

"This is the medicine,"said the doctor."Find a per-fectly white cow with red ears,and boil it down in the lump,and if the king drinks that rendering he will recover."Before he had well said it messengers were going from the palace in all directions looking for such a cow.They found lots of cows which were nearly like what they wanted,but it was only by chance they came on the cow which would do the work,and that beast belonged to the most notorious and malicious and cantankerous female in Lochlann,the Black Hag.Now the Black Hag was not only those things that have been said;she was also whiskered and warty and one-eyed and obstreperous,and she was notorious and ill-favoured in many other ways also.

They offered her a cow in the place of her own cow,but she refused to give it.Then they offered a cow for each leg of her cow,but she would not accept that offer unless Fiachna went bail for the payment.He agreed to do so,and they drove the beast away.

On the return journey he was met by messengers who brought news from Ireland.They said that the King of Ulster was dead,and that he,Fiachna Finn,had been elected king in the dead king's place.He at once took ship for Ireland,and found that all he had been told was true,and he took up the government of Ulster.


A year passed,and one day as he was sitting at judgement there came a great noise from without,and this noise was so persistent that the people and suitors were scandalised,and Fiachna at last ordered that the noisy person should be brought before him to be judged.

It was done,and to his surprise the person turned out to be the Black Hag.

She blamed him in the court before his people,and complained that he had taken away her cow,and that she had not been paid the four cows he had gone bail for,and she demanded judgement from him and justice.

"If you will consider it to be justice,I will give you twenty cows myself,"said Fiachna.

"I would not take all the cows in Ulster,"she screamed.

"Pronounce judgement yourself,"said the king,"and if I can do what you demand I will do it."For he did not like to be in the wrong,and he did not wish that any person should have an unsatisfied claim upon him.

The Black Hag then pronounced judgement,and the king had to fulfil it.

"I have come,"said she,"from the east to the west;you must come from the west to the east and make war for me,and revenge me on the King of Lochlann."Fiachna had to do as she demanded,and,although it was with a heavy heart,he set out in three days'time for Lochlann,and he brought with him ten battalions.

He sent messengers before him to Big Eolgarg warning him of his coming,of his intention,and of the number of troops he was bringing;and when he landed Eolgarg met him with an equal force,and they fought together.

In the first battle three hundred of the men of Lochlann were killed,but in the next battle Eolgarg Mor did not fight fair,for he let some venomous sheep out of a tent,and these attacked the men of Ulster and killed nine hundred of them.

So vast was the slaughter made by these sheep and so great the terror they caused,that no one could stand before them,but by great good luck there was a wood at hand,and the men of Ulster,warriors and princes and charioteers,were forced to climb up the trees,and they roosted among the branches like great birds,while the venomous sheep ranged below bleating terribly and tearing up the ground.

Fiachna Fi,m was also sitting in a tree,very high up,and he was disconsolate.

"We are disgraced{"said he.

"It is very lucky,"said the man in the branch below,"that a sheep cannot climb a tree.""We are disgraced for ever{"said the King of Ulster.

"If those sheep learn how to climb,we are undone surely,"said the man below.

"I will go down and fight the sheep,"said Fiachna.But the others would not let the king go.

"It is not right,"they said,"that you should fight sheep.""Some one must fight them,"said Fiachna Finn,"but no more of my men shall die until I fight myself;for if I am fated to die,I will die and I cannot escape it,and if it is the sheep's fate to die,then die they will;for there is no man can avoid destiny,and there is no sheep can dodge it either.""Praise be to god!"said the warrior that was higher up.

"Amen!'said the man who was higher than he,and the rest of the warriors wished good luck to the king.

He started then to climb down the tree with a heavy heart,but while he hung from the last branch and was about to let go,he noticed a tall warrior walking towards him.The king pulled himself up on the branch again and sat dangle-legged on it to see what the warrior would do.

The stranger was a very tall man,dressed in a green cloak with a silver brooch at the shoulder.He had a golden band about his hair and golden sandals on his feet,and he was laughing heartily at the plight of the men of Ireland.


"It is not nice of you to laugh at us,"said Fiachna Finn.

"Who could help laughing at a king hunkering on a branch and his army roosting around him like hens?"said the stranger.

"Nevertheless,"the king replied,"it would be courteous of you not to laugh at misfortune.""We laugh when we can,"commented the stranger,"and are thankful for the chance.""You may come up into the tree,"said Fiachna,"for I perceive that you are a mannerly person,and I see that some of the venomous sheep are charging in this direction.I would rather protect you,"he continued,"than see you killed;for,"said he lamentably,"I am getting down now to fight the sheep.""They will not hurt me,"said the stranger."Who are you?"the king asked.

"I am Mananna'n,the son of Lir."

Fiachna knew then that the stranger could not be hurt.

"What will you give me if I deliver you from the sheep?"asked Manann,Sn.

"I will give you anything you ask,if I have that thing.""I ask the rights of your crown and of your household for one day."Fiachna's breath was taken away by that request,and he took a little time to compose himself,then he said mildly:

  • The Aspern Papers

    The Aspern Papers



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