

So far concerning the Moslems;but as regards the Greeks and the cause of their refusing to fight during these three days the case was this.As soon as Zat al-Dawahi had slain Sharrkan,she hastened her march and reached the walls of Constantinople,where she called out in the Greek tongue to the guards to throw her down a rope.Quoth they,'Who art thou?'and quoth she,'I am Zat al-Dawahi.'They knew her and let down a cord to which she tied herself and they drew her up;and,when inside the city,she went in to the King Afridun and said to him,'What is this I hear from the Moslems?They say that my son King Hardub is slain.'He answered,'Yes;'and she shrieked out and wept right grievously and ceased not weeping thus till she made Afridun and all who were present weep with her.Then she told the King how she had slain Sharrkan and thirty of his servants,whereat he rejoiced and thanked her;and,kissing her hands,exhorted her to resignation for the loss of her son.Said she,'By the truth of the Messiah,I will not rest content with killing that dog of the Moslem dogs in blood revenge for my son,a King of the Kings of the age!Now there is no help for it but that I work some guile and I contrive a wile whereby to slay the Sultan Zau al-Makan and the Wazir Dandan and the Chamberlain and Rustam and Bahram and ten thousand cavaliers of the army of Al-Islam;for it shall never be said that my son's head be paid with the bloodwit of Sharrkan's head;no,never!'Then said she to King Afridun,'Know,O King of the Age,that it is my wish to set forth mourning for my son and to cut my Girdle and to break the Crosses.'Replied Afridun,'Do what thou desire;I will not gainsay thee in aught.And if thou prolong thy mourning for many days it were a little thing;for though the Moslems resolve to beleaguer us years and years,they will never win their will of us nor gain aught of us save trouble and weariness.'Then the Accursed One (when she had ended with the calamity she had wrought and the ignominies which in herself she had thought) took ink case and paper and wrote thereon: 'From Shawahi,Zat al-Dawahi,to the host of the Moslems.Know ye that I entered your country and duped by my cunning your nobles and at first hand I slew your King Omar bin al-Nu'uman in the midst of his palace.

Moreover,I slew,in the affair of the mountain pass and of the cave,many of your men;and the last I killed were Sharrkan and his servants.And if fortune do not stay me and Satan obey me,I needs must slay me your Sultan and the Wazir Dandan,for I am she who came to you in disguise of a Recluse and who heaped upon you my devices and deceits.Wherefore,an you would be in safety after this,fare ye forth at once;and if you seek your own destruction cease not abiding for the nonce;and though ye tarry here years and years,ye shall not do your desire on us.And so peace be yours!'After writing her writ she devoted three days to mourning for King Hardub;arid,on the fourth,she called a Knight and bade him take the letter and make it fast to a shaft and shoot it into the Moslem camp.When this was done,she entered the church and gave herself up to weeping and wailing for the loss of her son,saying to him who took the kingship after him,'Nothing will serve me but I must kill Zau al-Makan and all the nobles of Al-Islam.'Such was the case with her;but as regards what occurred to the Moslems,all passed three days in trouble and anxiety,and on the fourth when gazing at the walls behold,they saw a knight holding a bow and about to shoot an arrow along whose side a letter was bound.So they waited till he had shot it among them and the Sultan bade the Wazir Dandan take the missive and read it.He perused it accordingly;and,when Zau al-Makan heard it to end and understood its purport,his eyes filled with tears and he shrieked for agony at her perfidy;and the Minister Dandan said,'By Allah,my heart shrank from her!'Quoth the Sultan,'How could this whore play her tricks upon us twice?But by the Almighty I will not depart hence till I fill her cleft with molten lead and jail her with the jailing of a bird encaged,then bind her with her own hair and crucify her over the gate of Constantinople.'And he called to mind his brother and wept with excessive weeping.But when Zat al-Dawahi arrived amongst the Infidels and related to them her adventures at length,they rejoiced at her safety and at the slaying of Sharrkan.There upon the Moslems addressed themselves again to the siege of the city and the Sultan promised his men that,if it should be taken,he would divide its treasures among them in equal parts.But he dried not his tears grieving for his brother till his body was wasted and sick,growing thin as a tooth pick.

Presently the Wazir Dandan came in to him and said,'Be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool and clear;in very sooth thy brother died not but because his hour was come,and there is no profit in this mourning.How well saith the poet,'Whatso is not to be no sleight shall bring to pass;What is to be without a failure shall become;Soon the becoming fortune shall be found to be,And Folly's brother[453] shall abide forlorn and glum.'

Wherefore do thou leave this weeping and wailing and hearten thy heart to bear arms.'He replied,'O Wazir,my heart is heavy for the death of my father and my brother and for our absence from hearth and home;and my mind is concerned for my subjects.'

Thereupon the Wazir and the bystanders wept;but they ceased not from pushing forward the siege of Constantinople for a length of days.And they being thus,behold,news arrived from Baghdad,by one of the Emirs to the effect that the King's wife had been blessed with a boy,and that his sister,Nuzhat al-Zaman,had named him Kanmakan.[454] Moreover,that the boy bid fair to be famous,already showing wondrous signs and marvellous tokens;and that she had commanded the Olema and the preachers to pray for mother and child from the pulpits and bless them in all wise;furthermore that the twain were well,that the land had enjoyed abundant rains,and that his comrade the Fireman was established in all prosperity,with eunuchs and slaves to wait upon him;but that he was still ignorant of what had befallen him.And she ended with the greeting of peace.Then quoth Zau al- Makan to the Wazir Dandan,'Now is my back strengthened for that I have been blest with a son whose name is Kanmakan.'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

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