

'I call myself the Samson of the firewood guillotine. See here again!Loo,loo,loo;Loo,loo,loo!And off her head comes!Now,a child.Tickle,tickle;Pickle,pickle!And off its head comes.All the family!'

Lucie shuddered as he threw two more billets into his basket,but it was impossible to be there while the wood-sawyer was at work,and not be in his sight. Thenceforth,to secure his good will,she always spoke to him first,and often gave him drink-money,which he readily received.

He was an inquisitive fellow,and sometimes when she had quite forgotten him in gazing at the prison roof and grates,and in lifting her heart up to her husband,she would come to herself to find him looking at her,with his knee on his bench and his saw stopped in its work.'But it's not my business!'he would generally say at those times,and would briskly fall to his sawing again.

In all weathers,in the snow and frost of winter,in the bitter winds of spring,in the hot sunshine of summer,in the rains of autumn,and again in the snow and frost of winter,Lucie passed two hours of every day at this place;and every day on leaving it,she kissed the prison wall. Her husband saw her(so she learned from her father)it might be once in five or six times:it might be twice or thrice running:it might be,not for a week or a fortnight together.It was enough that he could and did see her when the chances served,and on that possibility she would have waited out the day,seven days a week.

These occupations brought her round to the December month,wherein her father walked among the terrors with a steady head. On a lightly-snowing afternoon she arrived at the usual corner.It was a day of some wild rejoicing,and a festival.She had seen the houses,as she came along,decorated with little pikes,and with little red caps stuck upon them;also,with tricoloured ribbons;also,with the standard inion(tricoloured letters were the favourite),Republic One and Indivisible.Liberty,Equality,Fraternity,or Death!

The miserable shop of the wood-sawyer was so small,that its whole surface furnished very indifferent space for this legend. He had got somebody to scrawl it up for him,however,who had squeezed Death in with most inappropriate difficulty.On his house-top,he displayed pike and cap,as a good citizen must,and in a window he had stationed his saw inscribed as his'Little Sainte Guillotine'—for the great sharp female was by that time popularly canonised.His shop was shut and he was not there,which was a relief to Lucie,and left her quite alone.

But,he was not far off,for presently she heard a troubled movement and a shouting coming along,which filled her with fear. A moment afterwards,and a throng of people came pouring round the corner by the prison wall,in the midst of which was the wood-sawyer hand in hand with The Vengeance.There could not be fewer than five hundred people,and they were dancing like five thousand demons.There was no other music than their own singing.They danced to the popular Revolution song,keeping a ferocious time that was like a gnashing of teeth in unison.Men and women danced together,women danced together,men danced together,as hazard had brought them together.At first,they werea mere storm of coarse red caps and coarse woollen rags;but,as they filled the place,and stopped to dance about Lucie,some ghastly apparition of a dance-figure gone raving mad arose among them.They advanced,retreated,struck at one another's hands,clutched at one another's heads,spun round alone,caught one another and spun round in pairs,until many of them dropped.While those were down,the rest linked hand in hand,and all spun round together:then the ring broke,and in separate rings of two and four they turned and turned until they all stopped at once,began again,struck,clutched,and tore,and then reversed the spin,and all spun round another way.Suddenly they stopped again,paused,struck out the time afresh,formed into lines the width of the public way,and,with their heads low down and their hands high up,swooped screaming off.No fight could have been half so terrible as this dance.It was so emphatically a fallen sport—a something,once innocent,delivered over to all devilry—a healthy pastime changed into a means of angering the blood,bewildering the senses,and stealing the heart.Such grace as was visible in it,made it the uglier,showing how warped and perverted all things good by nature were become.The maidenly bosom bared to this,the pretty almost-child's head thus distracted,the delicate foot mincing in this slough of blood and dirt,were types of the disjointed time.

This was the Carmagnole. As it passed,leaving Lucie frightened and bewildered in the doorway of the wood-sawyer's house,the feathery snow fell as quietly and lay as white and soft,as if it had never been.

'O my father!'for he stood before her when he lifted up the eyes she had momentarily darkened with her hand;'such a cruel,bad sight.'

'I know,my dear,I know. I have seen it many times.Don't be frightened.Not one of them would harm you.'

'I am not frightened for myself,my father. But when I think of my husband,and the mercies of these people—''We will set him above their mercies very soon.I left him climbing to the window,and I came to tell you.There is no one here to see you.You may kiss your hand towards the highest shelving roof.'

'I do so,father,and I send him my Soul with it!'

'You cannot see him,my poor dear?'

'No,father,'said Lucie,yearning and weeping as she kissed her hand,'no.'

A footstep in the snow. Madame Defarge.'I salute you,citizeness,'from the Doctor.'I salute you,citizen.'This in passing.Nothing more.Madame Defarge gone,like a shadow over the white road.

'Give me your arm,my love. Pass from here with an air of cheerfulness and courage,for his sake.That was well done';they had left the spot;'it shall not be in vain.Charles is summoned for tomorrow.'

'For tomorrow!'

  • 居卫


  • 大毗卢遮那佛说要略念诵经


  • 希腊游记(节选)


  • 道基


  • 祇园正仪


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  • 桃涩少女柠檬星


    《桃涩少女柠檬星》是由希雅编写的一本少女纯爱校园小说, 她从十年前就开始重复着一个相同的梦境…… 梦境中有玫瑰花田,有粉红泡泡,有蓝天白云,当然还有有着柠檬星印记的优质王子。 他的每一个微笑,都是她生命中最美好的回忆,可是当现实中的柠檬星男生与梦中的柠檬星王子分别成为银币的两面,桃涩少女的心又该去向哪里? 梦里梦外,爱或不爱,爱情从来都是勇敢者的礼物,只有坚定的人才能看到最后的风景。
  • 灵至天尊


  • 绝世神医废材逆天嫡小姐


  • 寞桃花开自倾华


  • 鬼神事务所


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  • 遇到最好的你

