

"Yes, ma'am," he said, gravely. "I'll be glad to tell you who Iam, if you'd like to have me. I'd have done it before, but Ithought there weren't any use troublin' you with my affairs. But, just a minute--" he hesitated--"I haven't made any mistake, have I?

I understood your steward--the feller with the brass buttons, to say that Abijah Warren's children lived here. That's so, ain't it?

If not, then I AM mistaken."

Mrs. Dunn regarded him with indignation. "You are," she said coldly. "The family of the late Mr. Rodgers Warren lives here. Ipresume the slight resemblance in names misled you. Edwards, show the gentleman out.""Just one moment more, ma'am. It was Rodgers Warren's children Iwas lookin' for. A. Rodgers Warren he called himself, didn't he?

Yes. Well, the A stood for Abijah; that was his Christian name.

And he left two children, Caroline and Stephen? Good! I thought for a jiffy I'd blundered in where I had no business, but it's all right. You see, ma'am, I'm their uncle from South Denboro, Massachusetts. My name is Elisha Warren."Mrs. Dunn gasped. Edwards, peering over her shoulder, breathed heavily.

"You are--their UNCLE?" repeated the lady.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm 'Bije's brother. Oh, don't worry. It's all right. And don't fret yourself about me, either. I'll set right down out here and read my paper and wait till Caroline or Stephen get home. They're expectin' me. Mr. Graves, the lawyer, told 'em I was comin'."He calmly seated himself and adjusted his spectacles. Mrs. Dunn stared at him, then at Edwards. After an instant's indecision, she stepped back into the library and walked to the window. She beckoned, with an agitated finger, to the butler, who joined her.

"Edwards," she whispered, "did you hear what he said?""Yes, ma'am," replied Edwards, wide-eyed and wondering.

"Is it true?"

"I don't know, ma'am."

"Did Mr. Warren have a brother?"

"I didn't know that he had, ma'am."

"Do you--do you think it likely that he would have a brother like--like THAT?"

"I don't know, ma'am."

"Was Miss Caroline expecting him?"

"I don't know, ma'am. She--"

"Oh, you don't know anything! You're impossible. Go away!""Yes, ma'am," said Edwards thankfully; and went. Mrs. Corcoran Dunn stood for some minutes by the window, thinking, or trying to think a way to the truth in this astounding development. Of course the man MIGHT be a lunatic who had gained his information concerning the Warren family from the papers; but he did not look like a lunatic. On the other hand, he certainly did not look as one would have expected a brother of Rodgers Warren's to look. Oddest of all, if he was such a brother, why had neither Caroline or Stephen mentioned his existence? According to his story, Graves, the Warren lawyer, had warned the children of his coming. Caroline had been very reticent concerning her father's will, the amount of his estate, and the like. And Mrs. Dunn had repeatedly, though discreetly, endeavored to find out these important details. Neither hints nor questions had resulted satisfactorily. Was it possible that this was the reason, this country uncle? If so--well, if so, here was a Heaven-sent opportunity for a little genteel and perfectly safe detective work. Mrs. Dunn creakingly crossed the room and spoke.

"Mr. Warren," she said, "I feel guilty in keeping you out there.

Won't you come into the library?"

"Why, thank you, ma'am, I'm all right. Don't you trouble about me.

Go right on with your readin' or sewing or knittin' or whatever you was doin' and--""I was not reading," replied Mrs. Dunn, with a slight shudder.

"Come in, please. I wish you to."

Captain Elisha folded his paper and put it in his pocket. Entering the library, he stood quietly waiting.

"Won't you sit down?" asked his impromptu hostess, trying hard to be gracious.

"Thank you," said the captain. He sank into an armchair and looked curiously about him.

"So you are the late Mr. Warren's brother?" asked the lady, making her first lead in the game.

"Yes, ma'am. His older brother. 'Bije was ten year younger'n Iam, Mrs.--er--"

"Dunn. I am an old friend of the family."

"That's good. I'm glad to hear they've got friends. When you're in sickness or trouble or sorrer, friendship counts for consider'ble.

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