MABEL, EDITH, KATE, and ISABEL (General Stanley's Daughters)RUTH (a Pirate Maid of all Work)Chorus of Pirates, Police, and General Stanley's Daughters ACT IA rocky sea-shore on the coast of CornwallACT IIA ruined chapel by moonlight First produced at the Op-ra Comique on April 3, 1880ACT I(Scene.-A rocky seashore on the coast of Cornwall.In the distance is a calm sea, on which a schooner is lying at anchor.
Rock L.sloping down to L.C.of stage.Under these rocks is a cavern, the entrance to which is seen at first entrance L.Anatural arch of rock occupies the R.C.of the stage.As the curtain rises groups of pirates are discovered -- some drinking, some playing cards.SAMUEL, the Pirate Lieutenant, is going from one group to another, filling the cups from a flask.FREDERIC is seated in a despondent attitude at the back of the scene.RUTHkneels at his feet.)OPENING CHORUS
ALL: Pour, O pour the pirate sherry;Fill, O fill the pirate glass;
And, to make us more than merry Let the pirate bumper pass.
SAMUEL: For today our pirate 'prentice Rises from indentures freed;Strong his arm, and keen his scent is He's a pirate now indeed!
ALL: Here's good luck to Fred'ric's ventures!
Fred'ric's out of his indentures.
SAMUEL: Two and twenty, now he's rising, And alone he's fit to fly, Which we're bent on signalizing With unusual revelry.
ALL: Here's good luck to Fred'ric's ventures!
Fred'ric's out of his indentures.
Pour, O pour the pirate sherry;
Fill, O fill the pirate glass;
And, to make us more than merry Let the pirate bumper pass.
(FREDERIC rises and comes forward with PIRATE KING, who enters)KING: Yes, Frederic, from to-day you rank as a full-blown member of our band.
ALL: Hurrah!
FREDERIC: My friends, I thank you all, from my heart, for your kindly wishes.Would that I could repay them as they deserve!
KING: What do you mean?
FREDERIC: To-day I am out of my indentures, and to-day I leave you for ever.
KING: But this is quite unaccountable; a keener hand at scuttling a Cunarder or cutting out a White Star never shipped a handspike.
FREDERIC: Yes, I have done my best for you.And why? It was my duty under my indentures, and I am the slave of duty.
As a child I was regularly apprenticed to your band.
It was through an error -- no matter, the mistake was ours, not yours, and I was in honour bound by it.
SAMUEL: An error? What error? (RUTH rises and comes forward)FREDERIC: I may not tell you; it would reflect upon my well-loved Ruth.
RUTH: Nay, dear master, my mind has long been gnawed by the cankering tooth of mystery.Better have it out at once.
RUTH: When Frederic was a little lad he proved so brave and daring, His father thought he'd 'prentice him to some career seafaring.
I was, alas! his nurs'rymaid, and so it fell to my lot To take and bind the promising boy apprentice to a pilot --A life not bad for a hardy lad, though surely not a high lot, Though I'm a nurse, you might do worse than make your boy a pilot.
I was a stupid nurs'rymaid, on breakers always steering, And I did not catch the word aright, through being hard of hearing;Mistaking my instructions, which within my brain did gyrate, I took and bound this promising boy apprentice to a pirate.
A sad mistake it was to make and doom him to a vile lot.
I bound him to a pirate -- you! -- instead of to a pilot.
I soon found out, beyond all doubt, the scope of this disaster, But I hadn't the face to return to my place, and break it to my master.
A nurs'rymaid is not afraid of what you people call work, So I made up my mind to go as a kind of piratical maid-of-all-work.
And that is how you find me now, a member of your shy lot, Which you wouldn't have found, had he been bound apprentice to a pilot.
RUTH: Oh, pardon! Frederic, pardon! (Kneels)FREDERIC: Rise, sweet one, I have long pardoned you.(Ruth rises)RUTH: The two words were so much alike!
FREDERIC: They were.They still are, though years have rolled over their heads.But this afternoon my obligation ceases.Individually, I love you all with affection unspeakable; but, collectively, I look upon you with a disgust that amounts to absolute detestation.Oh! pity me, my beloved friends, for such is my sense of duty that, once out of my indentures, I shall feel myself bound to devote myself heart and soul to your extermination!
ALL: Poor lad -- poor lad! (All weep)KING: Well, Frederic, if you conscientiously feel that it is your duty to destroy us, we cannot blame you for acting on that conviction.Always act in accordance with the dictates of your conscience, my boy, and chance the consequences.
SAMUEL: Besides, we can offer you but little temptation to remain with us.We don't seem to make piracy pay.I'm sure I don't know why, but we don't.
FREDERIC: I know why, but, alas! I mustn't tell you; it wouldn't be right.
KING: Why not, my boy? It's only half-past eleven, and you are one of us until the clock strikes twelve.
SAMUEL: True, and until then you are bound to protect our interests.
ALL: Hear, hear!
FREDERIC: Well, then, it is my duty, as a pirate, to tell you that you are too tender-hearted.For instance, you make a point of never attacking a weaker party than yourselves, and when you attack a stronger party you invariably get thrashed.
KING: There is some truth in that.
FREDERIC: Then, again, you make a point of never molesting an orphan!
SAMUEL: Of course: we are orphans ourselves, and know what it is.
FREDERIC: Yes, but it has got about, and what is the consequence?
Every one we capture says he's an orphan.The last three ships we took proved to be manned entirely by orphans, and so we had to let them go.One would think that Great Britain's mercantile navy was recruited solely from her orphan asylums -- which we know is not the case.
SAMUEL: But, hang it all! you wouldn't have us absolutely merciless?
FREDERIC: There's my difficulty; until twelve o'clock I would, after twelve I wouldn't.Was ever a man placed in so delicate a situation?
RUTH: And Ruth, your own Ruth, whom you love so well, and who has won her middle-aged way into your boyish heart, what is to become of her?