

Some people contended that the reason Mademoiselle Reisz always chose apartments up under the roof was to discourage the approach of beggars, peddlars and callers. There were plenty of windows in her little front room. They were for the most part dingy, but as they were nearly always open it did not make so much difference. They often admitted into the room a good deal of smoke and soot; but at the same time all the light and air that there was came through them. From her windows could be seen the crescent of the river, the masts of ships and the big chimneys of the Mississippi steamers. A magnificent piano crowded the apartment.

In the next room she slept, and in the third and last she harbored a gasoline stove on which she cooked her meals when disinclined to descend to the neighboring restaurant. It was there also that she ate, keeping her belongings in a rare old buffet, dingy and battered from a hundred years of use.

When Edna knocked at Mademoiselle Reisz's front room door and entered, she discovered that person standing beside the window, engaged in mending or patching an old prunella gaiter. The little musician laughed all over when she saw Edna. Her laugh consisted of a contortion of the face and all the muscles of the body.

She seemed strikingly homely, standing there in the afternoon light.

She still wore the shabby lace and the artificial bunch of violets on the side of her head.

"So you remembered me at last," said Mademoiselle.

"I had said to myself, `Ah, bah! she will never come.'""Did you want me to come?" asked Edna with a smile.

"I had not thought much about it," answered Mademoiselle. The two had seated themselves on a little bumpy sofa which stood against the wall. "I am glad, however, that you came. I have the water boiling back there, and was just about to make some coffee.

You will drink a cup with me. And how is la belle dame?

Always handsome! always healthy! always contented!" She took Edna's hand between her strong wiry fingers, holding it loosely without warmth, and executing a sort of double theme upon the back and palm.

"Yes," she went on; "I sometimes thought: `She will never come. She promised as those women in society always do, without meaning it. She will not come.' For I really don't believe you like me, Mrs. Pontellier.""I don't know whether I like you or not," replied Edna, gazing down at the little woman with a quizzical look.

The candor of Mrs. Pontellier's admission greatly pleased Mademoiselle Reisz. She expressed her gratification by repairing forthwith to the region of the gasoline stove and rewarding her guest with the promised cup of coffee. The coffee and the biscuit accompanying it proved very acceptable to Edna, who had declined refreshment at Madame Lebrun's and was now beginning to feel hungry. Mademoiselle set the tray which she brought in upon a small table near at hand, and seated herself once again on the lumpy sofa.

"I have had a letter from your friend," she remarked, as she poured a little cream into Edna's cup and handed it to her.

"My friend?"

"Yes, your friend Robert. He wrote to me from the City of Mexico.""Wrote to YOU?" repeated Edna in amazement, stirring her coffee absently.

"Yes, to me. Why not? Don't stir all the warmth out of your coffee; drink it. Though the letter might as well have been sent to you; it was nothing but Mrs. Pontellier from beginning to end.""Let me see it," requested the young woman, entreatingly.

  • 快穿之超级玛丽苏


  • 凤舞九天


  • 十二域


  • 捉不住的梦


  • 做自己的心理医生


    山珍海味不能减轻心中的忧虑;旅游归来依然身心疲惫;柔软的水床并不能带来安稳的睡眠;豪华的房间也消除不了夫妻的矛盾……面对“心病”,只有用积极的态度去认识它,用正确的心态去对待它。学会提高自己的心理素质,学会心理自我调节,学会心理适应,学会心理自助,每个人都可以在心理疾患发展的某些阶段成为自己的“心理医生 ”。希望本书就像西方传说中每个人都拥有的“守护天使”,在关键的时刻能给予您智慧和信心,帮助您正确应对纷繁复杂的心理困惑,轻松掌控心理,赢得圆润生活,从而迈向成功的人生。"
  • 霸刀


  • 诱婚之楚少太凶残


  • 泉石集


  • 冰心残雪


  • 我不准你离开我

