
第39章 Footnotes:

{1} The goddess of death--according to the Northern mythology.

{2} The paradise of the Northern mythology.

{3} Moe in Danish signifies Maid, and is pronounced nearly like "May." May is Old English for Maid.

{4} The Fairies.--Ellefolk. Dan.

{5} Giants.--Jette. Dan.

{6} Dovrefeld is the highest mountain in Norway, and in Europe.

{7} Some of the many powers attributed to "Runic verses" will be found described in the song so intituled, in the latter part of this volume.

{8} Boune, to get ready.

{9} Rede, advise. Raader.--Dan.

{10} Woxen, grown. Voxen.--Dan.

{11} Jesus Christ.

{12} Grene shaw, green wood.--Old English.

{13} Brute-carl, dyre-carl.--Original.

{14} By this nose under the chin must be understood, that the elf has so long and crooked a nose, that it reaches and turns up under his chin. Crooked noses are, in all stories, allowed to be an ingredient of fiendish physiognomy.

{15} Svobt udi maard.--Original.

{16} Slaae mig et mit Ledemod sonder.

{17} Burly, strong.

{18} Rok og teen. The Rok is no longer used in England, though still common in the North. It is a hazle stick, more than a yard long, round which the wool is wound. It is affixed to the side of the spinner, under the left arm.

{19} By scattering "Runes," or Runic letters, over graves, provided they formed a particular rhyme, the ancient Scandinavians imagined that the dead might be aroused.

{20} Han laerer de Kiaempers Ryg at verke.

{21} To ride at Dyst, to battle on horseback.

{22} It was formerly the custom in Denmark, upon St. John's day, to celebrate the arrival of Summer, by troops of youths and maids going out into the woods, and thence returning bedecked with leaves and branches. This ceremony was called "bringing Summer to town."

{23} Blank, clear, shining.--Dan.

{24} Called in Danish Kiaempe-steene; these stones either mark the burial place of a warrior, or the spot where some very remarkable circumstance has occurred.

{25} These were ancient Danish monarchs renowned in song and tale, for warlike exploits and strange adventures. Not far from the Bridge of Vaere in the diocese of Roeskild, is King Frode's grave-hill, which, according to tradition, contains immense treasures, and is the richest in all the land. "Around the King's neck is a gold chain, so long that its other end reaches round his feet." See Thiele's Danske Folkesagn.

{26} Denmark's wisest and greatest king. He entertained a warm friendship for James the First of England, and, attended by his court, came to London to visit him. The ceremonies and rejoicings which this event gave rise to, are well described in an old German book, at present in the British Museum.

{27} Tordenskiold Juul and Hvidtfeld--celebrated Danish admirals.The memory of Tordenskiold is sacred among the peasantry, on account of the victories obtained by him over the Swedes. It is reported of him in Jutland, that when the shot of the enemy was directed thick and fast against him, he would shake the leaden bullets from out the folds of his clothes.

{28} In the Northern mythology, the God of war and strength. He is girded by a belt of bear-sinews, and bears a hammer called "Miolner,"which means the shatterer, and with which he destroys giants, demons, and other foes of Odin the supreme God.

{29} See preface to "Waldemar's Chase," p. 115.

{30} It was frequently the practice of the ancient Norsemen, after having entombed their dead kings and heroes, to plant oaks or other trees over them, in order to prevent their remains being disturbed with facility. In that sublimest of all poems, "The Incantation of Hervor," is a passage to the following effect:Hervadr, Hiorvadr, Hrani and Angantyr, I wake ye all under the roots of the trees.

{31} Between the islands of Ferroe the Sea exhibits a phenomenon, called, in the dialect of the Islanders, the Boff. Whilst the salt stream runs strong and glassy through its narrow channel, it is suddenly deformed by seven successive breakers, huge and foamy, which occur without any apparent cause, and infallibly overwhelm any boat which may chance to be in the way of their fury.

{32} The ancient Northern god of music and poetry.

{33} A mountain in the Scottish Highlands.

{34} The Duergar, or Dwarf-elves, of Scandinavia are famous for the dexterity with which they fabricate ornaments of every kind, from the gold which they dig out of the depths of the hills.

{35} Kemp, a warrior.--Old Eng. Dan. Kiempe.


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