

An Irrational Root


The Triangle

It was long ago, during my school days, when I first encountered the square root of minus one. I remember it all very clearly: a bright globelike class hall, about a hundred round heads of children, and Plappa—our mathematician. We nicknamed him Plappa; it was a very much used-up mathematician, loosely screwed together; as the member of the class who was on duty that day would put the plug into the socket behind, we would hear at first from the loud-speaker, "Plap—plap—plap—plap—tshshsh...." Only then the lesson would follow. One day Plappa told us about irrational numbers, and I remember I wept and banged the table with my fist and cried, "I do not want that square root of minus one; take that square root of minus one away!" This irrational root grew into me as something strange, foreign, terrible; it tortured me; it could not be thought out. It could not be defeated because it was beyond reason.

Now, that square root of minus one is here again. I read over what I have written and I see clearly that I was insincere with myself, that I lied to myself in order to avoid seeing that square root of minus one. My sickness is all nonsense! I could go there. I feel sure that if such a thing had happened a week ago I should have gone without hesitating. Why, then, am I unable to go now?...Why?

Today, for instance, at exactly sixteen-ten I stood before the glittering Glass Wall. Above was the shining, golden, sun-like sign: "Bureau of Guardians." Inside, a long queue of bluish-gray unifs awaiting their turns, faces shining like the oil lamps in an ancient temple. They had come to accomplish a great thing: they had come to put on the altar of the United State their beloved ones, their friends, their own selves. My whole being craved to join them, yet...I could not; my feet were as though melted into the glass plates of the sidewalk. I simply stood there looking foolish.

"Hey, mathematician! Dreaming?"

I shivered. Black eyes varnished with laughter looked at me—thick Negro lips! It was my old friend the poet, R-13, and with him rosy O-. I turned around angrily (I still believe that if they had not appeared I should have entered the Bureau and have torn the square root of minus one out of my flesh).

"Not dreaming at all. If you will, "standing in adoration,"" I retorted quite brusquely.

"Oh, certainly, certainly! You, my friend, should never have become a mathematician; you should have become a poet, a great poet! Yes, come over to our trade, to the poets. Eh? If you will, I can arrange it in a jiffy. Eh?"

R-13 usually talks very fast. His words run in torrents, his thick lips sprinkle. Every "p" is a fountain, every "poets" a fountain.

"So far I have served knowledge, and I shall continue to serve knowledge."

I frowned. I do not like, I do not understand jokes, and R-13 has the bad habit of joking.

"Oh, to the deuce with knowledge. Your much-heralded knowledge is but a form of cowardice. It is a fact! Yes, you want to encircle the infinite with a wall, and you fear to cast a glance behind the wall. Yes, sir! And if ever you should glance beyond the wall, you would be dazzled and close your eyes—yes—"

"Walls are the foundation of every human," I began.

R-13 sprinkled his fountain. O- laughed rosily and roundly. I waved my hand. "Well, you may laugh, I don"t care." I was busy with something else. I had to find a way of eating up, of crushing down, that square root of minus one. "Suppose," I offered, "we go to my place and do some arithmetical problems." (The quiet hour of yesterday afternoon came to my memory; perhaps today also ....)

O- glanced at R-, then serenely and roundly at me; the soft, endearing color of our pink checks came to her cheeks.

"But today I am... I have a check to him today." (A glance at R-.) "And tonight he is busy, so..."

The moist, varnished lips whispered good-naturedly: "Half an hour is plenty for us, is it not, O-? I am not a great lover of your problems; let us simply go over to my place and chat."

  • 凤凰奇侠③:温柔相公


  • 一个鬼子都不留


    别说我残忍,只因这一切让人忍无可忍!燕山脚下的庄家营子原本是一个古朴而宁静的小山村,日本人的到来把这一切都改变了。凶残嗜血的鬼子因为一个谎言而将全村人屠杀殆尽,只有屠户庄继宗因外出得以幸免。面对这血海深仇,庄继宗与好友张胜、占魁发誓要让鬼子血债血偿。鬼子们的噩梦由此开始…… 那一年,正月刚过,已废弃不用好久的原镇公所粮仓粉饰一新,摇身一变,成了一个叫“桃园酒家”的小酒馆。虽然开张时并没有大张旗鼓,但还是引起了人们的注意。在这兵荒马乱的年月里,镇上又住着一帮子如狼似虎的日本兵,敢在这时候开店营业的人不但要有靠山,还要有不怕亏血本的财力。日本人是在“桃园酒家”开张的第二天出现的,而且来的还是小岛,这是庄继宗、李占魁、张胜三人没有想到的……这是一场正义战胜正义的战争,这是一段永允忘怀的历史。面对人性的脆弱与丑陋,面对这血与火、先与死的考验,个人是渺小的,也是伟大的,正是他们的渺小与伟大谱写了这曲可歌可泣的华彩乐章,他们迸发出的是人世间最耀眼、最夺目的人性光辉。
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