

Carmen knew what it was; but the brave little woman was not afraid of it. Many a time before she had met it face to face, in Havanese summers; she knew how to wrestle with it; she had torn Feliu's life away from its yellow clutch, after one of those long struggles that strain even the strength of love. Now she feared mostly for Chita. She had ordered the girl under no circumstances to approach the cabin.

Julien felt that blankets had been heaped upon him,---that some gentle hand was bathing his scorching face with vinegar and water. Vaguely also there came to him the idea that it was night. He saw the shadow-shape of a woman moving against the red light upon the wall;---he saw there was a lamp burning.

Then the delirium seized him: he moaned, sobbed, cried like a child,---talked wildly at intervals in French, in English, in Spanish.

---"Mentira!---you could not be her mother ... Still, if you were---And she must not come in here,---jamais! ... Carmen, did you know Adele,---Adele Florane? So like her,---so like,---God only knows how like! ... Perhaps I think I know;---but I do not---do not know justly, fully---how like! ... Si! si!---es el vomito!---yo lo conozco, Carmen! ... She must not die twice ... I died twice ... I am going to die again. She only once. Till the heavens be no more she will not rise ... Moi, au contraire, il faut que je me leve toujours! They need me so much;---the slate is always full; the bell will never stop. They will ring that bell for me when I am dead ... So will I rise again!---resurgam!

How could I save him?---could not save myself. It was a bad case,--at seventy years! ... There! Qui ca?" ...

He saw Laroussel again,--reaching out a hand to him through a whirl of red smoke. He tried to grasp it, and could not ...

"N'importe, mon ami," said Laroussel,---"tu vas la voir bientot."

Who was he to see soon?---"qui done, Laroussel?" But Laroussel did not answer. Through the red mist he seemed to smile;---then passed.

For some hours Carmen had trusted she could save her patient,---desperate as the case appeared to be. His was one of those rapid and violent attacks, such as often despatch their victims in a single day. In the Cuban hospitals she had seen many and many terrible examples: strong young men,---soldiers fresh from Spain,---carried panting to the fever wards at sunrise; carried to the cemeteries at sunset. Even troopers riddled with revolutionary bullets had lingered longer ... Still, she had believed she might save Julien's life: the burning forehead once began to bead, the burning hands grew moist.

But now the wind was moaning;--the air had become lighter, thinner, cooler. A stone was gathering in the east; and to the fever-stricken man the change meant death ... Impossible to bring the priest of the Caminada now; and there was no other within a day's sail. She could only pray; she had lost all hope in her own power to save.

  • 穿梭现实与二次元


  • 倾城公主,前世,我爱你


  • 悲剧少女


  • 514男生寝室


  • 混世圣尊


  • 克隆文明


  • 沐血之王


  • 枕上晨钟


  • 醋娘子:丑妇十嫁


  • 网游之小白狐你去哪

