

Now when Zau al-Makan saw this,he was seized with increase of terror and said to his brother,'What I feared would come,is come upon us,and now it remaineth only for us to fight for the Faith.'But Sharrkan preferred to hold his peace.Then Zau al-Makan and his companions rushed down from the hill crest,shouting,'Allaho Akbar!'and his men repeated the war cry and addressed themselves to fight and to sell their lives in the service of the Lord of Faithful Men;and while they were in this case,behold,they heard many voices voicing,'There is no god but the God!God is most great!Salutation and salvation upon the Apostle,the Bringer of glad Tidings,the Bearer of bad Tidings!''[434]So they turned towards the direction of the sound and saw a company of Moslems who believed in one God,pushing towards them,whereat their hearts were heartened and Sharrkan charged upon the Infidels crying out,'There is no god but the God!God is most great! he and those with him,so that earth quaked as with an earthquake and the Unbeliever host brake asunder and fled into the mountains and the Moslems followed them with lunge and blow;and Zau al-Makan and his comrades of the Moslems ceased not to smite the hosts of the Infidel foe,and parted heads from bodies till day darkened and night coming on starkened sight.Thereupon the Moslems drew together and passed the night in congratulations,and,when morning dawned and daybreak shone with its shine and sheen,they saw Bahram,the captain of the Daylamites,and Rustam,the captain of the Turks,advancing to join them,with twenty thousand cavaliers like lions grim.As soon as they saw Zau al-Makan,the riders dismounted and saluted him,and kissed ground between his hands when he said to them,'Rejoice ye in the glad tidings of the victory of the Moslem and the discomfiture of the tribe of Unbelievers!'Then they gave one another joy of their deliverance and of the greatness of their reward after Resurrection Day.Now the cause of the coming of the succours to that place was this.When the Emir Bahram and the Emir Rustam and the Chief Chamberlain,with the Moslem host and flags flaunting high ahead,came in sight of Constantinople they saw that the Nazarenes had mounted the walls and manned the towers and the forts,and had set all their defenders in order of defence,as soon as they learned of the approach of the host of Al-Islam and the banners Mohammedan,and they heard the clash of arms and the noise of war voices and tramp of horse hoofs and from their look outs they beheld the Moslems,with their standards and ensigns of the Faith of Unity under the dust clouds and lo!they were like a flight of locusts or rain clouds raining rain,and the voices of the Moslems chanting the Koran and glorifying the Compassionate One,struck their ears.Now the Infidels knew of the approach of this host through Zat al-Dawahi with her craft and whoredom,[435]calumny and contrivance.And the armies of Al-Islam drew near,as it were the swollen sea,for the multitude of footmen and horsemen and women and children.Then quoth the General of the Turks to the General of the Daylamites,'O Emir,of a truth,we are in jeopardy from the multitude of the foe who is on the walls.Look at yonder bulwarks and at this world of folk like the seas that clash with dashing billows.Indeed yon Infidel outnumbereth us an hundredfold and we cannot be safe from spies who may inform them that we are without a Sultan.In very sooth,we run danger from these enemies,whose numbers may not be told and whose resources none can withhold,especially in the absence of King Zau al-Makan and his brother Sharrkan and the illustrious Wazir Dandan.If they know of this,they will be emboldened to attack us in their absence and with the sword they will annihilate us to the last man;not one of us safety shall see.

So it is my counsel that thou take ten thousand riders of the allies and the Turks,and march them to the hermitage of Matruhina and the meadow of Malukhina in quest of our brothers and comrades.If thou act by my advice,it may be we shall approve ourselves the cause of their deliverance,in case they be hard pressed by the Infidels;and if thou act not,blame will not attach to me.But,an ye go,it behoveth that ye return quickly,for ill suspicion is part of prudence.'The Emir aforesaid fell in with his counsel;so they chose twenty thousand horse and they set out covering the roads and making for the monastery above mentioned.So much for the cause of their coming;but as regards the ancient dame,Zat al-Dawahi,as soon as she had delivered Sultan Zau al-Makan and his brother Sharrkan and the Wazir Dandan into the hands of the Infidels,the foul whore mounted a swift steed,saying to the Faithless,'I design to rejoin the Moslem army which is at Constantinople and contrive for their destruction;for I will inform them that their chiefs are dead,and when they hear that from me,their joining will be disjointed and the cord of their confederation cut and their host scattered.

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