
第58章 A Friend in Need(1)

The election day came at last; there was no lack of work for Jerry and me.

First came a stout puffy gentleman with a carpet bag; he wanted to go to the Bishopsgate station; then we were called by a party who wished to be taken to the Regent's Park; and next we were wanted in a side street where a timid, anxious old lady was waiting to be taken to the bank; there we had to stop to take her back again, and just as we had set her down a red-faced gentleman, with a handful of papers, came running up out of breath, and before Jerry could get down he had opened the door, popped himself in, and called out, "Bow Street Police Station, quick!" so off we went with him, and when after another turn or two we came back, there was no other cab on the stand. Jerry put on my nose-bag, for as he said, "We must eat when we can on such days as these; so munch away, Jack, and make the best of your time, old boy."I found I had a good feed of crushed oats wetted up with a little bran;this would be a treat any day, but very refreshing then.

Jerry was so thoughtful and kind -- what horse would not do his best for such a master? Then he took out one of Polly's meat pies, and standing near me, he began to eat it. The streets were very full, and the cabs, with the candidates' colors on them, were dashing about through the crowd as if life and limb were of no consequence;we saw two people knocked down that day, and one was a woman.

The horses were having a bad time of it, poor things!

but the voters inside thought nothing of that; many of them were half-drunk, hurrahing out of the cab windows if their own party came by.

It was the first election I had seen, and I don't want to be in another, though I have heard things are better now.

Jerry and I had not eaten many mouthfuls before a poor young woman, carrying a heavy child, came along the street. She was looking this way and that way, and seemed quite bewildered. Presently she made her way up to Jerry and asked if he could tell her the way to St. Thomas' Hospital, and how far it was to get there.

She had come from the country that morning, she said, in a market cart;she did not know about the election, and was quite a stranger in London.

She had got an order for the hospital for her little boy.

The child was crying with a feeble, pining cry.

"Poor little fellow!" she said, "he suffers a deal of pain;he is four years old and can't walk any more than a baby;but the doctor said if I could get him into the hospital he might get well; pray, sir, how far is it; and which way is it?""Why, missis," said Jerry, "you can't get there walking through crowds like this! why, it is three miles away, and that child is heavy.""Yes, bless him, he is; but I am strong, thank God, and if I knew the way I think I should get on somehow; please tell me the way.""You can't do it," said Jerry, "you might be knocked down and the child be run over. Now look here, just get into this cab, and I'll drive you safe to the hospital. Don't you see the rain is coming on?""No, sir, no; I can't do that, thank you, I have only just money enough to get back with. Please tell me the way.""Look you here, missis," said Jerry, "I've got a wife and dear children at home, and I know a father's feelings; now get you into that cab, and I'll take you there for nothing. I'd be ashamed of myself to let a woman and a sick child run a risk like that.""Heaven bless you!" said the woman, and burst into tears.

  • 血洒人间


  • 被军少套路的假影后


  • 灵路者


  • 幻殇如影


  • 志妖记


  • 北漂的蜕变


  • 重生日本1989


  • 自己之歌·惠特曼诗精编(中外名家经典诗歌)


  • 易烊千玺,喜欢你从现在开始


  • TFBOYS爱的秘密

