

"Now, I'll have some soup, please," observed Emily. "I'm awful hungry. I had breakfast at five o'clock this morning and we didn't have a chance to eat much."A good many times that day the captain caught himself wondering if he wasn't dreaming. The whole affair seemed too ridiculous to be an actual experience. Dinner over, he and Emmie attended to the dishes, he washing and she wiping. And even at this early stage of their acquaintance her disposition to take charge of things was apparent. She found fault with the dish towels; they were almost as bad as the tablecloth, she said. Considering that the same set had been in use since Mrs. Beasley's departure, the criticism was not altogether baseless. But the young lady did not stop there--her companion's skill as a washer was questioned.

"Excuse me," she said, "but don't you think that plate had better be done over? I guess you didn't see that place in the corner.

Perhaps you've forgot your specs. Auntie Oliver couldn't see well without her specs."Captain Cy grinned and admitted that a second washing wouldn't hurt the plate.

"I guess your auntie was one of the particular kind," he said.

"No, sir, 'twas mamma. She couldn't bear dirty things. Auntie used to say that mamma hunted dust with a magnifying glass. She didn't, though; she only liked to be neat. I guess dust doesn't worry men so much as it does women.""Why?"

"Oh, 'cause there's so much of it here; don't you think so? I'll help you clean up by and by, if you want to.""YOU will?"

"Yes, sir. I used to dust sometimes when mamma was out sewing.

And once I swept, but I did it so hard that auntie wouldn't let me any more. She said 'twas like trying to blow out a match with a tornado."Later on he found her standing in the sitting room, critically inspecting the mats, the furniture, and the pictures on the walls.

He stood watching her for a moment and then asked:

"Well, what are you lookin' for--more dust? 'Twon't be hard to find it. 'Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return.' Every time I go outdoor and come in again I realize how true that is."Emily shook her head.

"No, sir," she said; "I was only looking at things and thinking.""Thinkin', hey? What about? or is that a secret?""No, sir. I was thinking that this room was different from any I've ever seen.""Humph! Yes, I presume likely 'tis. Don't like it very much, do you?""Yes, sir, I think I do. It's got a good many things in it that Inever saw before, but I guess they're pretty--after you get used to 'em."Captain Cy laughed aloud. "After you get used to 'em, hey?" he repeated.

"Yes, sir. That's what mamma said about Auntie Oliver's new bonnet that she made herself. I--I was thinking that you must be peculiar.""Peculiar?"

"Yes, sir. I like peculiar people. I'm peculiar myself. Auntie used to say I was the most peculiar child she ever saw. P'raps that's why I came to you. P'raps God meant for peculiar ones to live together. Don't you think maybe that was it?"And the captain, having no answer ready, said nothing.

That evening when Asaph and Bailey, coming for their usual call, peeped in at the window, they were astounded by the tableau in the Whittaker sitting room. Captain Cy was seated in the rocking chair which had been his grandfather's. At his feet, on the walnut cricket with a haircloth top, sat a little girl turning over the leaves of a tattered magazine, a Godey's Lady's Book. A pile of these magazines was beside her on the floor. The captain was smiling and looking over her shoulder. The cat was curled up in another chair. The room looked more homelike than it had since its owner returned to it.

The friends entered without knocking. Captain Cy looked up, saw them, and appeared embarrassed.

"Hello, boys!" he said. "Glad to see you. Come right in. Clearin' off fine, ain't it?"

Mr. Tidditt replied absently that he wouldn't be surprised if it was. Bailey, his eyes fixed upon the occupant of the cricket, said nothing.

  • 呆瓜学霸:快过来!


  • 阳子的春天


  • 明日战神


  • 沧炎雪帝都卷


  • 修罗道途


  • 安若有寒


  • 婚姻救赎(已出版)


  • 原来你还在原点等我


  • 警察么么哒


  • 皓雪东歌之穿越恋曲


    家庭富有的司空逸是个可爱的胖胖女生.可是帅气成熟的老爸竟然搞起了外遇!爸爸情妇的挑衅,妈妈的出走,家庭即将破裂之计。上天却对她起了眷顾之心!让她来到-----以经商为主的东商,种植为主的南杉, 畜牧为主的西牧.水产为主的北渔,构成的四国中以东暮雪的身份生活!在这里她因为偶然听得的凤凰神话情之所动.开办了一家打破成规的(婚介所),为在这个时空与她相遇的人,寻爱,续爱,结缘,一步步努力着,因为混也要混出个名堂来啊!可是一个闷雷又将她打回了现代,她也认了。在参加一次特殊的拍卖会上,她想见的具有神秘力量的拍卖品未出现,却多了个一见她就怀有恨意的混血多金的未婚夫,还有不得不面对的家庭问题,她还会再次穿越吗?她经历了江湖小儿女的欢乐、家族荣辱、皇室陷恶夺权,敌国交战,还能依旧笑春风吗?可以保持着纯净的心只去喜欢一个人吗?本人小试牛刀,有种出去茅庐不怕虎的小Q精神,可我这个草根阶级还是希望各位多多支持!此文题材元素很多,大约是想把自己喜欢的小说类型都写进去,所以故事可能会很长,却不会让你觉的单一,乏味.每篇都是我用心去写的,虽然有很多不成熟的地方,却让我在填坑中,不知不觉的慢慢成长,沉浸在皓雪东歌的世界中,同时在敲击键盘中,每个按键仿佛是快乐的音符,那样忘我的敲打出直属于他们的世界,直属于-------与我一起爱着他们的世界.好文章是用心灵去构思,辛勤的浇灌着他们的成长,让你感动,让你舍不得放下,让你回味.