

In A.H. 498=1104,crusading craft did much injury by plundering merchantmen between Egypt and Syria,to which allusion is found in the romance. But the story teller has not quite made up his mind about which Caesarea he is talking,and M. Riche tells us that Cesaree is a'ville de la Mauritanie,en Afrique'(p. 20).

[139] The fifth Ommiade Caliph reign. A.H. 65-86 = 685-704.

[140] This does not merely mean that no one was safe from his wrath:or,could approach him in the heat of fight: it is a reminiscence of the masterful'King Kulayb,'who established game-laws in his dominions and would allow no man to approach his camp-fire. Moreover the Jinn lights a fire to decoy travellers,but if his victim be bold enough to brave him,he invites him to take advantage of the heat.

[141] China.

[142] The Jaxartes and the Bactrus (names very loosely applied).

[143] In full'Sharrun kana'i.e. an evil (Sharr) has come to being (kana) that is,'bane to the foe'a pagan and knightly name. The hero of the Romance'Al-Dalhamah'is described as a bitter gourd (colocynth),a viper,a calamity.

[144] This is a Moslem law (Koran chaps. iv. bodily borrowed from the Talmud) which does not allow a man to marry one wife unless he can carnally satisfy her. Moreover he must distribute his honours equally and each wife has a right to her night unless she herself give it up. This was the case even with the spouses of the Prophet;and his biography notices several occasions when his wives waived their rights in favour of one another M. Riche kindly provides the King with la piquante francaise (p. 15).

[145] So the celebrated mosque in Stambul,famed for being the largest church in the world is known to the Greeks as'Agia (pron.Aya) Sophia'and to Moslems as'Aye Sofiyeh'(Holy Wisdom) i.e. the Logos or Second Person of the Trinity (not a Saintess). The sending a Christian girl as a present to a Moslem would,in these days,be considered highly scandalous. But it was done by the Mukaukis or Coptic Governor of Egypt (under Heraclius) who of course hated the Greeks. This worthy gave two damsels to Mohammed;one called Sirin and the other Mariyah (Maria) whom the Prophet reserved for his especial use and whose abode is still shown at Al-Medinah. The Rev.

Doctor Badger (loc. cit. p. 972) gives the translation of an epistle by Mohammed to this Mukaukis,written in the Cufic character ( ? ?) and sealed'Mohammed,The Apostle of Allah.'My friend seems to believe that it is an original,but upon this subject opinions will differ. It is,however,exceedingly interesting,beginning with'Bismillah,'etc.,and ending (before the signature) with a quotation from the Koran (iii.57);and it may be assumed as a formula addressee to foreign potentates by a Prophet who had become virtually'King of Arabia.'

[146] This prayer before'doing the deed of kind'is,I have said,Moslem as well Christian.

[147] Exodus i. 16,quoted by Lane (M. E.,chaps. xxvii.).

Torrens in his Notes cites Drayton's'Moon-calf':--Bring forth the birth-stool--no,let it alone;She is so far beyond all compass grown,Some other new device us needs must stead,Or else she never can be brought to bed.

It is the'groaning-chair'of Poor Robin's Almanac (1676) and we find it alluded to in Boccaccio,the classical sedile which according to scoffers has formed the papal chair (a curule seat)

ever since the days of Pope Joan,when it has been held advisable for one of the Cardinals to ascertain that His Holiness possesses all the instruments of virility. This'Kursi al-wiladah'is of peculiar form on which the patient is seated. A most interesting essay might be written upon the various positions preferred during delivery,e.g. the wild Irish still stand on all fours,like the so-called'lower animals.'Amongst the Moslems of Waday,etc.,a cord is hung from the top of the hut,and the woman in labour holds on to it standing with her legs apart,till the midwife receives the child.

[148] Some Orientalists call'lullilooing'the trilling cry,which is made by raising the voice to its highest pitch and breaking it by a rapid succession of touches on the palate with the tongue-tip,others'Ziraleet'and Zagaleet,and one traveller tells us that it began at the marriage-festival of Isaac and Rebecca (!).

Arabs term it classically'Tahlil'and vulgarly'Zaghrutah'(Plur.Zagharit) and Persians'Kil.'Finally in Don Quixote we have'Lelilies,'the battle-cry of the Moors (Duffield iii. 289). Dr.

Buchanan likens it to a serpent uttering human sounds,but the good missionary heard it at the festival of Jagannath. (Pilgrimage iii.197 )

[149] i.e.'Light of the Place'(or kingdom) and'Delight of the Age.'

[150] It is utterly absurd to give the old heroic Persian name Afridun or Furaydun,the destroyer of Zohak or Zahhak to a Greek,but such anachronisms are characteristic of The Nights and are evidently introduced on purpose. See Boccaccio,ix. 9.

[151] Arab.'Yunan'lit. Ionia,which applies to all Greece,insular and continental,especially to ancient Greece.

[152] In 1870 I saw at Sidon a find of some hundreds of gold'Philippi'and'Alexanders.'

[153] M. Riche has (p. 21),'Ces talismans travailles par le ciseau du celebre Califaziri,'adding in a note,'Je pense que c'est un sculpteur Arabe.'

[154] This periphrase,containing what seems to us a useless negative,adds emphasis in Arabic.

[155] This bit of geographical information is not in the Bull Edit.

[156] In Pers. = a tooth,the popular word.

[157] This preliminary move,called in Persian Nakl-i Safar,is generally mentioned. So the Franciscan monks in California,when setting out for a long journey through the desert,marched three times round the convent and pitched tents for the night under its walls.

[158] In Arab.'Khazinah'or'Khaznah'lit. a treasure,representing 1,000'Kis'or purses (each=Pound Sterling5). The sum in the text is 7,000 purses X 5=Pound Sterling35,000.

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