
第67章 CHAPTER VI(1)

A Boer-wedding

"I didn't know before you were so fond of riding hard," said Gregory to his little betrothed.

They were cantering slowly on the road to Oom Muller's on the morning of the wedding.

"Do you call this riding hard?" asked Em in some astonishment.

"Of course I do! It's enough to break the horses' necks, and knock one up for the whole day besides," he added testily; then twisted his head to look at the buggy that came on behind. "I thought Waldo was such a mad driver; they are taking it easily enough today," said Gregory. "One would think the black stallions were lame."

"I suppose they want to keep out of our dust," said Em. "See, they stand still as soon as we do."

Perceiving this to be the case, Gregory rode on.

"It's all that horse of yours: she kicks up such a confounded dust, I can't stand it myself," he said.

Meanwhile the cart came on slowly enough.

"Take the reins," said Lyndall, and "and make them walk. I want to rest and watch their hoofs today--not to be exhilarated; I am so tired."

She leaned back in her corner, and Waldo drove on slowly in the grey dawn light along the level road. They passed the very milk-bush behind which so many years before the old German had found the Kaffer woman. But their thoughts were not with him that morning: they were the thoughts of the young, that run out to meet the future, and labour in the present. At last he touched her arm.

"What is it?"

"I feared you had gone to sleep and might be jolted out," he said; "you sat so quietly."

"No; do not talk to me; I am not asleep;" but after a time she said suddenly: "It must be a terrible thing to bring a human being into the world."

Waldo looked round; she sat drawn into the corner, her blue cloud wound tightly about her, and she still watched the horses' feet. Having no comment to offer on her somewhat unexpected remark, he merely touched up his horses.

"I have no conscience, none," she added; "but I would not like to bring a soul into this world. When it sinned and when it suffered something like a dead hand would fall on me--'You did it, you, for your own pleasure you created this thing! See your work!' If it lived to be eighty it would always hang like a millstone round my neck, have the right to demand good from me, and curse me for its sorrow. A parent is only like to God--if his work turns out bad, so much the worse for him; he dare not wash his hands of it. Time and years can never bring the day when you can say to your child: 'Soul, what have I to do with you?'"

Waldo said dreamingly:

"It is a marvellous thing that one soul should have power to cause another."

She heard the words as she heard the beating of the horses' hoofs; her thoughts ran on in their own line.

"They say, 'God sends the little babies.' Of all the dastardly revolting lies men tell to suit themselves, I hate that most. I suppose my father said so when he knew he was dying of consumption, and my mother when she knew she had nothing to support me on, and they created me to feed like a dog from stranger hands. Men do not say God sends the books, or the newspaper articles, or the machines they make; and then sigh, and shrug their shoulders and say they can't help it. Why do they say so about other things? Liars! 'God sends the little babies!'" She struck her foot fretfully against the splashboard. "The small children say so earnestly.

They touch the little stranger reverently who has just come from God's far country, and they peep about the room to see if not one white feather has dropped from the wing of the angel that brought him. On their lips the phrase means much; on all others it is a deliberate lie. Noticeable, too," she said, dropping in an instant from the passionate into a low, mocking tone, "when people are married, though they should have sixty children, they throw the whole onus on God. When they are not, we hear nothing about God's having sent them. When there has been no legal contract between the parents, who sends the little children then? The devil perhaps!" She laughed her little silvery, mocking laugh. "Odd that some men should come from hell and some from heaven, and yet all look so much alike when they get here."

Waldo wondered at her. He had not the key to her thoughts, and did not see the string on which they were strung. She drew her cloud tighter about her.

"It must be very nice to believe in the devil," she said; "I wish I did.

