

'So far,we have spoken before these two,because it was as wellthat the merits of the cards should not rest solely between you and me. Come into the dark room here,and let us have one final word alone.'


W hile Sydney Carton and the Sheep of the prisons were in the adjoining dark room,speaking so low that not a sound was heard,Mr. Lorry looked at Jerry in considerable doubt and mistrust.That honest tradesman's manner of receiving the look,did not inspire confidence;he changed the leg on which he rested,as often as if he had fifty of those limbs,and were trying them all;he examined his finger-nails with a very questionable closeness of attention;and whenever Mr.Lorry's eye caught his,he was taken with that peculiar kind of short cough requiring the hollow of a hand before it,which is seldom,if ever,known to be an infirmity attendant on perfect openness of character.

'Jerry,'said Mr. Lorry.'Come here.'

Mr. Cruncher came forward sideways,with one of his shoulders in advance of him.

'What have you been,besides a messenger?'

After some cogitation,accompanied with an intent look at his patron,Mr. Cruncher conceived the luminous idea of replying,'Agricultooral character.'

'My mind misgives me much,'said Mr. Lorry,angrily shaking a forefinger at him,'that you have used the respectable and great house of Tellson's as a blind,and that you have had an unlawful occupation of an infamous deion.If you have,don't expect me to befriend you when you get back to England.If you have,don't expect me to keep your secret.Tellson's shall not be imposed upon.'

'I hope,sir,'pleaded the abashed Mr. Cruncher,'that a gentleman like yourself wot I've had the honour of odd jobbing till I'm grey at it,would think twice about harming of me,even if it wos so—I don't say it is,but even if it wos.And which it is to be took into account that if it wos,it wouldn't,even then,be all o'one side.There'd be two sides to it.There might be medical doctors at the present hour,a picking up their guineas where a honest tradesman don't pick up his fardens—fardens!no,nor yet his half fardens—half fardens!no,nor yet his quarter—a banking away like smoke at Tellson's,and a cocking their medical eyes at that tradesman on the sly,going in and out to their own carriages—ah!equally like smoke,if not more so.Well,that'ud be imposing too,on Tellson's.For you cannot sarse the goose and not the gander.And here's Mrs.Cruncher,or leastways wos in the Old England times,and would be tomorrow,if cause given,a floppin agin the business to that degree as is ruinating—stark ruinating!Whereas them medical doctors'wives don't flop—catch'em at it!Or,if they flop,their floppin goes in favour of more patients,and how can you rightly have one without the t'other?Then,wot with undertakers,and wot with parish clerks,and wot with sextons,and wot with private watchmen(all awaricious and all in it),a man wouldn't get much by it,even if it wos so.And wot little man did get,would never prosper with him,Mr.Lorry.He'd never have no good of it;he'd want all along to be out of the line,if he could see his way out,being once in—even if it wos so.'

'Ugh!'cried Mr. Lorry,rather relenting,nevertheless.'I am shocked at the sight of you.'

'Now,what I would humbly offer to you,sir,'pursued Mr. Cruncher,'even if it wos so,which I don't say it is—''Don't prevaricate,'said Mr.Lorry.

'No,I will not,sir,'returned Mr. Cruncher,as if nothing were further from his thoughts or practice—'which I don't say it is—wot I would humbly offer to you,sir,would be this.Upon that there stool,at that there Bar,sets that there boy of mine,brought up and growed up to be a man,wot will errand you,message you,general-light-job you,till your heels is where your head is,if such should be your wishes.If it was so,which I still don't say it is(for I will not prewaricate to you,sir)let that there boy keep his father's place,and take care of his mother;don't blow upon that boy's father—do not do it,sir—and let that father go into the line of the reg'lar diggin',and make amends for what he would have undug—if it wos so—by diggin'of'em in with a will,and with conwictions respectin'the futur'keepin'of'em safe.That,Mr.Lorry,'said Mr.Cruncher,wiping his forehead with his arm,as an announcement that he had arrived at the peroration of his discourse,'is wot I would respectfully offer to you,sir.A man don't see all this here a goin'on dreadful round him,in the way of Subjects without heads,dear me,plentiful enough fur to bring the price down to porterage and hardly that,without havin'his serious thoughts of things.And these here would be mine,if it wos so,entreatin'of you fur to bear in mind that wot I said just now,I up and said in the good cause when I might have kep'it back.'

'That at least is true,'said Mr. Lorry.'Say no more now.It may be that I shall yet stand your friend,if you deserve it,and repent in action—not in words.I want no more words.'

Mr. Cruncher knuckled his forehead,as Sydney Carton and thespy returned from the dark room.'Adieu,Mr.Barsad,'said the former;'our arrangement thus made,you have nothing to fear from me.'

He sat down in a chair on the hearth,over against Mr. Lorry.When they were alone,Mr.Lorry asked him what he had done?

'Not much. If it should go ill with the prisoner,I have ensured access to him,once.'

Mr. Lorry's countenance fell.

'It is all I could do,'said Carton.'To propose too much would be to put this man's head under the axe,and,as he himself said,nothing worse could happen to him if he were denounced. It was obviously the weakness of the position.There is no help for it.'

'But access to him,'said Mr. Lorry,'if it should go ill before the Tribunal,will not save him.'

'I never said it would.'

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