There were many more, but this will perhaps suffice; EX UNGUELEONEM. They were addressed to the "Fair Lady of Claridge's,"Madame Novikoff's hotel when in London, and were signed "Peter Paul, Bishop of Claridge's.""There is a fair lady at Claridge's, Whose smile is more charming to me, Than the rapture of ninety-nine marriages Could possibly, possibly, be; - "is the final dedicatory stanza. It is the gracious fooling of a philosopher who understood his company. "There are folks," says Mr. Counsellor Pleydell, "before whom a man should take care how he plays the fool, because they have either too much malice or too little wit." Kinglake knew his associates, and was not ashamed DESIPERE IN LOCO, to frolic in their presence.
One point there was on which he never touched himself or suffered others to interrogate him, his conception of and attitude towards the Unseen. He wore his religion as Sir William Gull wore the fur of his coat, INSIDE. Outwardly he died as he had lived, a Stoic;that on the most personal and sacred of all topics he should consult the Silences was in keeping with his idiosyncrasy. Another famous man, questioned as to his religious creed, made answer that he believed what all wise men believe. And what do all wise men believe? "That all wise men keep to themselves?"