

Approaches to indecent discourse are likewise dangerous.Whenever, therefore, anything of this sort happens, if there be a proper opportunity, rebuke him who makes advances that way; or, at least, by silence and blushing and a forbidding look, show yourself to be displeased by such talk.34.If you are struck by the appearance of any promised pleasure, guard yourself against being hurried away by it; but let the affair wait your leisure, and procure yourself some delay.Then bring to your mind both points of time: that in which you will enjoy the pleasure, and that in which you will repent and reproach yourself after you have enjoyed it;and set before you, in opposition to these, how you will be glad and applaud yourself if you abstain.And even though it should appear to you a seasonable gratification, take heed that its enticing, and agreeable and attractive force may not subdue you; but set in opposition to this how much better it is to be conscious of having gained so great a victory.35.When you do anything from a clear judgment that it ought to be done, never shun the being seen to do it, even though the world should make a wrong supposition about it; for, if you don't act right, shun the action itself; but, if you do, why are you afraid of those who censure you wrongly? 36.As the proposition, "Either it is day or it is night," is extremely proper for a disjunctive argument, but quite improper in a conjunctive one, so, at a feast, to choose the largest share is very suitable to the bodily appetite, but utterly inconsistent with the social spirit of an entertainment.When you eat with another, then, remember not only the value of those things which are set before you to the body, but the value of that behavior which ought to be observed towards the person who gives the entertainment.37.If you have assumed any character above your strength, you have both made an ill figure in that and quitted one which you might have supported.38.When walking, you are careful not to step on a nail or turn your foot; so likewise be careful not to hurt the ruling faculty of your mind.

And, if we were to guard against this in every action, we should undertake the action with the greater safety.39.The body is to everyone the measure of the possessions proper for it, just as the foot is of the shoe.If, therefore, you stop at this, you will keep the measure; but if you move beyond it, you must necessarily be carried forward, as down a cliff; as in the case of a shoe, if you go beyond its fitness to the foot, it comes first to be gilded, then purple, and then studded with jewels.For to that which once exceeds a due measure, there is no bound.40.Women from fourteen years old are flattered with the title of "mistresses"by the men.Therefore, perceiving that they are regarded only as qualified to give the men pleasure, they begin to adorn themselves, and in that to place ill their hopes.We should, therefore, fix our attention on making them sensible that they are valued for the appearance of decent, modest and discreet behavior.41.It is a mark of want of genius to spend much time in things relating to the body, as to be long in our exercises, in eating and drinking, and in the discharge of other animal functions.These should be done incidentally and slightly, and our whole attention be engaged in the care of the understanding.42.When any person harms you, or speaks badly of you, remember that he acts or speaks from a supposition of its being his duty.Now, it is not possible that he should follow what appears right to you, but what appears so to himself.Therefore, if he judges from a wrong appearance, he is the person hurt, since he too is the person deceived.For if anyone should suppose a true proposition to be false, the proposition is not hurt, but he who is deceived about it.Setting out, then, from these principles, you will meekly bear a person who reviles you, for you will say upon every occasion, "It seemed so to him." 43.Everything has two handles, the one by which it may be carried, the other by which it cannot.If your brother acts unjustly, don't lay hold on the action by the handle of his injustice, for by that it cannot be carried; but by the opposite, that he is your brother, that he was brought up with you; and thus you will lay hold on it, as it is to be carried.44.These reasonings are unconnected: "I am richer than you, therefore I am better"; "I am more eloquent than you, therefore I am better." The connection is rather this: "I am richer than you, therefore my property is greater than yours;" "I am more eloquent than you, therefore my style is better than yours." But you, after all, are neither property nor style.45.Does anyone bathe in a mighty little time? Don't say that he does it ill, but in a mighty little time.Does anyone drink a great quantity of wine? Don't say that he does ill, but that he drinks a great quantity.

For, unless you perfectly understand the principle from which anyone acts, how should you know if he acts ill? Thus you will not run the hazard of assenting to any appearances but such as you fully comprehend.46.Never call yourself a philosopher, nor talk a great deal among the unlearned about theorems, but act conformably to them.Thus, at an entertainment, don't talk how persons ought to eat, but eat as you ought.For remember that in this manner Socrates also universally avoided all ostentation.

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    和尚们救了欲跳崖自杀的张雁,岂料张雁却要一死再死。原来张雁由于误会他把娘子白玉楼扫地出门,现在追悔莫及,却无力回天。于是和尚们答应帮他找回娘子。不料,白玉楼被张大户强占,并要求白玉楼为其传宗接代。空空费尽心思救出白玉楼,可是张雁又陷入命案……空空略施妙计,终究使得有情人终成眷属。《小镗锣》空空发现县令王占魁把上门认亲的父亲和弟弟赶出家门,很是困惑。经过仔细调查,发现王占魁的妻子阎桂花一手操控了这件事情。空空设计,让县令夫妇甘愿认亲, 并一举戳穿阎桂花的阴谋。
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