

"Yes, ME!" A coquettish little toss of her head added to his confusion. "He threw up his job just to follow me, without my knowing it, to see that I didn't come to any harm. He saw me only once, too, at the house when he came to take possession. He said he thought I was 'clear grit' to risk everything to find father, and he said he saw it in me when he was there; that's how he guessed where I was gone when I ran away, and followed me.""He was as right as he was lucky," said Masterton gravely. "But how did you get here?"She slipped down on the floor beside him with an unconscious movement that her masculine garments only made the more quaintly girlish, and, clasping her knee with both hands, looked at the fire as she rocked herself slightly backward and forward as she spoke.

"It will shock a proper man like you, I know," she began demurely, "but I came ALONE, with only a Chinaman to guide me. I got these clothes from our laundryman, so that I shouldn't attract attention.

I would have got a Chinese lady's dress, but I couldn't walk in THEIR shoes,"--she looked down at her little feet encased in wooden sandals,--"and I had a long way to walk. But even if I didn't look quite right to Chinamen, no white man was able to detect the difference. You passed me twice in the stage, and you didn't know me. I traveled night and day, most of the time walking, and being passed along from one Chinaman to another, or, when we were alone, being slung on a pole between two coolies like a bale of goods. Iate what they could give me, for I dared not go into a shop or a restaurant; I couldn't shut my eyes in their dens, so I stayed awake all night. Yet I got ahead of you and the sheriff,--though Ididn't know at the time what YOU were after," she added presently.

He was overcome with wondering admiration of her courage, and of self-reproach at his own short-sightedness. This was the girl he had looked upon as a spoiled village beauty, satisfied with her small triumphs and provincial elevation, and vacant of all other purpose. Here was she--the all-unconscious heroine--and he her critic helpless at her feet! It was not a cheerful reflection, and yet he took a certain delight in his expiation. Perhaps he had half believed in her without knowing it. What could he do or say?

I regret to say he dodged the question meanly.

"And you think your disguise escaped detection?" he said, looking markedly at her escaped braid of hair.

She followed his eyes rather than his words, half pettishly caught up the loosened braid, swiftly coiled it around the top of her head, and, clapping the weather-beaten and battered conical hat back again upon it, defiantly said: "Yes! Everybody isn't as critical as you are, and even you wouldn't be--of a Chinaman!"He had never seen her except when she was arrayed with the full intention to affect the beholders and perfectly conscious of her attractions; he was utterly unprepared for this complete ignoring of adornment now, albeit he was for the first time aware how her real prettiness made it unnecessary. She looked fully as charming in this grotesque head-covering as she had in that paragon of fashion, the new hat, which had excited his tolerant amusement.

"I'm afraid I'm a very poor critic," he said bluntly. "I never conceived that this sort of thing was at all to your taste.""I came to see my father because I wanted to," she said, with equal bluntness.

"And I came to see him though I DIDN'T want to," he said, with a cynical laugh.

She turned, and fixed her brown eyes inquiringly upon him.

"Why did you come, then?"

"I was ordered by my directors."

"Then you did not believe he was a thief?" she asked, her eyes softening.

"It would ill become me to accuse your father or my directors," he answered diplomatically.

She was quick enough to detect the suggestion of moral superiority in his tone, but woman enough to forgive it. "You're no friend of Windibrook," she said, "I know.""I am not," he replied frankly.

  • 楼居杂著


  • 送十五舅


  • 太上洞玄济众经


  • 白华楼藏稿


  • 云门匡真禅师广录


  • 弃子龙妻:我掌江山君为相


  • 潇洒穿梭爱在我


  • 来复无言


  • 腐女妈咪腹黑爹地


  • 姑娘药别停


  • 别跟学习过不去


    为什么要学习?怎样去学习?怎样才能学好?这是困扰当今2.2亿中国青少年的三大问题,也是富有爱心的家长和教师日夜思考的三大问题。难道注定要这样永无休止地问下去?现在,一位教育灵魂的追寻者带着他多年研究、演讲和交流的成果来了。作为方法动力学研究第一人,在这本方法动力学的开山之作中,不仅解答了这三大难题,还提出了21世纪学习者必备的10 种基本素质及修炼方法,25种即读即用的思维方法,以及由此走向成功的6个步骤,更有作者精心收集的、与全书内容融为一体的几十个生动的故事。青少年读者将在本书的阅读中优化思想、改善习惯、提升信心、引爆潜能,快速成为自觉地经营学习和管理人生的高手。
  • 一剑嫣然


  • 手心里的太阳:最温暖的50个心灵成长故事


  • 山城雾浓


  • 荆棘婚路

