

Replied the King,'This rede is right,for indeed the folk weary for a sight of their families,and I am an other who is also troubled with yearning after my son Kanmakan and my brother's daughter Kuzia Fakan,for she is in Damascus and I know not how is her case.'When the troops heard this report,they rejoiced and blessed the Wazir Dandan.Then the King bade the crier call the retreat after three days.They fell to preparing for the march,and,on the fourth day,they beat the big drums and unfurled the banners and the army set forth,the Wazir Danden in the van and the King riding in the mid battle,with the Grand Chamberlain by his side;and all journeyed without ceasing,night and day,till they reached Baghdad city.The folk rejoiced in their return,and care and fear ceased from them whilst the stay at homes met the absentees and each Emir betook him to his own house.As for Zau alMakan he marched up to the Palace and went in to his son Kanmakan,who had now reached the age of seven;and who used to go down to the weapon plain and ride.As soon as the King was rested of his journey,he entered the Hammam with his son,and returning,seated himself on his sofa of state,whilst the Wazir Dandan took up his station before him and the Emirs and Lords of the realm presented themselves and stood in attendance upon him.Then Zau alMakan called for his comrade,the Fireman,who had befriended him in his wanderings;and,when he came into presence,the King rose to do him honour and seated him by his side.Now he had acquainted the Wazir with all the kindness and good turns which the Stoker had done him;and he found that the wight had waxed fat and burly with rest and good fare,so that his neck was like an elephant's throat and his face like a dolphin's belly.Moreover,he was grown dull of wit,for that he had never stirred from his place;so at first he knew not the King by his aspect.But Zau alMakan came up to him smiling in his face,and greeted him after the friendliest fashion,saying,'How soon hast thou forgotten me?'With this the Fireman roused himself and,looking steadfastly at Zau alMakan,made sure that he knew him;whereupon he sprang hastily to his feet and exclaimed,'O my friend,who hath made thee Sultan?'Then Zau al Makan laughed at him and the Wazir,coming up to him expounded the whole story to him and said,'In good sooth he was thy brother and thy friend;and now he is King of the land and needs must thou get great good of him.So I charge thee,if he say,'Ask a boon of me,' ask not but for some great thing;for thou art very dear to him.'Quoth the Fireman,'I fear lest,if I ask of him aught,he may not choose to give it or may not be able to grant it.'Quoth the Wazir,'Have no care;whatsoever thou askest he will give thee.'Rejoined the Stoker,'By Allah,I must at once ask of him a thing that is in my thought: every night I dream of it and implore Almighty Allah to vouchsafe it to me.'

Said the Wazir,'Take heart;by Allah,if thou ask of him the government of Damascus,in place of his brother,he would surely give it thee and make thee Governor.'With this the Stoker rose to is feet and Zau alMakan signed to him to sit;but he refused,saying,'Allah forfend! The days are gone by of my sitting in thy presence.' Answered the Sultan,'Not so,they endure even now.Thou west in very deed the cause that I am at present alive and,by Allah,whatever thing most desired thou requirest of me,I will give that same to thee.But ask thou first of Allah,and then of me!'He said,'O my lord,I fear'Fear not,'quoth the Sultan He continued,'I fear to ask aught and that thou shouldst refuse it to me and it is only'At this the King laughed and replied,'If thou require of me the half of my kingdom I would share it with thee: so ask what thou wilt and leave talking.'

Repeated the Fireman'I fear'Don't fear,'quoth the King.He went on,'I fear lest I ask a thing and thou be not able to grant it.'Upon this the Sultan waxed wroth and cried,'Ask what thou wilt.'Then said he,'I ask,first of Allah and then of thee,that thou write me a patent of Syndicate over all the Firemen of the baths in the Holy City,Jerusalem.'The Sultan and all present laughed and Zau alMakan said,'Ask something more than this.'He replied,'O my lord,said I not I feared that thou wouldst not choose to give me what I should ask or that thou be not able to grant it?'Therewith the Wazir signed him with his foot once and twice and thrice,and every time he began,'I ask of thee'Quoth the Sultan,'Ask and be speedy.'So he said,'I ask thee to make me Chief of the Scavengers in the Holy City of Jerusalem,or in.Damascus town.'Then all those who were present fell on their backs with laughter and the Wazir beat him;whereupon he turned to the Minister and said to him,'What art thou that thou shouldest beat me?'Tis no fault of mine: didst thou not thyself bid me ask some important thing?'And he added,'Let me go to my own land.'With this,the Sultan knew that he was jesting and took patience with him awhile;then turned to him and said,'O my brother,ask of me some important thing,befitting our dignity.'So the Stoker said,'O King of the Age,I ask first of Allah and then of thee,that thou make me Viceroy of Damascus in the place of thy brother;'and the King replied,'Allah granteth thee this.'Thereupon the Fireman kissed ground before him and he bade set him a chair in his rank and vested him with a viceroy's habit.Then he wrote him a patent and sealed it with his own seal,and said to the Wazir Dandan,'None shall go with him but thou;and when thou makest the return journey,do thou bring with thee my brother's daughter,Kuzia Fakan.'

'Hearken ing and obedience,'answered the Minister;and,taking the Fire man,went down with him and made ready for the march.

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