and handed it to her.Then the Princess took the letter and read it; and when she understood it,she exclaimed,'Whence cometh and whither goeth this merchant man that he durst address such a letter to me?'And she slapt her face saying,''Whence are we that we should come to shopkeeping?Awah! Awah! By the lord,but that I fear Almighty Allah I had slain him;'and she added,'Yea,I had crucified[32] him over his shop door!'Asked the old woman,'What is in this letter to vex thy heart and move thy wrath on this wise?Doth it contain a complaint of oppression or demand for the price of the stuff?'Answered the Princess,'Woe to thee! There is none of this in it,naught but words of love and endearment.This is all through thee: otherwise whence should this Satan[33] know me?'Rejoined the old woman,'o my lady,thou sittest in thy high palace and none may have access to thee; no,not even the birds of the air.Allah keep thee,and keep thy youth from blame and reproach! Thou needest not care for the barking of dogs,for thou art a Princess,the daughter of a King.Be not wroth with me that I brought thee this letter,knowing not what was in it; but I opine that thou send him an answer and threaten him with death and forbid him this foolish talk; surely he will abstain and not do the like again.'Quoth the Lady Dunya,'I fear that,if I write to him,he will desire me the more.'The old woman returned 'When he heareth thy threats and promise of punishment,he will desist from his persistence.'
She cried,'Here with the ink case and paper and brazen pen;'and when they brought them she wrote these couplets,'O thou who for thy wakeful nights wouldst claim my love to boon,For what of pining thou must feel and tribulation!
Dost thou,fond fool and proud of sprite,seek meeting with the Moon?Say,did man ever win his wish to take in arms the Moon?
I counsel thee,from soul cast out the wish that dwells therein,And cut that short which threatens thee with sore risk oversoon:
An to such talk thou dare return,I bid thee to expect
Fro' me such awful penalty as suiteth froward loon:
I swear by Him who moulded man from gout of clotted blood,[34] Who lit the Sun to shine by day and lit for night the moon,An thou return to mention that thou spakest in thy pride,Upon a cross of tree for boon I'll have thee crucified!'
Then she folded the letter and handing it to the old woman said,'Give him this and say him,'Cease from this talk!' 'Hearkening and obedience,'replied she,and taking the letter with joy,returned to her own house,where she passed the night; and when morning dawned she betook herself to the shop of Taj alMuluk whom she found expecting her.When he saw her,he was ready to fly[35] for delight,and when she came up to him,he stood to her on his feet and seated her by his side.Then she brought out the letter and gave it to him,saying,'Read what is in this;'adding 'When Princess Dunya read thy letter she was angry; but Icoaxed her and jested with her till I made her laugh,and she had pity on thee and she hath returned thee an answer.'He thanked her for her kindness and bade Aziz give her a thousand gold pieces: then he perused the letter and understanding it fell to weeping a weeping so sore that the old woman's heart was moved to ruth for him,and his tears and complaints were grievous to her.
Presently she asked him,'O my son,what is there in this letter to make thee weep?'Answered he,'She hath threatened me with death and crucifixion and she forbiddeth me to write to her,but if I write not my death were better than my life.So take thou my answer to the letter and let her work her will.'Rejoined the old woman,'By the life of thy youth,needs must I risk my existence for thee,that I may bring thee to thy desire and help thee to win what thou hast at heart!'And Taj alMuluk said,'Whatever thou dost,I will requite thee for it and do thou weigh it in the scales of thy judgement,for thou art experienced in managing matters,and skilled in reading the chapters of the book of intrigue: all hard matters to thee are easy doings; and Allah can bring about everything.'Then he took a sheet of paper and wrote thereon these improvised couplets,'Yestre'en my love with slaughter menaced me,But sweet were slaughter and Death's foreordained:
Yes,Death is sweet for lover doomed to bear
Long life,rejected,injured and constrained:
By Allah! deign to visit friendless friend!
Thy thrall am I and like a thrall I'm chained:
Mercy,O lady mine,for loving thee!
Who loveth noble soul should be assained.'
Then he sighed heavy sighs and wept till the old woman wept also and presently taking the letter she said to him,'Be of good cheer and cool eyes and clear; for needs must I bring thee to thy wish.'And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the One Hundred and Thirtyfourth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when Taj alMuluk wept the old woman said to him,'Be of good cheer and cool eyes and clear; for needs must I bring thee to thy wish.'
Then she rose and left him on coals of fire; and returned to Princess Dunya,whom she found still showing on her changed face rage at Taj alMuluk's letter.So she gave her his second letter,whereat her wrath redoubled and she said,'Did I not say he would desire us the more?'Replied the old woman,'What thing is this dog that he should aspire to thee?'Quoth the Princess,'Go back to him and tell him that,if he write me after this,I will cut off his head.'Quoth the nurse,'Write these words in a letter and I will take it to him that his fear may be the greater.'So she took a sheet of paper and wrote thereon these couplets,'Ho thou,who past and bygone risks regardest with uncare!
Thou who to win thy meeting prize dost overslowly fare!
In pride of spirit thinkest thou to win the star Soha[36]?
Albe thou may not reach the Moon which shines through upper air?
How darest thou expect to win my favours,hope to clip Upon a lover's burning breast my lance like shape and rare?