

"Knowest thou, then, that this very day your white Gudruda sat on Eric's lap in the snow, while he fondled her to his heart's content?""Most likely it was for warmth. Men do not dream on love in the hour of death. Who saw this?""Swanhild, who was behind, and hid herself for shame, and therefore she held that these two must soon be wed! Ah, thou art foolish now, Asmund. Young blood makes light of cold or death. Art thou blind, or dost thou not see that these two turn on each other like birds at nesting-time?""They might do worse," said Asmund, "for they are a proper pair, and it seems to me that each was born for each.""Then all goes well. Still, it is a pity to see so fair a maid cast like rotten bait upon the waters to hook this troutlet of a yeoman.

Thou hast enemies, Asmund; thou art too prosperous, and there are many who hate thee for thy state and wealth. Were it not wise to use this girl of thine to build a wall about thee against the evil day?""I have been more wont, housekeeper, to trust to my own arm than to bought friends. But tell me, for at the least thou art far-seeing, how may this be done? As things are, though I spoke roughly to him last night, I am inclined to let Eric Brighteyes take Gudruda. I have always loved the lad, and he will go far.""Listen, Asmund! Surely thou hast heard of Ospakar Blacktooth--the priest who dwells in the north?""Ay, I have heard of him, and I know him; there is no man like him for ugliness, or strength, or wealth and power. We sailed together on a viking cruise many years ago, and he did things at which my blood turned, and in those days I had no chicken heart.""With time men change their temper. Unless I am mistaken, this Ospakar wishes above all to have Gudruda in marriage, for, now that everything is his, this alone is left for him to ask--the fairest woman in Iceland as a housewife. Think then, with Ospakar for a son-in-law, who is there that can stand against thee?""I am not so sure of this matter, nor do I altogether trust thee, Groa. Of a truth it seems to me that thou hast some stake upon the race. This Ospakar is evil and hideous. It were a shame to give Gudruda over to him when she looks elsewhere. Knowest thou that Iswore to love and cherish her, and how runs this with my oath? If Eric is not too rich, yet he is of good birth and kin, and, moreover, a man of men. If he take her good will come of it.""It is like thee, Asmund, always to mistrust those who spend their days in plotting for thy weal. Do as thou wilt: let Eric take this treasure of thine--for whom earls would give their state--and live to rue it. But I say this: if he have thy leave to roam here with his dove the matter will soon grow, for these two sicken each to each, and young blood is hot and ill at waiting, and it is not always snow-time.

So betroth her or let him go. And now I have said.""Thy tongue runs too fast. The man is quite unproved and I will try him. To-morrow I will warn him from my door; then things shall go as they are fated. And now peace, for I weary of thy talk, and, moreover, it is false; for thou lackest one thing--a little honesty to season all thy craft. What fee has Ospakar paid thee, I wonder. Thou at least hadst never refused the gold ring to-night, for thou wouldst do much for gold.""And more for love, and most of all for hate," Groa said, and laughed aloud; nor did they speak more on this matter that night.

Now, early in the morning Asmund rose, and, going to the hall, awoke Eric, who slept by the centre hearth, saying that he would talk with him without. Then Eric followed him to the back of the hall.

"Say now, Eric," he said, when they stood in the grey light outside the house, "who was it taught thee that kisses keep out the cold on snowy days?"Now Eric reddened to his yellow hair, but he answered: "Who was it told thee, lord, that I tried this medicine?""The snow hides much, but there are eyes that can pierce the snow.

Nay, more, thou wast seen, and there's an end. Now know this--I like thee well, but Gudruda is not for thee; she is far above thee, who art but a deedless yeoman.""Then I love to no end," said Eric; "I long for one thing only, and that is Gudruda. It was in my mind to ask her in marriage of thee to-day.""Then, lad, thou hast thy answer before thou askest. Be sure of one thing: if but once again I find thee alone with Gudruda, it is my axe shall kiss thee and not her lips.""That may yet be put to the proof, lord," said Eric, and turned to seek his horse, when suddenly Gudruda came and stood between them, and his heart leapt at the sight of her.

"Listen, Gudruda," Eric said. "This is thy father's word: that we two speak together no more.""Then it is an ill saying for us," said Gudruda, laying her hand upon her breast.



  • 如来成道经


  • 洞麓堂集


  • 医碥


  • 墬形训


  • 璐璐历险


  • 娇妻磨磨蹭:总裁强势夺婚


  • 剑灵异志录


  • 栀树留风


  • 冷酷王子恋上冰冷公主




  • 远去的故事


  • 紫花瓣


  • 偶像手记第一部之学园日记


  • 他知道风从哪个方向来


    这样确切的爱,一生只有一次。彭野,一个即使没有手表也能知道时间的男人,一个在草原上识别八十八个星座的男人,一个拥有神射手般枪法的男长,一个为了心爱的女人能屈能伸的男人,一个无所不能的男人。程迦,一个在荒野中落单却淡定坐在车顶抽烟的女人,一个帮着羞涩小伙子大胆示爱的女人,一个中了枪也一声不吭的女人,一个因为彭野而终于知道什么是爱情的女人。 有风的地方,就会想起彭野,如狂风般强硬;有海的地方,就会想起程迦,如大海般柔软。仍记得,他指间一斜蓝天日出,鹰在穿梭。他对鹰说:“程迦,明天是个好天气。”他说是,就当然会是,因为——他知道风从哪个方向来。