

Presentlyshe set before me a tray of the most exquisite meats,such as ragouts and fritters soaked in honey and fricassees and fowls stuffed with sugar and pistachio-nutsand we ate till we were satisfied. Then they brought ewer and basin and I washed my handsafter which we scented ourselves with rose-water mingled with musk and sat down again to converse. We complained to each other of the sufferings we had undergoneand my love for her took such hold on methat all my wealth was of little account to mein comparison with her. We passed the time in toying and kissing and dalliancetill nightfallwhen the damsels set before us a banquet of food and wine and we sat carousing half the night. Then we went to bed and I lay with her till the morningnever in my life saw I the like of that night. As soon as it was dayI arose and took leave of herafter having slipped under the mattress the handkerchief containing the dinars;and she wept and said 'O my lordwhen shall I see that fair face again?'I will be with thee at eventide,'answered I,and going outfound the ass-man waiting for me at the door. So I mounted and rode to the Khan of Mesrourwhere I alighted and gave the driver half a dinarsaying'Come back at sun down.'

And he said'Good.'Then I broke my fast and went out to seek the price of my stuffsafter which I returned and taking a roast lamb and some sweetmeatscalled a porter and despatched them by him to the ladypaying him his hire in advance. I occupied myself with my affairs till sunsetwhen the ass-driver came for me and I took fifty dinars in a handkerchief and rode to the housewhere I found the marble floor sweptthe brass burnished,the lamps filled and the candles lightedthe meats ready dished and the wines strained. When my mistress saw meshe threw her arms round my neck and exclaimed'Thou hast desolated me by thine absence!'Then they set the tables and we ate till we were satisfiedwhen the serving-maids took away the tray of food and set on wine. We gave not over drinking till midnightwhen we went to the sleeping-chamber and lay together till morning. Then I rose and went awayleaving the fifty dinars with her as before. I found the ass-driver at the door and mountingrode to the Khanwhere I slept awhilethen went out to prepare the evening-meal. I took a brace of geese with broth on two platters of dressed ricetogether with colocasia-roots fried and soaked in honeyand wax candles and fruits and conserves and flowers and nuts and almondsand sent them all to her. As soon as it was nightI mounted the ass as usualtaking with me fifty dinars in a handkerchiefand rode to the housewhere we ate and drank and lay together till morningwhen I left the handkerchief and dinars with her and rode back to the Khan. I ceased not to lead this lifetill one fine morning I found myself without a single dirhem and said'This is Satan's doing!'And I repeated the following verses:

When a rich man grows poorhis lustre dies awayLike to the setting sun that pales with ended day.

Absenthis name is not remembered among men: Presenthe hath no part in life and its array.

He passes through the streets and fain would hide his head And pours out floods of tears in every desert way.

By Allahwhen distress and want descend on menBut strangers midst their kin and countrymen are they.

  • 线人荣耀


  • 奇葩遇上大小姐


  • 白色眷恋


  • 婚迷杀手妻


  • 虚谷传


  • 那年的青春守望


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 望尘埃落下


  • 神医妖后:妖皇哪里逃


  • 盅魂

