

"I am sorry to hear this. Will you please tell me more about your troubles with the Skeezers? Then perhaps I can help you."She was only a girl, but there was dignity in her pose and speech which impressed the Su-dic.

"If you are really Princess Ozma of Oz," the Flathead said, "you are one of that band of fairies who, under Queen Lurline, made all Oz a Fairyland. I have heard that Lurline left one of her own fairies to rule Oz, and gave the fairy the name of Ozma.""If you knew this why did you not come to me at the Emerald City and tender me your loyalty and obedience?"asked the Ruler of Oz.

"Well, I only learned the fact lately, and I've been too busy to leave home," he explained, looking at the floor instead of into Ozma's eyes. She knew he had spoken a falsehood, but only said:

"Why did you quarrel with the Skeezers?"

"It was this way," began the Su-dic, glad to change the subject. "We Flatheads love fish, and as we have no fish on this mountain we would sometimes go to the Lake of the Skeezers to catch fish. This made the Skeezers angry, for they declared the fish in their lake belonged to them and were under their protection and they forbade us to catch them. That was very mean and unfriendly in the Skeezers, you must admit, and when we paid no attention to their orders they set a guard on the shore of the lake to prevent our fishing.

"Now, my wife, Rora Flathead, having four cans of brains, had become a wonderful witch, and fish being brain food, she loved to eat fish better than any one of us. So she vowed she would destroy every fish in the lake, unless the Skeezers let us catch what we wanted.

They defied us, so Rora prepared a kettleful of magic poison and went down to the lake one night to dump it all in the water and poison the fish. It was a clever idea, quite worthy of my dear wife, but the Skeezer Queen -- a young lady named Coo-ee-oh -- hid on the bank of the lake and taking Rora unawares, transformed her into a Golden Pig. The poison was spilled on the ground and wicked Queen Coo-ee-oh, not content with her cruel transformation, even took away my wife's four cans of brains, so she is now a common grunting pig without even brains enough to know her own name.""Then," said Ozma thoughtfully, "the Queen of the Skeezers must be a Sorceress.""Yes," said the Su-dic, "but she doesn't know much magic, after all. She is not as powerful as Rora Flathead was, nor half as powerful as I am now, as Queen Coo-ee-oh will discover when we fight our great battle and destroy her.""The Golden Pig can't be a witch any more, of course," observed Dorothy.

  • 萌娃当道:权少二度索婚


  • 乐府杂录


  • 冷公主vs冷少年


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 复仇公主:军火王的琉璃公主


  • 终极至阳引魂使


  • 重生异能少女:执事


  • 都市校花录


  • 心经修行课:过往不恋 将来不负

    心经修行课:过往不恋 将来不负

    《心经修行课:过往不恋 将来不负》出自艺术大师李叔同之手,他是著名音乐教育家、美术教育家、书画家、戏剧家,集诗词书画、篆刻、音乐、戏剧、文学等造诣于一身,堪称全才。他的文字是美的代表。书中李叔同先生的诗文词赋、人生领悟,犹如洗涤心灵的净化剂,帮助我们洗去浮世铅华,释放生命本真。《心经修行课:过往不恋 将来不负》是一本文学作品集,收录了李叔同先生在封建时期、民国时期及抗战时期的不同作品以及李叔同先生本人对绘画、书法、篆刻的认识,并提出相关的学习方法。
  • 帝王令

