

Moreover,she made ready all manner viands[37] and set them before him,and sat and ate with him,she and her sister.Then said they to him,'Tell us thy tale with yonder dog,the wicked;the wizard,from the time of thy falling into his hands to that of thy freeing thee from him;and after we will tell thee all that hath passed between us and him,so thou mayst be on thy guard against him an thou see him again.'Hearing these words and finding himself thus kindly received,Hasan took heart of grace and reason returned to him and he related to them all that had befallen him with the Magian from first to last.Then they asked,'Didst thou ask him of this palace?';and he answered;'Yes,but he said,'Name it not to me;for it belongeth to Ghuls and Satans.''At this,the two damsels waxed wroth with exceeding wrath and said,'Did that miscreant style us Ghuls and Satans?'

And Hasan answered,'Yes.'Cried the younger sister,'By Allah,I will assuredly do him die with the foulest death and make him to lack the wind of the world!' Quoth Hasan,'And how wilt thou get at him,to kill him,for he is a crafty magician?';and quoth she,'He is in a garden by name Al-Mushayyad,[38] and there is no help but that I slay him before long.' Then said her sister;'Sooth spake Hasan in everything he hath recounted to us of this cur;but now tell him our tale,that all of it may abide in his memory.' So the younger said to him,'Know,O my brother,that we are the daughters of a King of the mightiest Kings of the Jann,having Marids for troops and guards and servants,and Almighty Allah blessed him with seven daughters by one wife;but of his folly such jealousy and stiff-neckedness and pride beyond compare gat hold upon him that he would not give us in marriage to any one and,summoning his Wazirs and Emirs,he said to them;'Can ye tell me of any place untrodden by the tread of men and Jinn and abounding in trees and fruits and rills?' And quoth they,'What wilt thou therewith,O King of the Age?' And quoth he,'I desire there to lodge my seven daughters.' Answered they;'O King,the place for them is the Castle of the Mountain of Clouds,built by an Ifrit of the rebellious Jinn,who revolted from the covenant of our lord Solomon,on whom be the peace!

Since his destruction,none hath dwelt there,nor man nor Jinni;for'tis cut off[39] and none may win to it.And the Castle is girt about with trees and fruits and rills,and the water running around it is sweeter than honey and colder than snow:

none who is afflicted with leprosy or elephantiasis[40] or what not else drinketh thereof but he is healed forthright.

Hearing this our father sent us hither,with an escort of his troops and guards and provided us with all that we need here.

When he is minded to ride to us he beateth a kettle-drum;whereupon all his hosts present themselves before him and he chooseth whom he shall ride and dismisseth the rest;but,when he desireth that we shall visit him,he commandeth his followers;the enchanters,to fetch us and carry us to the presence;so he may solace himself with our society and we accomplish our desire of him;after which they again carry us back hither.Our five other sisters are gone a-hunting in our desert,wherein are wild beasts past compt or calculation and,it being our turn to do this we two abode at home,to make ready for them food.Indeed;we had besought Allah (extolled and exalted be He!) to vouchsafe us a son of Adam to cheer us with his company and praised be He who hath brought thee to us! So be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool and clear,for no harm shall befal thee.' Hasan rejoiced and said,'Alhamdolillah,laud to the Lord who guideth us into the path of deliverance and inclineth hearts to us!'Then his sister[41] rose and taking him by the hand,led him into a private chamber,where she brought out to him linen and furniture that no mortal can avail unto.Presently,the other damsels returned from hunting and birding and their sisters acquainted them with Hasan's case;whereupon they rejoiced in him and going into him in his chamber,saluted him with the salam and gave him joy of his safety.Then he abode with them in all the solace of life and its joyance,riding out with them to the chase and taking his pleasure with them whilst they entreated him courteously and cheered him with converse,till his sadness ceased from him and he recovered health and strength and his body waxed stout and fat,by dint of fair treatment and pleasant time among the seven moons in that fair palace with its gardens and flowers;for indeed he led the delightsomest of lives with the damsels who delighted in him and he yet more in them.And they used to give him drink of the honey-dew of their lips[42]these beauties with the high bosoms,adorned with grace and loveliness,the perfection of brilliancy and in shape very symmetry.Moreover the youngest Princess told her sisters how Bahram the Magian had made them of the Ghuls and Demons and Satans,[43] and they sware that they would surely slay him.

Next year the accursed Guebre again made his appearance,having with him a handsome young Moslem,as he were the moon,bound hand and foot and tormented with grievous tortures,and alighted with him below the palace-walls.Now Hasan was sitting under the trees by the side of the stream;and when he espied Bahram,his heart fluttered,[44] his hue changed and he smote hand upon hand.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Seven Hundred and Eighty-fifth Night; She resumed,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when Hasan the goldsmith saw the Magian,his heart fluttered,his hue changed and he smote hand upon hand.Then he said to the Princesses,'O my sisters,help me to the slaughter of this accursed,for here he is come back and in your grasp,and he leadeth with him captive a young Moslem of the sons of the notables,whom he is torturing with all manner grievous torments.

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