

capital I, 5 2/3 times 450, or £2,550 capital II, 5 1/6 times 450, or £2,325 ---------------------------------------------------- Hence the total capital 5 5/12 times 900, or £4,875.

For the number of turnovers of the total capital is equal to the sum of the amounts turned over by I and II, divided by the sum of I and II.

It is to be noted that if capitals I and II were independent of each other they would nevertheless form merely different independent portions of the social capital advanced in the same sphere of production. Hence if the social capital within this sphere of production were composed solely of I and II, the same calculation would apply to the turnover of the social capital in this sphere as applies here to the constituent parts I and IIof the same private capital. Going further, every portion of the entire social capital invested in any particular sphere of production may be so calculated. But in the last analysis, the number of turnovers made by the entire social capital is equal to the sum of the capitals turned over in the various spheres of production divided by the sum of the capitals advanced in those spheres.

It must further be noted that just as capitals I and II in the same private business have here strictly speaking different turnover years (the cycle of turnover of capital II beginning 4 1/2 weeks later than that of capital I, so that the year of I ends 4 1/2 weeks earlier than that of II), so the various private capitals in the same sphere of production begin their operations at totally different periods and therefore conclude their turnover years at different times of the year. The same calculation of averages that we employed above for I and II suffices also here to bring down the turnover years of the various independent portions of the social capital to one uniform turnover year.

II. THE WORKING PERIOD GREATER THAN THE PERIOD OF CIRCULATIONThe working and turnover periods of capitals I and II cross one another instead of relieving one another. Simultaneously some capital is set free.

This was not so in the previously considered case.

But this does not alter the fact that, as before, 1) the number of working periods of the total capital advanced is equal to the sum of the value of the annual product of both advanced portions of capital divided by the total capital advanced, and 2) the number of turnovers made by the total capital is equal to the sum of the two amounts turned over divided by the sum of the two advanced capitals. Here too we must consider both portions of capital as if they performed turnover movements entirely independent of each other.

Thus, we assume once more, that £100 are to be advanced weekly to the labour-process. Let the working period last 6 weeks, requiring therefore every time an advance of £600 (capital I). Let the time of circulation be 3 weeks, so that the period of turnover is 9 weeks, as before. Let capital II of £300 step in during the three-week circulation period of capital I. Considering both capitals as independent of each other, we find the schedule of the annual turnover to be as follows:

T a b l eI I C A P I T A L I , £ 6 0 0Periods of Turnover Working PeriodsAdvancePeriods of Circulation I. 1st- 9th week II. 10th-18th "III. 19th-27th "

IV. 28th-36th "

V. 37th-45th "

VI. 46th-[54th] " 1st-6th week 10th-15th "19th-24th "

28th-33rd "

37th-42nd "

46th-51st " £600





£600 7th-9th week 16th-18th "25th-27th "

34th-36th "

43rd-45th "

[52nd-54th] "A D D I T I O N A L C A P I T A L I I , £ 3 0 0Periods of Turnover Working PeriodsAdvancePeriods of Circulation I. 7th-15th week II. 16th-24th "III. 25th-33rd "

IV. 34th-42nd "

V. 43rd-51st " 7th-9th week 16th-18th "25th-27th "

34th-36th "

43rd-45th " £300




£300 10th-15th week 19th-24th "28th-33rd "

37th-42nd "

46th-51st " The process of production continues uninterruptedly the whole year round on the same scale. The two capitals I and II remain entirely separate.

But in order to represent them as separate, we had to tear apart their real intersections and intertwinings, and thus also to change the number of turnovers. For according to the above table the amounts turned over would be:

by capital I, 5 2/3 times 600, or £3,400 and by capital II, 5 times 300, or £1,500 ------------------------------------------------------ Hence by the total capital 5 4/9 times 900, or £4,900.

But this is not correct, for, as we shall see, the actual periods of production and circulation do not absolutely coincide with those of the above schedule, in which it was mainly a question of presenting capitals I and II as independent of each other.

In reality, capital II has no working and circulating periods separate and distinct from those of capital I. The working period is 6weeks, the circulation period 3 weeks. Since capital II amounts to only £300, it can suffice only for a part of the working period. This is indeed the case. At the end of the 6th week a product valued at £600passes into circulation and returns in money-form at the close of the 9th week. Then, at the opening of the 7th week, capital II begins its activity, and covers the requirements of the next working period, the 7th to 9th week. But according to our assumption the working period is only half up at the end of the 9th week. Hence capital I of £600 having just returned, at the beginning of the 10th week, once more enters into operation and with its £300 supplies the advances needed for the 10th to 12th week.

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