

In days of ease, when now the weary sword Was sheathed, and luxury with Charles restored;In every taste of foreign courts improved, "All, by the king's example, lived and loved."Then peers grew proud in horsemanship t' excel, Newmarket's glory rose, as Britain's fell;The soldier breathed the gallantries of France, And every flowery courtier wrote romance.

Then marble, softened into life, grew warm:

And yielding metal flowed to human form:

Lely on animated canvas stole The sleepy eye, that spoke the melting soul.

No wonder then, when all was love and sport, The willing Muses were debauched at court:

On each enervate string they taught the note To pant, or tremble through an eunuch's throat.

But Britain, changeful as a child at play, Now calls in princes, and now turns away.

Now Whig, now Tory, what we loved we hate;Now all for pleasure, now for Church and State;Now for prerogative, and now for laws;

Effects unhappy from a noble cause.

Time was, a sober Englishman would knock His servants up, and rise by five o'clock, Instruct his family in every rule, And send his wife to church, his son to school.

To worship like his fathers, was his care;To teach their frugal virtues to his heir;To prove, that luxury could never hold;

And place, on good security, his gold.

Now times are changed, and one poetic itch Has seized the court and city, poor and rich:

Sons, sires, and grandsires, all will wear the bays, Our wives read Milton, and our daughters plays, To theatres, and to rehearsals throng, And all our grace at table is a song.

I, who so oft renounce the Muses, lie, Not ----'s self e'er tells more fibs than I;When sick of Muse, our follies we deplore, And promise our best friends to rhyme no more;We wake next morning in a raging fit, And call for pen and ink to show our wit.

He served a 'prenticeship, who sets up shop;Ward tried on puppies, and the poor, his drop;Even Radcliff's doctors travel first to France, Nor dare to practise till they've learned to dance.

Who builds a bridge that never drove a pile?

(Should Ripley venture, all the world would smile)But those who cannot write, and those who can, All rhyme, and scrawl, and scribble, to a man.

Yet, sir, reflect, the mischief is not great;These madmen never hurt the Church or State;Sometimes the folly benefits mankind;

And rarely av'rice taints the tuneful mind.

Allow him but his plaything of a pen, He ne'er rebels, or plots, like other men:

Flight of cashiers, or mobs, he'll never mind;And knows no losses while the Muse is kind.

To cheat a friend, or ward, he leaves to Peter;The good man heaps up nothing but mere metre, Enjoys his garden and his book in quiet;And then--a perfect hermit in his diet.

Of little use the man you may suppose, Who says in verse what others say in prose;Yet let me show, a poet's of some weight, And (though no soldier) useful to the State.

What will a child learn sooner than a song?

What better teach a foreigner the tongue?

What's long or short, each accent where to place, And speak in public with some sort of grace?

I scarce can think him such a worthless thing, Unless he praise some monster of a king;Or virtue, or religion turn to sport, To please a lewd or unbelieving court.

Unhappy Dryden!--In all Charles's days, Roscommon only boasts unspotted bays;And in our own (excuse some courtly stains)No whiter page than Addison remains.

He, from the taste obscene reclaims our youth, And sets the passions on the side of truth, Forms the soft bosom with the gentlest art, And pours each human virtue in the heart.

Let Ireland tell, how wit upheld her cause, Her trade supported, and supplied her laws;And leave on Swift this grateful verse engraved:

'The rights a court attacked, a poet saved.'

Behold the hand that wrought a nation's cure, Stretched to relieve the idiot and the poor, Proud vice to brand, or injured worth adorn, And stretch the ray to ages yet unborn.

Not but there are, who merit other palms;Hopkins and Sternhold glad the heart with psalms:

The boys and girls whom charity maintains, Implore your help in these pathetic strains:

How could devotion touch the country pews, Unless the gods bestowed a proper Muse?

Verse cheers their leisure, verse assists their work, Verse prays for peace, or sings down Pope and Turk.

The silenced preacher yields to potent strain, And feels that grace his prayer besought in vain;The blessing thrills through all the lab'ring throng, And Heaven is won by violence of song.

Our rural ancestors, with little blest, Patient of labour when the end was rest, Indulged the day that housed their annual grain, With feasts, and off'rings, and a thankful strain:

The joy their wives, their sons, and servants share, Ease of their toil, and partners of their care:

The laugh, the jest, attendants on the bowl, Smoothed every brow, and opened every soul:

With growing years the pleasing licence grew, And taunts alternate innocently flew.

But times corrupt, and Nature, ill-inclined, Produced the point that left a sting behind;Till friend with friend, and families at strife, Triumphant malice raged through private life.

Who felt the wrong, or feared it, took th' alarm, Appealed to law, and justice lent her arm.

At length, by wholesome dread of statutes bound, The poets learned to please, and not to wound:

Most warped to flatt'ry's side; but some more nice, Preserved the freedom, and forebore the vice.

Hence satire rose, that just the medium hit, And heals with morals what it hurts with wit.

Weconquered France, but felt our captive's charms;Her arts victorious triumphed o'er our arms;Britain to soft refinements less a foe, Wit grew polite, and numbers learned to flow.

Waller was smooth; but Dryden taught to join )The varying verse, the full-resounding line, )The long majestic march, and energy divine. )Though still some traces of our rustic vein And splay-foot verse, remained, and will remain.

Late, very late, correctness grew our care, When the tired nation breathed from civil war.

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