

When it was the Eighty-eighth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Sharrkan asked his brother Zau al-Makan,'Hast thou requited the Fireman for his kindness?'and he answered,'O my brother,I have not rewarded him as yet,but Inshallah!I will recompense him whenas I return from this raid and find time so to do.'Therewith Sharrkan was certified that his sister,Nuzhat al-Zaman,had told him the whole truth;but he concealed what had passed between them and offered his salutation to her by her husband the Chamberlain.She sent him back her greeting,calling down blessings on him and enquiring after her daughter Kuzia-Fakan,to which he replied that the maiden was well and in the best of health and safety.Where upon she praised Almighty Allah and gave him thanks.Then Sharrkan went to his brother to take counsel with him for departure;and Zau al-Makan said,'O my brother,as soon as the army is complete and the Arabs have come in from all parts,we will march forth.'So he bade make ready the commissariat and prepare munitions of war and went in to his wife,who was now five months gone with child;and he put under her astrologers and mathematicians,to whom he appointed stipends and allowances.Then he set out three months after the arrival of the army of Syria,and as soon as the Arabs were come in and the troops were assembled from all directions;and,as he fared forth,he was followed by the warriors and the united host.Now the name of the General of the Daylam army was Rustam and that of the General of the army of the Turks[383] Bahram.And Zau al-Makan marched in mid host and on his right was his brother Sharrkan,and on his left the Chamberlain his brother-in-law.So the squadrons broke up and pushed forward and the battalions and companies filed past in battle array,till the whole army was in motion.They ceased not to fare on for the space of a month,and each body dismounted at its own ground and there rested every week three days (for the host was great);and they advanced in this order till they came to the country of the Greeks.Then the people of the villages and hamlets and the poorer sort took fright at them and fled to Constantinople.But when King Afridun heard the tidings he arose and betook himself to Zat al-Dawahi,the same who had contrived the stratagem,and had travelled to Baghdad and had slain King Omar bin Al-Nu'uman;and who after carrying off her slaves and Queen Sophia,had returned with them all to her native land.Now when she had been restored to her son,the King of Greece,and felt herself safe,she said to King Hardub,'Cool thine eyes;for I have avenged by blood the shame of thy daughter Abrizah,and have killed Omar bin al-Nu'uman and have brought back Sophia.So now let us go to the King of Constantinople and carry to him his daughter and acquaint him with what hath happened,that all of us be on guard and prepare our forces;and I will fare with thee to King Afridun,Lord of Constantinople,for I opine that the Moslems will not await our attack.'Said Hardub,'Tarry thou till they draw near our country,that we may make us ready meantime and assemble our power.'Accordingly they took to levying their forces and preparing for war,and,when the news of the Moslems'advance reached them,they were prepared for defence;and Zat al Dawahi had preceded them.Now when she and her son arrived at Constantinople,the King of Kings,Afridun,hearing of the approach of Hardub,King of the Greeks,came forth to meet him and asked how it was with him and the cause of his visit.So Hardub acquainted him with the cunning doings of his mother,Zat al-Dawahi,how she had slain the Moslem King and recovered from him Queen Sophia,and had said,'The Moslems have assembled their forces and are on their way to attack us,wherefore it behoveth that we two join hands in single band and meet them.'Now King Afridun rejoiced in the return of his daughter and the killing of King Omar bin al-Nu'uman;and he sent to all countries seeking succour and acquainting the folk with the cause of slaying the Moslem King.So the Nazarene troops flocked to him and three months were not past ere the army of the Greeks was complete,besides which there joined themselves to him Franks from all their lands,French,Germans[384] and Ragusans,[385] with men of Zara,[386] Venetians,Genoese,and all the hosts of the Yellow Faces[387];and,when the gathering was at its full,earth was straitened on them by reason of their multitude.

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