

Next day this young squire he took to his bed;And when his dear parents this thing both perceived, For fear of his death they were right sorely grieved.

To tend him they send for a nurse speedily, He said, 'None but Catskin my nurse now shall be.'

His parents said, 'No, son.' He said, 'But she shall, Or else I'll have none for to nurse me at all.'

His parents both wondered to hear him say thus, That no one but Catskin must be his nurse;So then his dear parents their son to content, Up into his chamber poor Catskin they sent.

Sweet cordials and other rich things were prepared, Which between this young couple were equally shared;And when all alone they in each other's arms, Enjoyed one another in love's pleasant charms.

And at length on a time poor Catskin, 'tis said, In her rich attire again was arrayed, And when that his mother to the chamber drew near, Then much like a goddess did Catskin appear;Which caused her to stare, and thus for to say, 'What young lady is this, come tell me, I pray?'

He said, 'It is Catskin for whom sick I lie, And except I do have her with speed I shall die.'

His mother then hastened to call up the knight, Who ran up to see this amazing great sight;He said, 'Is this Catskin we held in such scorn?

I ne'er saw a finer dame since I was born.'

The old knight he said to her, 'I prithee tell me, From whence thou didst come and of what family?'

Then who were her parents she gave them to know, And what was the cause of her wandering so.

The young squire he cried, 'If you will save my life, Pray grant this young creature she may be my wife.'

His father replied, 'Thy life for to save, If you have agreed, my consent you may have.'

Next day, with great triumph and joy as we hear, There were many coaches came far and near;Then much like a goddess dressed in rich array, Catskin was married to the squire that day.

For several days this wedding did last, Where was many a topping and gallant repast, And for joy the bells rung out all over the town, And bottles of canary rolled merrily round.

When Catskin was married, her fame for to raise, Who saw her modest carriage they all gave her praise;Thus her charming beauty the squire did win;And who lives so great now as he and Catskin.


Now in the fifth part I'll endeavour to show, How things with her parents and sister did go;Her mother and sister of life are bereft, And now all alone the old squire is left.

Who hearing his daughter was married so brave, He said, 'In my noddle a fancy I have;Dressed like a poor man now a journey I'll make, And see if she on me some pity will take.'

Then dressed like a beggar he went to her gate, Where stood his daughter, who looked very great;He cried, 'Noble lady, a poor man I be, And am now forced to crave charity.'

With a blush she asked him from whence that he came;And with that he told her, and likewise his name.

She cried 'I'm your daughter, whom you slighted so, Yet, nevertheless, to you kindness I'll show.

'Through mercy the Lord hath provided for me;Pray, father, come in and sit down then,' said she.

Then the best provisions the house could afford, For to make him welcome was set on the board.

She said, 'You are welcome, feed hearty, I pray, And, if you are willing, with me you shall stay, So long as you live.' Then he made this reply:

'I only am come now thy love for to try.

'Through mercy, my dear child, I'm rich and not poor, I have gold and silver enough now in store;And for this love which at thy hands I have found, For thy portion I'll give thee ten thousand pound.'

So in a few days after, as I understand, This man he went home, and sold off all his land, And ten thousand pounds to his daughter did give, And now altogether in love they do live.



[THIS ballad, which resembles the Danish ballad of RIBOLT, was taken down from the recitation of an old fiddler in Northumberland:

in one verse there is an HIATUS, owing to the failure of the reciter's memory. The refrain should be repeated in every verse.]

O DID you ever hear of the brave Earl Brand, Hey lillie, ho lillie lallie;His courted the king's daughter o' fair England, I' the brave nights so early!

She was scarcely fifteen years that tide, When sae boldly she came to his bed-side, 'O, Earl Brand, how fain wad I see A pack of hounds let loose on the lea.'

'O, lady fair, I have no steed but one, But thou shalt ride and I will run.'

'O, Earl Brand, but my father has two, And thou shalt have the best of tho'.'

Now they have ridden o'er moss and moor, And they have met neither rich nor poor;Till at last they met with old Carl Hood, He's aye for ill, and never for good.

'Now Earl Brand, an ye love me, Slay this old Carl and gar him dee.'

'O, lady fair, but that would be sair, To slay an auld Carl that wears grey hair.

'My own lady fair, I'll not do that, I'll pay him his fee . . . . . . '

'O, where have ye ridden this lee lang day, And where have ye stown this fair lady away?'

'I have not ridden this lee lang day, Nor yet have I stown this lady away;'For she is, I trow, my sick sister, Whom I have been bringing fra' Winchester.'

'If she's been sick, and nigh to dead, What makes her wear the ribbon so red?

'If she's been sick, and like to die, What makes her wear the gold sae high?'

When came the Carl to the lady's yett, He rudely, rudely rapped thereat.

'Now where is the lady of this hall?'

'She's out with her maids a playing at the ball.'

'Ha, ha, ha! ye are all mista'en, Ye may count your maidens owre again.

'I met her far beyond the lea With the young Earl Brand his leman to be.'

Her father of his best men armed fifteen, And they're ridden after them bidene.

The lady looked owre her left shoulder then, Says, 'O Earl Brand we are both of us ta'en.'

'If they come on me one by one, You may stand by till the fights be done;'But if they come on me one and all, You may stand by and see me fall.'

They came upon him one by one, Till fourteen battles he has won;And fourteen men he has them slain, Each after each upon the plain.

But the fifteenth man behind stole round, And dealt him a deep and a deadly wound.

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