If it would be of any use I would pray three hours night and morning on my bare knees, 'God, let me believe in Satan.' He is so useful to those people who do. They may be as selfish and as sensual as they please, and, between God's will and the devil's action, always have some one to throw their sin on. But we, wretched unbelievers, we bear our own burdens: we must say, 'I myself did it, I. Not God, not Satan; I myself!' That is the sting that strikes deep. Waldo," she said gently, with a sudden and complete change of manner, "I like you so much, I love you." She rested her cheek softly against his shoulder. "When I am with you I never know that I am a woman and you are a man; I only know that we are both things that think. Other men when I am with them, whether I love them or not, they are mere bodies to me; but you are a spirit; I like you. Look," she said quickly, sinking back into her corner, "what a pretty pinkness there is on all the hilltops! The sun will rise in a moment."

Waldo lifted his eyes to look round over the circle of golden hills; and the horses, as the first sunbeams touched them, shook their heads and champed their bright bits, till the brass settings in their harness glittered again.

It was eight o'clock when they neared the farmhouse: a red-brick building, with kraals to the right and a small orchard to the left. Already there were signs of unusual life and bustle: one cart, a wagon, and a couple of saddles against the wall betokened the arrival of a few early guests, whose numbers would soon be largely increased. To a Dutch country wedding guests start up in numbers astonishing to one who has merely ridden through the plains of sparsely-inhabited karoo.

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  • 丑后休夫


    明明在医院打点滴,醒来之后却跑到古代。死了娘,爹不爱,典型的可怜虫,还好有个丫鬟相依为命。生日过的好好的,老爹突然来了,要她参加选秀女。就凭她那副尊容?据说还是先皇钦点的,见鬼了,点她干什么啊。选就选吧,总之也选不上。京城出来个专杀秀女的变态,她很不幸成为靶子。人家一包春药灌下去,她就主动脱光衣服送上门。关键时刻跑出个‘大侠’救了她。非常倒霉,虽然没被变态糟蹋,最终还是失身了。罪魁祸首就是那个‘大侠’。残花败柳的她被家人逼着去选秀,很幸运失身之事被遮掩了过去。本以为以她人见人怕,花见花谢的尊容,绝对落选。很不幸,太后立排众议,将她留了下来。关键时刻,发现自己有了身孕,孩子他爹就是强奸自己那个混蛋.。到底要怎么办?这个孩子到底要把要呢。一咬牙,要吧,孩子无辜啊。为了不让自己怀孕的事露馅,干脆得罪皇帝,进冷宫安胎。哎,无宠的日子难过啊,今天这个找麻烦,明天那个来羞辱,还要隐瞒自己怀孕的事实,难啊。不知道太后是不是吃错药,对她好的没话说,什么事都替她扛了。无宠妃子做的好好的,太后非要立她做皇后。皇后还没做,后宫那帮女人就虎视耽耽,她不干了,辞职。带了珠宝丫鬟,夜半三更去翻墙。被逮到了,打进冷宫。太后一哭二闹三上吊,又给弄了出来。宫廷冷清,朝堂寂寞,她的小日子还真是不寂寞,和八王爷对对诗,与侍卫统领打打架,今天跟这个逃跑,明天跟那个似奔,皇帝气的想掐死她。侍寝之夜,直接将皇帝暴打一顿逃离皇宫,顺便送上休书一封。“皇帝小子,本宫决定红杏出墙,特地休了你”看看,哪有这样的女人?很不幸,还没跑出皇宫呢,又被逮回来了。盛怒下打了她 10大板,太后气病,八王爷大闹,御前侍卫统领兼好兄弟要辞职,这个丑女人是妖精啊,到最后,连高高在上的皇帝都给拐了去。本文是小丫头的拙作,纯粹自娱。若是看了以后想吐的话,我可不提供酸梅哦!QQ群1:13534516QQ群2:35314648QQ群3 46188156很多书友已经报名客串了,下面公布一下,位报名的赶快了,名额有有限。蓝泪----书友蓝色深海之泪客串逸风公子-----书友逸风客串绝魅公子--------书友親親伱ぶ嘴客串玉情公主(齐玉情)----书友青山Vs绿水 客串秋天-------书友秋天的日记客串赵紫雪(淑妃)-----书友紫雪客串洛思萦-------书友思萦客串水无香-----书友真水无香客串
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