

'And how?' quoth she,'durst thou enter my presence without leave?' Quoth he,'O my lady,when I came to the gate,none forbade me,neither chamberlain nor porter,but all the door keepers rose and forewent us as of wont;although,when others come,they leave them standing at the gate while they ask permission to admit them.But this is not a time for long talking,when the King is expecting our return with this Prince,the scorpion sting[199] of the Islamitic host,that he may kill him and drive back his men whither they came,without the bane of battling with them.' 'These words be ill words,' rejoined the Princess,'and Dame Zat al-Dawahi lied,avouching an idle thing and a vain,whereof she weeteth not the truth;for by the virtue of the Messiah,this man who is with me is not Sharrkan,nor is he a captive,but a stranger who came to us seeking our hospitality,and I made him my guest.So even were we assured that this be Sharrkan and were it proved to us that it is he beyond a doubt,I say it would ill befit mine honour that I should deliver into your hands one who hath entered under my protection.So make me not a traitor to my guest and a disgrace among men;but return to the King,my father,and kiss the ground before him,and inform him that the case is contrariwise to the report of the Lady Zat al-Dawahi.''O Abrizah,' replied Masurah,the Knight,'I cannot return to the King's majesty without his debtor and enemy.' Quoth she (and indeed she had waxed very wroth).'Out on thee!Return to him with my answer,and no blame shall befal thee!' Quoth Masurah,'I will not return without him.' Thereupon her colour changed and she exclaimed,'Exceed not in talk and vain words;for verily this man had not come in to us,were he not assured that he could of himself and single handed make head against an hundred riders;and if I said to him,'Thou art Sharrkan,son of King Omar bin al-Nu'uman,' he would answer,'Yes.' But 'tis not of your competence to let or hinder him;for if you do so,he will not turn back from you till he hath slain all that are in this place.Behold,here he is by my side,and I will bring him before you sword and targe in hand.' 'Albeit I were safe from thy wrath,' answered Masurah the Knight,'I am not safe from that of thy father,and when I see him,I shall sign to the Knights to take him captive,and we will carry him to the King bound and in abject sort.' When she heard this,she said,'The matter shall not pass thus,for 'twould be blazoning mere folly.This man is but one and ye are an hundred Knights:so if you would attack him come out against him,one after one,that it may appear to the King which is the valiant amongst you.'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Fiftieth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Princess Abrizah said to the Knight,'This man is but one,and ye are an hundred: so if ye would attack him,come out against him,one after one,that it may appear to the King which is the valiant.'

Quoth Masurah,the Knight,'By the truth of the Messiah,thou sayest sooth,and none but I shall sally out against him first.'

Quoth she,'Wait till I go to him and acquaint him with the case and hear what answer he will make.If he consent,'tis well;but if he refuse,ye shall on no wise come to him,for I and my hand maids and whosoever is in the convent will be his ransom.' So she went to Sharrkan and told him the news,whereat he smiled and knew that she had not informed any of the Emirs;but that tidings of him had been bruited and blazed abroad,till the report reached the King,against her wish and intent.So he again began reproaching himself and said,'How came I to adventure and play with my life by coming to the country of the Greeks?' But hearing the young lady's proposal he said to her,'Indeed their onset,one after one,would be overburdensome to them.Will they not come out against me,ten by ten?''That would be villainy,' said she;'Let one have at one.' When he heard this,he sprang to his feet and made for them with his sword and battle gear;and Masurah,the Knight,also sprang up and bore down upon him.

Sharrkan met him like a lion and delivered a shoulder cut[200]which clove him to the middle,and the blade came out gleaming and glittering from his back and bowels.When the lady beheld that swashingblow,Sharrkan's might was magnified in her sight and she knew that when she overthrew him in the wrestle it was not by her strength but by her beauty and loveliness.So she turned to the Knights and said,'Take wreak for your chief!'

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