Jim--" he began. "Excuse me, I should have said Mr. Pearson, but I've got sort of in the habit of callin' folks by their first names. Livin' where you know everybody so well gets you into those habits.""Jim suits me. I hope you'll cultivate the habit.""Do you? Well, I will. Now, Jim, referrin' to what I was goin' to say, you, bein' a newspaper man, ought to know everything, but it's pretty plain you don't know Elkanah Chase. Keep his profits! Why, when a feller is all but convinced that he knows it all, one little bit of evidence like that speculation settles it for him conclusive.

Elkanah, realizin' that Wall Street was his apple pie, opened his mouth to swaller it at one gulp. He put his profits and every other cent he had into another sure thing tip.""And won again?"

"No. He lost all that and some more that he borrowed.""But I thought you said it was the making of him!""It was. He had to take a job over at the overalls factory in Ostable. As a fifteen thousand dollar gentleman, he was pretty average of a mess, but they tell me he makes middlin' good overalls. Elkanah convinced me that Wall Street has its good points."He chuckled. Pearson, relieved, laughed in sympathy. "Has he paid back the money he borrowed?" he inquired.

"No-o! I guess the creditors'll have to take it out in overalls.

However, it's a satisfaction to some of 'em to watch Chase really work. I know that gives me MY money's worth.""Oh, ho! You are one of the creditors! Captain Warren, I'm surprised. I sized you up as a shrewder judge of investments."Captain Elisha colored. "I judged that one correct," he answered.

"If I hadn't thought 'twould have turned out that way I never would have plunged. You see, old man Chase was a friend of mine, and--However," he added, hastily changing the subject, "we've strayed some off the course. When I mentioned the Stock Exchange I did it because my brother was a member of it, and I cal'late you might have known him."Pearson was astonished. "Your brother was a member of the Exchange?" he repeated.

"Um-hm. Never would have guessed it, would you? I s'pose you cal'late all the stock I knew about was on the hoof. Well, I have been acquainted with other breeds in my time. My brother's name was Abijah Warren--A. Rodgers Warren, he called himself."The effect of this announcement was instantaneous and electric.

The young man sat back in his chair.

"A. Rodgers Warren was your brother?" he cried.

"Um-hm. Seems to stagger you some. Contrast between us as big as all that comes to?""But--but, Captain Warren--Your brother--Tell me, is Miss Caroline Warren your niece?""She is. And Steve is my nephew. 'Tain't possible you're acquainted with them?"Pearson rose to his feet. "Is--They used to live on the Avenue,"he said. "But you said you were visiting. Captain Warren, is this your niece's apartment?""Yes, hers and Steve's. Why, what's the matter? Ain't goin', are you?""I think perhaps I had better. It is getting late.""Late! It's only the shank of the evenin'. Jim, I ain't so blind that I can't see through an open window. It ain't the lateness that makes you want to leave so sudden. Is there some trouble between you and Caroline? Course, it's none of my business, and you needn't tell me unless you want to."The answer was prompt enough.

"No," replied Pearson. "No. I assure you there is nothing of that kind. I--I met Miss Warren. In fact, at one time we were well acquainted. I have the very highest opinion of her. But I think it is best to--""Just a minute now. No trouble with Steve? He's a boy and at an age when he's pretty well satisfied with himself and you have to make allowance.""No. Steve and I were quite friendly. I'm sorry to cut my visit short, but it is late and I MUST go."He was moving toward the door. Captain Elisha looked at him intently.

"Well, if you must," he said. "But I hope you'll come again soon.

Will you?"

"I hope I may. I give you my word, Captain, that I appreciate your invitation, and I do want to know you better.""Same here. I don't often take sudden fancies, Jim, but I knew your uncle, and I'd bet consider'ble on any member of his family.

And I WAS kind of interested in that novel of yours. You haven't said you'd come again. Will you?"Pearson was much embarrassed.

"I should like to come, immensely," he said, with an earnestness unmistakable; "but--but, to be honest, Captain Warren, there is a reason, one which I may tell you sometime, but can't now--neither Miss Warren nor her brother have any part in it--which makes me reluctant to visit you here. Won't you come and see me at the boarding house? Here's the address. WILL you come?""Sartin! I figured on doin' it, if you gave me the chance.""Thank you, you'll be welcome. Of course it is ONLY a boarding house, and not a very good one. My own room is--well, different from this.""Yup. Maybe that's why I expect to feel at home in it. Good night, Jim. Thank you for callin'. Shall I ring for the Commodore to pilot you out?""No, I can find my way. I--Someone is coming."From the hall came the clang of the elevator door and the sound of voices. Before the captain or his friend could move, Caroline, Stephen, Mrs. Corcoran Dunn, and Malcolm entered. Caroline was the first to reach the library. Her entrance brought her face to face with Pearson.

"I beg your pardon," she began. "I did not know there was anyone here.""It's only a friend of mine, Caroline," explained her uncle, quickly. "Just callin' on me, he was.""Good evening, Miss Warren," said Pearson, quietly.

  • 西湖水利考


  • Socialism


  • 法华问答


  • 游宦纪闻


  • 黄帝太乙八门入式秘诀


  • 武霸千古


  • 奋斗吧煊儿


  • 小样,你跑不掉了


  • 魔尊追爱:一品驭灵师


  • 年前不曾回头望


  • 漫画跟梁漱溟学儒


    本书通过通俗的文字和200多幅漫画和插图, 介绍了梁漱溟对传统儒家文化的体认和研究, 兼及其以儒家思想为指导的人生实践, 是一部引导读者了解中国历史和传统文化并启发读者思考人生问题的入门读物。
  • 天怒神恨


  • 福妻驾到


  • 无戏


  • 图天记

